Most cost-effective GAE app settings? - google-app-engine

A GAE python webapp I got splits its cost about evenly into 1) front instances and 2) data reads. What I can think of reducing the costs for data reads is store more items with memcache. But I don't know how to reduce costs for the front instances. I'm using the F1 setting, how do I know whether other setting increase or decrease the cost? What happens if I enable the PageSpeed service?

About PageSpeed Service cost:
At this time, the service is being offered to a limited set of webmasters free of charge.
Have a look for more information here. But on the other hand there is an article (Enabling PageSpeed Optimization Service) in docs that says this:
There is a small fee for using PageSpeed ($0.39 per gigabyte of bandwidth in addition to regular bandwidth charges)...
About lowering front end instance costs you could have a smaller number of idle Instances as that reduces costs.

Definitely use Memcache extensively and take care to keep cache in sync with Datastore.
Slightly increasing the Pending Latency makes AppEngine hold off spawning additional server instances for a short while. If your site throughput is low to medium, the impact on performance should be negligible. On the other hand, the cost savings might also be negligible. It will not hurt to give it a try.


Is there a good ratio for Front End Hours to Datastore Reads?

My app has two main costs the Front End Hours and the Datastore Read Ops. The cost ratio is about 1:1, i.e. a typical day will have $100 in Front End hours and $100 in read operations.
Is there an ideal ratio between these services? Obviously this is code dependent but I'm wondering if my ratio raises red flags on its own.
If you're asking because of cost concern then I've found in 80%+ cases you could always benefit from more caching.
If the data being read from the datastore doesn't change that often then I would say that your costs are on the high end for datastore reads. I would advise you to improve your memcache usage, especially since the free tier usage of memcache on Google Cloud is extremely lenient.
If the data being read from the datastore changes a lot daily then I would expect the costs to be more or less equal, but even still you should be able to bring that down with a proper caching strategy.
There is no such thing as ratio between Front End hours to Datastore Reads.
If your queries are heavy, lets all you do is search your DB, your Datastore Reads will be huge.
At the same time if you cache your data properly you can minimize your Datastore Reads.

Use Google Cloud Functions to speed up GAE app

I have a GAE standard Python app that does some fairly computational processing. I need to complete the processing within the 60 second request time limit, and ideally I'd like to do it faster for a better user experience.
Splitting the work to multiple threads don't seem to be a good solution because the threads would likely run on the same CPU and thus wouldn't give a speed up.
I was wondering if Google Cloud Functions (GCF) could be used in a similar manner as threads. For example, if I create a GCF to do the processing, split my work into 10 chunks, and make 10 GCF calls in parallel, can I expect to get results 10x faster? (aside from latency and GCF startup costs)
Each function invocation runs in its own server instance, and a function will scale up to 1000 instances to handle concurrent requests in parallel. So yes, you can do this, if you are willing to potentially pay the cold start cost of each server instance as it's allocated for its first request.
If you're able to split the workload in smaller chunks that you'd be launching in parallel via separate (external) requests I'd suspect you'd get a better performance (and cost) by using GAE itself (maybe in a separate service) instead of CFs:
GAE standard environment instances can have higher CPU speeds - a B8 instance has 4.8 GHz, the max CF CPU speed is 2.4 GHz
you have better control over the GAE scaling configuration and starting time penalties
I suspect networking delays would be at least the same if not better on GAE - not going to another product infra (unsure though)
GAE costs would likely be smaller since you pay per instance hours (regardless of how many requests the instance handles) not per request/invocations

How to configure App Engine for minimal cost?

