HTMLPurifier custom filter configuration - drupal-7

I've seen many posts on various sites which talk about adding "to your HTML Purifier config", like Sonny's excellent response to this question: HTMLPurifier iframe Vimeo and Youtube video
However, try as I might, I can't seem to discover exactly how to set up my HTML Purifier config. I'm actually trying to add a custom filter a la Sonny's comment, but the closest I can come to discovering how to set up my HTML purifier config in my Drupal 7 environment is from /sites/all/modules/htmlpurifier/config/sample.php:
* #file
* This file is a sample advanced PHP configuration file for the HTML Purifier
* filter module. In reality, this file would be named N.php, where N is the
* integer identifying the filter this is configuring. The configure page
* for HTML Purifier (advanced) will tell you what file to copy this to.
* See this URI:
* For full information about permitted directives. The most interesting ones
* for custom configuration are ones with the 'mixed' type, as they cannot
* be configured using the webform.
But this hasn't helped me at all - I don't see anything on the HTML Purifier (advanced) configure page (on the text filter config page? I don't see anything there...), and the doc at the URI above didn't help, either.
Edit: much thanks to #Chris for his answer to my original question. I subsequently found that creating the filtered_html.php file removes the ability for me to configure HTML Purifier for Filtered HTML from the UI! Is this supposed to happen?
All that I see from the UI when looking at HTML Purifier (Advanced) is the checkbox for "Display help text". (I already added this as a comment below, but I thought I'd modify my question as well in the hopes that more people would see this...)

First, make sure you have the HTML purifier library installed as show in the INSTALL.txt file. The status report page will show you the version if it's installed correctly.
In Drupal 7 the filter system now uses string keys rather than integer. So to create a configuration file for the format "Filtered HTML" under sites/all/modules/htmlpurifier/config/, copy sample.php to filtered_html.php, and update the hook function name like this:
function htmlpurifier_config_filtered_html($config) {
The rest of the tutorial above worked for me, and now my preFilter and postFilter functions are being called.
I thought you could do this through the UI, but it looks like the "Filters" custom configuration box is not evaluated as PHP.


How can I download a PDF file from a form using UI designer?? Bonita

The thing is I have found how upload a document and after that downolad it. But I just want to download it. I want to do it using the UI designer but I dont know how to do it.
Thanks :)
I dont know which tool are you using to design your UI, anyway this is concerning functionality, not design. In that point, i need to know wich language do you want (or can) use. For example, in PHP, it's very simple, you can make something like:
(create php file) downloadpdf.php
1st: (if you want to generate pdf "on the fly":
function download($foo){
content headers (type, force-download, etc)
database select to get data or harcode it.
echo data
and call this function with some id to select from database or something (ignore if you want to hardcode it)
Other option to download a file, if it's stored on server is making a link to this file (statically or dyamically). If you wanna take control to file downloads, check this post:
I don't mean that it can be done with UI designer tools, and it's not concerned if it's from a form or not.
You should create link and variable which type is javascript expression. On Variable value write
return "/bonita/portal/" + $data.context.mainDoc_ref.url;
On link URL write your variable and to text
Download: {{context.mainDoc_ref.fileName}}
Here you can find excellent example for this case

Sublime Text 2: Different language highlighting based on context? (a la Webstorm)

I was watching some videos on about AngularJS. The creator of the videos uses Webstorm (and, I believe, works for them). One feature I noticed is that he can set different syntax highlighting within different scopes or quotation marks. So, in code like the following (from an AngularJS directive)
return {
template: '<div>something</div>',
// ^^^ these guys ^^^
...he can get the inside of the quotation marks to highlight as HTML.
I use Sublime Text 2, and am fairly wedded to it. Is there an existing feature/plugin for Sublime that could handle a case like this? If not, is something like this technically possible using the Sublime Text 2 API?
I don't think it's built in, but it's certainly possible. I've been doing some work with graphviz and wanted to do something similar. Labels can be generated with html like syntax. Anyways, I played around with the .tmLanguage file and added a new pattern to match the context where html like entries were valid (I look for label = <). The patterns I used for the captures aren't that good, but it works for fine for me. This give me the following, which I think is similar to what you are looking for.
I don't know anything about AngularJS, so I can't help you with anything specific to that, but it is certainly possible. Note that in the image below, the last <table></table> are just to show that highlighting doesn't occur there.
Forgot to include this in the original post, but here is my updated tmLangauage file. That first pattern is what I added(link). I used PlistJsonConverter to go from JSON to plist, then saved the file as .tmLanguage. Hope this helps.
#skuroda is right, I implemented #skuroda's code with an additional plugin to easily edit HTML within an AngularJS directive JS file. The result is HTML syntax highlighting within a directive JS file and additional functionality to remove string related delimiters while editing templates.... Sublime AngularJS HTML Template Plugin

Drupal 7 - wysiwyg & images

I need to insert images into the copytext of a blogpost. I tried different wysiwyg-editors and different image-plugins, but so far every plugin or editor I tried directly adds an <img>-tag into the text.
My problem is, that I want to change the markup of the images when the frontend is rendered. Is there any plugin that does not add an <img>-tag, but some short code or so that gets translated into an -tag when the field is rendered, similar to wordpress?
That way I could hook into the process and change the markup of the images...
Lately I've been working on a combination of these modules to work with customized markup:
Markdown filter
Markdown Editor for BUEditor
BUEditor and Markdown filter will give you markup-based input that you can than manipulate via RegEx with CustomFilter.
CustomFilter is kind of confusing and a bit of a pain to use, so be ready to bang your fist into your head a few times, but it's totally worth it. It' much easier than the alternative, which would be defining your own custom filter module.

