Bizarre memory issue? - c

I'm having an interesting problem, which I hope is entirely my fault.
I have code which is reading from a queue, as in:
do {
evt = &newevts[ evt_head++ ];
evt_head &= MAX_EVENTS;
if (evt->index <= 0 || evt->index > MAX_INDEX) {
printf("RX EVENT BAD NDX: ndx=%d h=%d\n",evt->index, evt_head);
//... etc ...
} while(evt_head != evt_tail) ;
The bizarre issue is the if statement can evaluate to evt->index being a bad value, but when the printf displays it shows a perfectly valid value! Example:
RX EVENT BAD NDX: ndx=1 h=64
The if statement clearly shows the condition must be <= 0 OR > 1024 (max index). To make matters worse, this only occurs once in a while. I'm using GCC, Centos 6.3. No threads touch evt_head except this thread. (I've renamed it a few times and re-compiled just to be sure.)
The tail is handled by a function which adds items to the queue in the same manner the head removes them (increment then AND). I have also added a counter inside the event structure itself to record the head/tail values as events are placed into the queue and find no lost or skipped values. It literally looks as though I'm getting some bad memory reads. But that's ridiculous - I'd expect system crashes or at least program crashes if that was the case.
Any ideas on how in the world this could be happening sporadically? (Frequency is about 1 out of 100 reads) I appreciate any input!
typedef struct {
int index;
int event;
#define MAX_EVENTS 0x01ff
#define MAX_INDEX 1024
No threads or other code touches evt_head. Only this loop. The queue is never anywhere near full. I also happen to have a "SPIN LOCK" on entry to the routine which adds to the queue (in preparation for it being other-thread-accessed later), and an UNLOCK on exit.

My guess is that the function adding events to your tail will change evt_tail before writing the index field. This allows your reader to access an event that is still in the process of being written.


Why does thread not recognize change of a flag?

I have a strange situation under C/Visual Studio on a Windows 7 platform. There is a problem from time to time and I spent a lot of time to find it. The problem is within a third party library, for which I have the complete code. There a thread is created (the printLog statements are from myself):
plafParams->eventThreadFlag = 2;
printLog("before CreateThread");
if (plafParams->hReadThread_p = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ) plafPortReadThread, ( void * ) dlmsInstance, 0,
&plafParams->portReadThreadID) )
printLog("after CreateThread: OK");
plafParams->eventThreadFlag = 3;
unsigned int lasterr = GetLastError();
printLog("error CreateThread, last error:%x", lasterr);
/* Could not create the read thread. */
return FAILURE;
The thread function is:
void *plafPortReadThread(DLMS_GLOBALS *dlmsInstance)
PLAF_PARAMS *plafParams;
plafParams = (PLAF_PARAMS *)(dlmsInstance->plafParams);
printLog("start - plafPortReadThread, plafParams->eventThreadFlag=%x", plafParams->eventThreadFlag);
while ((plafParams->eventThreadFlag != 1) && (plafParams->eventThreadFlag != 3))
if (plafParams->eventThreadFlag == 0)
printLog("exit 1 - plafPortReadThread, plafParams->eventThreadFlag=%x", plafParams->eventThreadFlag);
plafFree((void **)&plafParams);
printLog("start - plafPortReadThread, proceed=%d", proceed);
Now, when the flag is set before the while loop is started within the thread, everything works OK:
start - plafPortReadThread, plafParams->eventThreadFlag=3
But sometimes the thread is quick enough so the while loop is started before the flag is actually set within the outer part.
The output is then:
start - plafPortReadThread, plafParams->eventThreadFlag=2
Most surprisingly the while loop doesn't exit, even after the flag has been set to 3.
It seems, that the compiler "optimizes" the flag and assumes, that it cannot be changed from outside.
What could be the problem? I'm really surprised. Or is there something else I have overseen completely? I know, that the code is not very elegant and that such things should better be done with semaphores or signals. But it is not my code and I want to change as little as possible.
After removing the whole while condition it works as expected.
Should I change the struct or its fields to volatile ? Everybody says, that volatile is useless in our days and not needed anymore, except in the case, where a memory location is changed by peripherals...
Prior to C11 this is totally platform-dependent, because the effect you are observing is due to the memory model used by your platform. This is different from a compiler optimization as synchronization points between threads require the compiler to insert barrier instructions, instead of, e.g., making something a constant. For C11 for section 7.17.3 specifies the different models. So your value is not optimized out statically, thread A just never reads the value thread B wrote, but still has its local value.
In practice many projects don't use C11 yet, and thus you will likely have to check the documentation of your platform. Note that in many cases you don't have to modify the type of the variable for the flag (in case you can't). Most memory models specify synchronization points that also forbid reordering of certain instructions, i.e. in:
int x = 3;
_Atomic int a = 1;
x = 5;
a = 2;
the compiler will often have to ensure that x has the value 3 when a has the value 1, and that when a is assigned the value 2, x will have the value 5. volatile does not participate in this relationship (in the C/C++ 11 models - often confused because it does participate in Java's happened-before), and is mostly useless, unless your writes should never be optimized out because they have side-effects such as a LED blinking which the compiler can't understand:
volatile int x = 1; // some special location - blink then clear
x = 1; // blink then clear
x = 1; // blink then clear