I'm doing a prototype backend and in the near future I expect little traffic but while testing I consumed all my 300$ free trail.
How can I configure my app to consume the least possible resources? I need things like limiting the number of instances to 1, using a cheap machine, sleep whenever possible, I've read something about Client vs Backend intances.
With time I'll learn the config that best suits me, but now I need the CHEAPEST config to get going.
BTW: I am using managed-vms with Dart.
I've been recommended to configure my app.yaml file, what options would you recommend to confront this issue?
There are two train of thought for your issue.
1) Optimization of code: This is very difficult for us as we are not privy to your App's usage and client-base and architecture. In general, it depends on what Google App Engine product you use the most, for example: Datastore API call (fetch, write, delete... etc...), BigQuery and Cloud SQL. Even after optimization, you can still incur a lot of cost depending on traffic.
2) Enforcing cheap operation: This is easier and I think this is what you want. You can manually enforce a daily budget (in your billing setup page) so the App never cost more than a certain amount per day. You can also artificially lower the maximum amount of idling instances to 0 and use the smallest instance possible (F1 for frontend).
For pricing details see this article -
If you use managed VM -- you'll be billed for Compute Engine Instance prices, not for App Engine Instances, and, as I know, the minimum possible instance to use as Managed VM is "g1-small" which costs you $0.023 per hour full sustained usage (if it will be turned on all month), so you minimum bill will be 0.023 * 24 * 30 = $16.56 only for instance hours. Excluding disk and traffic. With minimum amount of datastore operations you may stay on free quota.
Every application consumes resources differently. To minimize your cost, you need to know what resources used the majority of your expenses and go from there.
If it is spent on extra instances that were just sitting there - then trim the number of instances to the minimum required and use a lower class instance. If you are seeing a lot of expense on datastore calls - then look at optimizing your entities and take advantage of memcache.
Lowest Cost for a simple app:
Use App Engine Standard. It scales to zero instances, so will not cost anything if there is no traffic. With App Engine Flex you will pay for the instance hours and the Flex (GCE) instances are bigger.
Use autoscaling with max instances, F1 instance class:
With autoscaling you do not need to guess how many instances you need. F1 are the smallest instances. Set the max instances in case you get DoS'd or more traffic than you can afford.
Stop Instances:
You can stop the App Engine versions when you do not expect the app to be used. The will be no charge for instance hours for either Standard or Flex. For Flex there will be disk charges. The app will be ready to go when you need it again.
App Engine Version Cleanup:
Versions are easy to create and harder to remove. Here is a post on project cleanup. See this post on App Engine cleanup

How to estimate hosting services cost on GAE?

I'm building a system which I plan to deploy on Google App Engine. Current pricing is described here:
Google App Engine - Pricing and Features
I need an estimate of cost per client managed by the webapp. The cost won't be very accurate until I have completed the development. GAE uses such fine grained price calculation such as READs and WRITEs that it becomes a very daunting task to estimate operation cost per user.
I have an agile dev. process which leaves me even more clueless in determining my cost. I've been exploiting my users stories to create a cost baseline per user story. Then I roughly estimate how will the user execute each story workflow to finally compute a simplistic estimation.
As I see it, computing estimates for Datastore API is overly complex for a startup project. The other costs are a bit easier to grasp. Unfortunately, I need to give an approximate cost to my manager!
Has anyone undergone such a task? Any pointers would be great, regarding tools, examples, or any other related information.
Thank you.
Yes, it is possible to do cost estimate analysis for app engine applications. Based on my experience, the three major areas of cost that I encountered while doing my analysis are the instance hour cost, the datastore read/write cost, and the datastore stored data cost.
YMMV based on the type of app that you are developing, of course. If it is an intense OLTP application that handle simple-but-frequent CRUD to your data records, most of the cost would be on the datastore read/write operations, so I would suggest to start your estimate on this resource.
For datastore read/write, the cost for writing is generally much more expensive than the cost for reading the data. This is because write cost take into account not only the cost to write the entity, but also to write all the indexes associated with the entity. I would suggest you to read an article by Google about the life of a datastore write, especially the part about Apply Phase, to understand how to calculate the number of write per entity based on your data model.
To do an estimate of instance hours that you would need, the simplest approach (but not always feasible) would be to deploy a simple app to test how long would a particular request took. If this approach is undesirable, you might also base your estimate on the Google App Engine System Status page (e.g. what would be the latency for a datastore write for a particularly sized entity) to get a (very) rough picture on how long would it take to process your request.
The third major area of cost, in my opinion, is the datastore stored data cost. This would vary based on your data model, of course, but any estimate you made need to also take into account the storage that would be taken by the entity indexes. Taking a quick glance on the datastore statistic page, I think the indexes could increase the storage size between 40% to 400%, depending on how many index you have for the particular entity.
Remember that most costs are an estimation of real costs. The definite source of truth is here:
A good tool to estimate your cost for Appengine is this awesome Chrome Extension: "App Engine Offline Statistics Estimator".
You can also check out the AppStats package (to infer costs from within the app via API).
Official Appengine Pricing
AppStats for Python
AppStats for Java
Online Estimator (OSE) Chrome Extension
You can use the pricing calculator

