Does IAP completes when download fails in IAP Hosted Content? - ios6

I am using the new hosted content option in iOS6.
My question is - Does Apple charge the user even if the download fails ?
Or in other words do I need to let the user repurchase the product or just download it again ?

First, the user is charged for the purchase and afterwards, he can download your hosted content.


You currently do not have a developer account in QBO

I am trying to obtain my production keys for my QBO app following the steps in this link
However, when I try to start the "App Assessment Questionnaire", I get the error message below:
You currently do not have a developer account, please click here to complete setting up your developer account. Once that is complete you will be able to access the help pages.
This is what I see, and I DO have a developer account. It won't let me continue.
Please help!
I see this error in the address bar:
I tried creating a brand new account, a new app, on a different PC and the same thing happened. So this is not a cache issue.
Created 2 support tickets for this issue
I had to use a different account to access the help site
I've the same issue since Friday (02/18) and spent hours to figure out what's the problem.
tried from different browsers and different IP addresses
made a brand new developer account to test with it
had a 1+ hour chat session with QB support (but not developer support)
sent an email to an address received from the chat assistant
sent a feedback at
According to the browser's developer tools:
the Start questionnaire button opens this URL:
then it redirects to:
finally, SSO to salesforce fails and it redirects back to:**ErrorCode=ERROR_CREATING_USER&ErrorDescription=License+Limit+Exceeded**+-+Customer+Community+Login&ProviderId=xxxxxx&startURL=%2Fs%2Fquestionnaire%3Fapp%yyyyyyyyyyyyy
So, it seems to be, QB have reached a license limit at salesforce, which prevents new logins to create and the questionnaire from to load.
And the funny part is: the same thing happens, when I tried to create a support ticket and used the "Ask a question" button at
Which means, I can't start the questionnaire and can't start a ticket about the error either.
I guess, if QB developer accounts whom created support tickets previously or started the questionnarie before the license limit has been reached, they have have a SSO login account at salesforce and able to fill in the form or start new support tickets, but others are stuck because of the license limit.
If somebody have a working QB developer account and able to start a support ticket, please do it, and link this page in it.
Or maybe, we should contact salesforce support to let QB know about the license limit.
I'll give it a try.
This seems to have been fixed. I tried running the questionaire and it worked.
I have also been having this problem the last several days and had the same lack of success with QB support. The URL callback error I see is:
I don't see anywhere I can sign a TOS in my account page - it's possible that in fact QBO hasn't signed a TOS with Salesforce. What a joke.

Eclipse send build to our old account after we change it

for technical reasons we need to change our codenameone account and all our proyects, we created the new account correctly, and on eclipse plugin we loging with the new account, (we had to reset our password in the old account).
The problem is when we try to send the build to the new account, all the builds are sending to the old account. whats the problem?
How must we change to send the builds to the new account.
You need to open regedit and delete all of the usage of codename1 and codenameone you can find. On the web you need to delete all cookies and storage related to the domain This should let you relogin properly.

Cortana skill 'deploy to group' is not working for new user

A month ago when was not existing I was able to edit the Cortana channel on, add new users to 'deploy to group' option and share the link with those users. Once user log in to their MSA and accept the skill they would be able to use the skill.
Recently, due to site changes Microsoft came up with new site called where Cortana channel and its publishing will be managed. I completely followed following link to deploy to group
but, I see few differences this time. It does not give
1. Link to share
2. Once deployed NEW users added are not tied to skill yet.
Is this a bug ?
'Publish to group' should be working. When you publish to group using the steps mentioned in the link, it will give you group access URL. This is the link you need to share for new users to test and use that skill.
You should be able to generate the link now. Please let us know if that is not hte case.

How to get post id when we share our content using share dialog?

I am phone-gap developer. I make a application for getting like and comment via post image caption on Facebook. So we are using a plugin of iOS and android for the same but i am not getting any post-id in return after sharing the image through default share dialog in both.
Plugin Link :
Use Case in android :-
1- We are getting post-id when Facebook application is not installed in device.
2- But we are unable to get the post-id when Facebook application is installed in the device.
Use Case in iPhone :-
1- We don't get any response after sharing images in iPhone device.
2- But getting response (post-id) when share through simulator.
Please help me with proper solution. It would be great if you join us in team-viewer to solve our problem.
Thanks in advance.
The only way to get the post id is to authorize users with the publish_actions permission - you would also need the user_posts permission to get access to the new post in order to get the likes/comments. According to your comments, you want to pay users for those - which is not allowed and Facebook will never approve the required permission in the neccessary login review process.
In other words: It is not allowed and not possible.

Mirror API - status of whether a user has their account enabled for Mirror API / owns Glass

Is it possible to check via MirrorAPI if a user actually owns Glass or if their account has the Mirror API functionality enabled?
There is currently (As of XE10) no way to do this. It is, however, a requested feature, so you may wish to star to register your desire for the feature and to follow progress on it.
The suggestion there, and in other related SO questions, is to do a double-opt-in with the welcome card. This continues with the best practice of creating a welcome card, and also gives it a use to verify that the person can see it.
I think I also read in the mirror api docs, that a user cannot enable the mirror api if they are not a glass explorer: (right under step 2 on
During this stage of the Mirror API Developer Preview, the API is only available to developers who have Glass as part of the Explorer Program.
If you are not an Explorer with Glass, the toggle is not displayed and you cannot enable the Mirror API.