Reading from queue delivers always wrong value

Here is my problem:
I'm using FreeRTOS with the Cortex-M3 MCU. I have an ISR called EXTI15_10, which
is trigger during a rising edge on the pins EXTI_Line10, EXTI_Line11..etc.
Within the ISR I set the variable "status" to some specified value and before leaving the ISR
I put the variable status in a queue and send it to my thread. That works fine.
The thread is periodically called and calls the function
xQueuePeek() to get the item from the queue. Note xQueuePeek()
gets the item from the queue without removing it from the queue.
This works fine too, but I only receive the correct value once.
That means, the interrupt is generated, status is set to a value and put in the
queue, threads reads the correct value. But all the next interrupts
set status correctly(I checked it before putting the item in the queue), but my
thread reads always the old value. Do I have here a problem with compiler
optimization and volatile? xQueueSendFromISR(), expects as second argument
a const void * and not volatile void *. What I'm doing wrong here?
The ISR:
void EXTI15_10_IRQHandler()
portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
int status;
if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line10))
status = 100;
else if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line11))
status = 200
else if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line12))
status = 300;
else if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line13))
status = 400;
else if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line14))
status = 500;
else if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line15))
status = 600;
// Clear the pending interrupt bits
xQueueSendFromISR(queue, &status, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
The thread:
static void thread_xy()
portTickType xLastExecutionTime;
xLastExecutionTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
int status_from_queue = 0;
for (;;) {
xLastExecutionTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastExecutionTime, CHECK_AND_ENABLE_LEDS_DELAY);
if (queue != 0) {
if (xQueuePeek(queue, &status_from_queue, portMAX_DELAY))
// Received item from queue...
print("Status from queue = %d\n", status_from_queue);
If you're only ever peeking at the queue then, yes, you'll always get the same value, simply because you're leaving it there. A queue is a first-in-first-out data structure but, in order to get at the second value in the queue, you generally have to remove the first.
Consider the following sequence:
initial state queue = { }
interrupt adds 7 queue = { 7 }
application peeks (7) queue = { 7 }
interrupt adds 42 queue = { 7, 42 }
application peeks (7) queue = { 7, 42 }
interrupt adds 314159 queue = { 7, 42, 314159 }
application peeks (7) queue = { 7, 42, 314159 }
If you want to extract a value from the queue and use it, you need to get it instead of peeking at it. Without that, the queue will also eventually fill up.
I should also mention that there may be a race condition here that may well cause you problems. If your application is halfway to modifying the queue (by getting a value out of it) when an interrupt arrives, you're going to end up in all sorts of troubles since the queue will not be in a consistent state.
You need a way to stop (or, better, delay) the interrupt while the queue may be in an inconsistent state. That may be as simple as disabling interrupts while your application is modifying it (or it may require far more complex code if, for example, you're on a multi-processor system).
Of course, the xQueuePeek() (and other associated) code may already do that since you have an xQueueSendFromISR() which seems to indicate that such protection would already be part of the queueing implementation. I'm just raising that as something to watch out for.