Is app engine more expensive when it's slower?

There have been quite a few occasions recently when app engine appears to run slower. To some degree that's understandable with the architecture of their cloud platform. I'm not talking about new server instances - just requests to warm servers. I'm also just referring to CPU, not datastore API, but I do wonder about that as well.
It seems that during these slow periods I get a lot more yellow warnings on my requests - saying I am using a lot of CPU. Certainly they take longer to complete during this period. What concerns me is that during these slow periods, my billable CPU seems to go up.
So to be clear - when app engine is fast, a request might complete in 100ms. In a slow period, it might take more than 1s for the same request. Same URI, same caching, same processing path, same datastore, same indexes - much more CPU. The yellow warnings, as I understand it, are referring to billable CPU usage, and there's many more of them when app engine is slower.
This seems to set up a bizarre situation where my app costs more to run when app engine performance is worse. This means google makes more money the more poorly the platform performs (up to the point where it fails or customers leave). Maybe I've got the situation all wrong, and it doesn't work like that - but if it does work like that, then as a customer the pressures and balances there are all wrong. That's not intimating any wrong-doing on google's part - just that the relationships between those two things don't seem right.
It almost seems like google's algorithm goes something like - 'If I give a processing job to a CPU and start my watch, then stop it when the job returns I get the billable CPU figure.' i.e. it doesn't measure CPU work at all. Surely that time should be divided by the number of processing jobs being concurrently executed plus some extra to cover the additional context switching. I'm sure that stuff is hard to measure - perhaps that's the reason.
I guess you could argue it is fair that you pay more when app engine is in high demand, but that makes budgeting close to impossible - you can't generate stats like '100 users costs me $1 a day', because that could change for a whole host of reasons - including app engine onboarding more customers than the infrastructure can realistically handle. If google over-subscribes app engine then all customers pay more - it's another relationship that doesn't sound right. Surely google's costs should go down as they onboard more customers, and those customers use more resources - based on economies of scale.
Should I expect two identical requests in my app to cost me roughly the same amount each time they run - regardless of how much wall-time app engine takes to actually complete them? Have I misunderstood how this works? If I haven't, is there a reason why I shouldn't be worried about it in the long term? Is there some documentation which makes this situation clearer? Cheers,
It would be more complicated, but they could change the billing algorithm to be a function of load. Or perhaps they could normalize the CPU measurements based on the performance of similar calls in the past.
I agree that this presents problems for the developers.
Yes this is true. It is a bummer. It also takes them over a second to start up my Java application (which I was billed for) every time they decided my site was in low demand, and didn't need the resources.
I ended up using a cron to auto ping my site every minute to keep it warm.. doing all the wasted work made my bill cheaper, as it didn't have the startup time, instead it just had lots of 2ms pings...
This question appears old and I think the pricing scheme must have changed...
The Google App Engine charges for "instance hours" and the instances currently spawned are viewable in the GAE console. And Google provides adjustments so you can decide cost vs latency for your app.
I did noticed that if the front-end is bogged down hitting a common backend resource that GAE will spawn a bunch of instances to get latency down. And you will pay for those instance hours even though latency/throughput doesn't improve. The adjustments I mentioned seem to help with that.