How to alter the prefixes EPiServer is adding to src attributes in html

I have a fragment of html which is contained in a property of a templated EPiServer page, within that html there is an img tag which has a relative url in it.
When the page is viewed, I can see the src attribute of the tag has been altered to have the prefix /ProjectName/Templates/Pages/.
I understand that this is being done by HtmlRewriteToExternal so that image files that are stored alongside the aspx template (which does indeed live in Templates\Pages) are located correctly, however the image which is intended to be part of the html fragment is in my case actually stored under PageFiles/nnn/ (where nnn is actually the parent page's PageFolderID), and I need to somehow make the altered html reflect that.
I've created a class that inherits from FriendlyUrlRewriteProvider and registered my class. I can debug the application, and watch the requests go through the overridden methods, but I still can't see where the prefix is being added or get any idea how to change it. I can alter the src tag to a different relative path in my class, but the prefix is still being added.
I've read everything I can find on the EPiServer url rewriting, but can't find anything that hints as to where this prefix is being added or how to stop that or change it.
Things I've read: (this may contain the answer I'm looking for)
I'm open to completely different solutions for what I'm actually trying to achieve, which is as follows:
I have multiple independent sets of static html files and related image / css / js files, which I'm trying to store / publish with EPiServer. The structure of each set looks something like
I've figured that I should create an EPiServer page for the set, and then child pages for each html file, storing the html from the files in a property of the child pages. Currently I'm storing the related static files in the PageFiles of the relevant setfolder page, as that seems to be the most logically consistent place to put them.
It's hard to give the best solution without seeing it all infront of you. But one easy way is to alter the HTML-code when you print the property to the page.
Like <%= ChangeRelativeLinks(CurrentPage["HtmlCode"] as string) %>
And in the ChangeRelativeLinks(string htmlCode) you do a regexp or similar that changes relative links and images to the pagedir as an absolute path.
If you are storing the images in PageFiles which is a Virtual Path Provider you should be able to get the url to your file simply by using the API. On the PageData class (ie CurrentPage in your template) you have a method called GetPageDirectory() which gets the page folder.
You can read more about VPP concepts here:
No need for a url rewrite provider for this I think.

Drupal Attachments (FileField) file path

What function in Drupal gets file attachment path?
Edit: the attachments provided by Upload module in system section. But since you mentioned there may be another way around it. Maybe I could achieve may goals using FileField module so if you could tell me how to get a direct link of a file uploaded by FileField module that may also be very helpful.
Edit 2:
Ok I will start from my main and final objective:
It is to get an image linking to a file which visibility I could be managed using CCK module.
I am doing this step by step. So now I have written a code which generates the needed image and I have added that image to one of content types teaser. I found a way to warp my image in a tag and I had dug up simple attachments url. So my next step is to advance from simple upload attachment to the one added by FileFields and from odd looking HTML pace in all PHP document into beautifully managed CCK field.
How to fetch file path of a file uploaded FileFields?
Some plain and at the same time rich tutorials for making custom fields for CCK module.
Assuming you know how to get the $node object for a node containing a file attachment, this is super easy:
Upload (core)
$file = upload_load($node);
echo $file[1]->filepath;
Where 1 is the index of the file. Upload can let you upload more than one file, so file 2 would have an index of 2 and so on. If there's only one file, it'll always be 1.
More info: upload_load() API reference.
echo $node->field_fieldname[0]['filepath'];
Where field_filename is the short name you've used for the field, and 0 is the index of the field. CCK fields let you have multiple values in one field, so 0 would be the first, 1 would be the second, etc. If you only have one value, it'll always be 0.
Note: if you want to get the rendered output of the FileField using its formatters, you can just use $field_fieldname in your node template, or if you want to store the rendered output, you can use:
echo content_format('field_fieldname', $node->field_fieldname[0]);
More info: content_format() API reference.
Upload is a sad little module, and has been completely replaced with a core implementation of FileField in Drupal 7. If you have the option to use FileField, you should.
Don't direct links of file attachments appear below the uploaded file for the core Upload module?
Since you are trying to use images, you should use CCK module in order to add images to specified content type. After that using the Display fields tab in Content type configuration you can specify how image would be presented (as a link, image, image with link to node...) both in teaser and body view.