Using hardware timer in C

Okay, so I've got some C code to perform a mathematical operation which could, pretty much, take any length of time (depending on the operands supplied to it, of course). I was wondering if there is a way to register some kind of method which will be called every n seconds which can analyse the state of the operation, i.e. what iteration it is currently at, possibly using a hardware timer interrupt or something?
The reason I ask this is because I know the common way to implement this is to be keeping track of the current iteration in a variable; say, an integer called progress and have an IF statement like this in the code:
if ((progress % 10000) == 0)
printf("Currently at iteration %d\n", progress);
but I believe that a mod operation takes a relatively long time to execute, so the idea of having it inside a loop which will be ran many, many times scares me, from an optimisation point of view.
So I get the feeling that having an external way of signalling a progress print is nice and efficient. Are there any great ways to perform this, or is the simple 'mod check' the best (in terms of optimising)?
I'd go with the mod check, but maybe with subtractions instead :-)
icount = 0;
progress = 10000;
/* ... */
if (--progress == 0) {
progress = 10000;
printf("Currently at iteration %d0000\n", ++icount);
/* ... */
While mod operations are usually slow, the compiler should be able to optimize and predict this really well and only mis-predict once ever 10'000 ifs, burning one mod operation and ~20 cycles (for the mis-prediction) on it, which is fine. So you are trying to optimize one mod operation every 10'000 iterations. Of course this assumes you are running it on a modern and typical CPU, and not some embedded system with unknown specs. This should even be faster than having a counter variable.
Suggestion: Test it with and without the timing code, and figure out a complex solution if there is really a problem.
Premature optimisation is the root of all evil. -Knuth
mod is about the same speed as division, on most CPU's these days that means about 5-10 cycles... in other words hardly anything, slower than multiply/add/subtract, but not enough to really worry about.
However you are right to want to avoid sting in a loop spinning if you're doing work in another thread or something like that, if you're on a unixish system there's timer_create() or on linux the much easier to use timerfd_create()
But for single threaded, just putting that if in is enough.
Use alarm setitimer to raise SIGALRM signals at regular intervals.
struct itimerval interval;
void handler( int x ) {
write( STDOUT_FILENO, ".", 1 ); /* Defined in POSIX, not in C */
int main() {
signal( SIGALRM, &handler );
interval.it_value.tv_sec = 5; /* display after 5 seconds */
interval.it_interval.tv_sec = 5; /* then display every 5 seconds */
setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &interval, NULL );
/* do computations */
interval.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; /* don't display progress any more */
setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &interval, NULL );
printf( "\n" ); /* done with the dots! */
Note, only a smattering of functions are OK to call inside handler. They are listed partway down this page. If you want to communicate anything for a fancier printout, do it through a sig_atomic_t variable.
you could have a global variable for the iterations, which you could monitor from an external thread.
While () {
You may need to watch out for data races though.

Is this a good implementation of a FPS independant game loop?

I currently have something close to the following implementation of a FPS independent game loop for physics based games. It works very well on just about every computer I have tested it on, keeping the game speed consistent when frame rate drops. However I am going to be porting to embedded devices which will likely struggle harder with video and I am wondering if it will still cut the mustard.
For this question assume that msecs() returns the time passed in milliseconds which the program has run. The implementation of msecs is different on different platforms. This loop is also run in different ways on different platforms.
#define MSECS_PER_STEP 20
int stepCount, stepSize; // these are not globals in the real source
void loop() {
int i,j;
int iterations =0;
static int accumulator; // the accumulator holds extra msecs
static int lastMsec;
int deltatime = msec() - lastMsec;
lastMsec = msec();
// deltatime should be the time since the last call to loop
if (deltatime != 0) {
// iterations determines the number of steps which are needed
iterations = deltatime/MSECS_PER_STEP;
// save any left over millisecs in the accumulator
accumulator += deltatime%MSECS_PER_STEP;
// when the accumulator has gained enough msecs for a step...
while (accumulator >= MSECS_PER_STEP) {
accumulator -= MSECS_PER_STEP;
handleInput(); // gathers user input from an event queue
for (j=0; j<iterations; j++) {
// here step count is a way of taking a more granular step
// without effecting the overall speed of the simulation (step size)
for (i=0; i<stepCount; i++) {
doStep(stepSize/(float) stepCount); // forwards the sim
I just have a few comments. The first is that you don't have enough comments. There are places where it's not clear what you are trying to do so it is difficult to say if there is a better way to do it, but I'll point those out as I come to them. First, though:
#define MSECS_PER_STEP 20
int stepCount, stepSize; // these are not globals in the real source
void loop() {
int i,j;
int iterations =0;
static int accumulator; // the accumulator holds extra msecs
static int lastMsec;
These are not initialized to anything. The probably turn up as 0, but you should have initialized them. Also, rather than declaring them as static you might want to consider putting them in a structure that you pass into loop by reference.
int deltatime = msec() - lastMsec;
Since lastMsec wasn't (initialized and is probably 0) this probably starts out as a big delta.
lastMsec = msec();
This line, just like the last line, calls msec. This is probably meant as "the current time", and these calls are close enough that the returned value is probably the same for both calls, which is probably also what you expected, but still, you call the function twice. You should change these lines to int now = msec(); int deltatime = now - lastMsec; lastMsec = now; to avoid calling this function twice. Current time getting functions often have much higher overhead than you think.
if (deltatime != 0) {
iterations = deltatime/MSECS_PER_STEP;
accumulator += deltatime%MSECS_PER_STEP;
You should have a comment here that says what this does, as well as a comment above
that says what the variables were meant to mean.
while (accumulator >= MSECS_PER_STEP) {
accumulator -= MSECS_PER_STEP;
This loop needs a comment. It also needs to not be there. It appears that it could have been replaced with iterations += accumulator/MSECS_PER_STEP; accumulator %= MSECS_PER_STEP;. The division and modulus should run in shorter and more consistent time than the loop on any machine that has hardware division (which many do).
handleInput(); // gathers user input from an event queue
for (j=0; j<iterations; j++) {
for (i=0; i<stepCount; i++) {
doStep(stepSize/(float) stepCount); // forwards the sim
Doing steps in a loop independent of input will have the effect of making the game unresponsive if it does execute slow and get behind. It appears, at least, that if the game gets behind all of the input will start to stack up and get executed together and all of the in-game time will pass in one chunk. This is a less than graceful way to fail.
Additionally, I can guess what the j loop (outer loop) means, but the inner loop I am less clear on. also, the value passed to the doStep function -- what does that mean.
This is the last curly brace. I think that it looks lonely.
I don't know what goes on as far as whatever calls your loop function, which may be out of your control, and that may dictate what this function does and how it looks, but if not I hope that you will reconsider the structure. I believe that a better way to do it would be to have a function that is called repeatedly but with only one event at the time (issued regularly at a relatively short period). These events can be either user input events or timer events. User input events just set things up to react upon the next timer event. (when you don't have any events to process you sleep)
You should always assume that each timer event is processed at the same period, even though there may be some drift here if the processing gets behind. The main oddity that you may notice here is that if the game gets behind on processing timer events and then catches up again the time within the game may appear to slow down (below real time), then speed up (to real time), and then slow back down (to real time).
Ways to deal with this include only allowing one timer event to be in the event queue at one time, which would result in time appearing to slow down (below real time) and then speed back up (to real time) with no super speed interval.
Another way to do this, which is functionally similar to what you have, would be to have the last step of processing each timer event be to queue up the next timer event (note that no one else should send timer events {except for the first one} if this is the way you choose to implement the game). This would mean doing away with the regular time intervals between timer events and also restrict the ability for the program to sleep, since at the very least every time the event queue were inspected there would be a timer event to process.

Does this sound like a stack overflow?

I think I might be having a stack overflow problem or something similar in my embedded firmware code. I am a new programmer and have never dealt with a SO so I'm not sure if that is what's happening or not.
The firmware controls a device with a wheel that has magnets evenly spaced around it and the board has a hall effect sensor that senses when magnet is over it. My firmware operates the stepper and also count steps while monitoring the magnet sensor in order to detect if the wheel has stalled.
I am using a timer interrupt on my chip (8 bit, 8057 acrh.) to set output ports to control the motor and for the stall detection. The stall detection code looks like this...
// Enter ISR
// Change the ports to the appropriate value for the next step
// ...
StallDetector++; // Increment the stall detector
if(PosSensor != LastPosMagState)
StallDetector = 0;
LastPosMagState = PosSensor;
if (PosSensor == ON)
if (StallDetector > (MagnetSize + 10))
else if (PosSensor == OFF)
if (StallDetector > (GapSize + 10))
this code is called every time the ISR is triggered. PosSensor is the magnet sensor. MagnetSize is the number of stepper steps that it takes to get through the magnet field. GapSize is the number of steps between two magnets. So I want to detect if the wheel gets stuck either with the sensor over a magnet or not over a magnet.
This works great for a long time but then after a while the first stall event will occur because 'StallDetector > (MagnetSize + 10)' but when I look at the value of StallDetector it is always around 220! This doesn't make sense because MagnetSize is always around 35. So the stall event should have been triggered at like 46 but somehow it got all the way up to 220? And I don't set the value of stall detector anywhere else in my code.
Do you have any advice on how I can track down the root of this problem?
The ISR looks like this
void Timer3_ISR(void) interrupt 14
OperateStepper(); // This is the function shown above
TMR3CN &= ~0x80; // Clear Timer3 interrupt flag
HandleStallEvent just sets a few variable back to their default values so that it can attempt another move...
#pragma save
#pragma nooverlay
void HandleStallEvent()
PulseMotor = 0; //Stop the wheel from moving
SetMotorPower(0); //Set motor power low
MotorSpeed = LOW_SPEED;
StallDetector = 0;
#pragma restore
Is PosSensor volatile? That is, do you update PosSensor somewhere, or is it directly reading a GPIO?
I assume GapSize is rather large (> 220?) It sounds to me like you might have a race condition.
// PosSensor == OFF, LastPosMagState == OFF
if(PosSensor != LastPosMagState)
StallDetector = 0;
LastPosMagState = PosSensor;
// Race Condition: PosSensor turns ON here
// while LastPosMagState still == OFF
if (PosSensor == ON)
if (StallDetector > (MagnetSize + 10))
else if (PosSensor == OFF)
if (StallDetector > (GapSize + 10))
You should cache the value of PosSensor once, right after doing StallDetector++, so that in the event PosSensor changes during your code, you don't start testing the new value.
This is definitely not stack overflow. If you blew the stack (overflowed it) your application would simply crash. This sounds more like something we used to call memory stomping in my C++ days. You may not be accessing the memory location that the StallDetector value occupies via StallDetector variable alone. There may be another part of your code "stomping" this particular memory location erroneously.
Unfortunately, this kind of issue is very hard to track down. About the only thing you could do is systematically isolate (remove from execution) chunks of your code until you narrow down and find the bug.
Do you have nest ISRs on your system? Could be something along the lines of start your ISR and increment your count, then interrupt it and do it again. Do this enough times and your interrupt stack can overflow. It could also explain such a high counter variable as well.
Does HandleStallEvent() "look at" StallDetector within the ISR or does it trigger something on the main loop? If it's on the main loop, are you clearing the interrupt bit?
Or are you looking at StallDetector from a debugger outside the ISR? Then a retriggered interrupt would use the correct value each time, but execute too many times, and you would only see the final, inflated value.
On second thought, more likely you don't have to clear an interrupt-generating register, but rather the interrupt pin is remaining asserted by the sensor. You need to ignore the interrupt after it's first handled until the line deasserts, such as by having the original ISR disable itself and and reinstall it in a second ISR which handles the 1->0 transition.
You might then also need to add debouncing hardware or adjust it if you have it.
Check your parameter types. If you defined the parameters in a way different than the caller expects then calling your method could overwrite the space that variable is stored in. (For instance if you wrote the function expecting an int but it is pushing a long onto the stack.)
You could see what additional options your debugger supports. In Visual Studio, for example, it is possible to set a "data breakpoint", where you break when a memory location changes (or is set to a certain value, or above a threshold, ...).
If something like this is possible in your case, you could see where the data is changed and if there is someone else writing to the memory erroneously.
