trouble archiving iOS project in xcode 4.5. getting error about missing libZXingWidget.a file - archive

i've been at this for hours and it's driving me nuts.
so my project uses ZXing for qr code scanning. but i recently updated my xcode to 4.5. when i did so got this error:
Incompatible pointer types sending 'Class' (aka 'Class *') to parameter of type 'id<NSCopying>'
i searched on google and it turns out it was fixed and all i had to do was checking out the revision and i was good.
so i did that, checked out revision 2315 and removed the old ZXing project from my project and went through the steps again in the README to add the new version of ZXing to my project again.
i followed all the steps and everything went well and my project builds and runs on my ipad and iphone simulators.
but the problem comes when i try to archive my project.
i keep getting
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-name-gbqfhrszrkbmlkesfuzmwreignnu/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/libZXingWidget.a'
then i read some stackoverflow answers for somewhat similar questions and someone said there might be cached version in DerivedData directory.. so i delete everything in there, i cleaned my project in xcode, and cleared out the files in /var/folders/ as well.
after doing all this i'm still getting the error =( i tried checking out the latest ZXing code and same problem..
any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

i think i've figured out the problem.
doing a little digging, i found that the libZXingWidget.a file was created in the Debug-iphonesos/ directory but not in the Release-iphoneos/ directory.
so i went to xcode and decided to "Build Active Architecture Only > release to YES. after doing that i did an archive and it worked! but thinking twice, that's probably not a good idea, other architectures wont be built. so i turned it back on. and of course i couldn't archive again.
so the solution i've found was to make make "Architectures" and "Valid Architectures" under the "Build Settings" tab in my project match with "Architectures" and "Valid Architectures" in the ZXingWidget project.
after that everything seems to work again. i can build and run on my ipad, various simulators, and archive!
hope this helps someone!


Clion: Error running 'makefile': Cannot build 'makefile'

I have not seen any thread talk about this specific error so here is the problem:
I have set up a C project in Clion and I configured in Setting -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Toolchains a file usr/bin/make as the Make.
I could run my code yesterday but today, i get the warning in a red window popping-up: Error running 'makefile': Cannot build 'makefile' when I try to run my code.
What could possibly cause this?
It seems like you’re trying to run the makefile instead of the program that is built by it.
Have you tried doing a build first? Or maybe you should try to clean the project too.
Have a look a the blog post of JetBrains There’s a gif that shows how to clean the project. Hope this helps, if not maybe post your makefile so we can check if it has any errors.

react-native link - Maximum call stack size exceeded

Following the Documentation of
Having this error when try to link the installed package.
react-native link react-native-firebase
Scanning folders for symlinks in /PROJ-DIR/node_modules (45ms)
rnpm-install ERR! Something went wrong while linking. Error: Maximum call stack size exceeded
There was already an issue raised against this here
but solutions are based on a problem with Xcode.
I'm not working for ios yet.
A solution regarding android is not working too.
Can anyone help me with this?
Try removing your android and ios folders and use following commands:
1.react-native eject to recreate android and ios folders.
2.react-native upgrade Be careful while running this command because it will replace your configuration files.
3.Finally react-native link
Many a times i too get this error and I follow these steps to overcome.
Take a look at this link
Make sure is there any unwanted changes are done in ios's project file. if yes then revert back as it is.
I faced this error after merging two branch and i have accepted both changes and got error and fixed it by proper merging

Eclipse: Cant finish creating new C Project

Hello dear Eclipse developer,
I am already pretty desperate about figuring out the following problem, and maybe you can be part of the solution.
So heres the Context:
I want to develop an application for a Nucleo STM32F401RE Microprocessor Developmentboard.
To do so i need to set up the Eclipse Oxygen 3 IDE for my Windows XP x86 OS as descriped in this guide:
In short:
Install Eclipse Oxygen 3
Install C/C++ Development Tools
Install the GNU ARM plug-ins for Eclipse
Install the GCC ARM tool-chain
Install the Build Tools
Install the ST Link drivers for STM32Nucleo board
Every Step worked as expected and as descriped in the guide so far.
The next step is creating a test project, so I followed the project creation wizard for c/c++ projects in eclipse, which worked fine as well until i reached the very last step of the project creation wizard.
The last step wants me to select the path to the used Cross GNU ARM Toolchain which has already been installed in previous steps of the guide.
So i filled up the form fields, but the "Finish" and the "Next" Button stays greyed out! The "Back" Button is not working as well, so i literally cant do anything in this dialog field anymore, but cancel the project creating.
Someone went through this before and has an idea what the problem is and how to fix it?
Is it a bugg in eclipse?
Did i do something wrong ?
I've taken an Image to show what the problem is:
Thanks for your attention, dear developer. Good answers will make me a fan of yours.
Starting Eclipse with the errorlog console brought the following error when starting the project creation Wizard:
Managed Build system manifest file error: Duplicate identifier ilg.gnuarmeclipse.managedBuild.cross.toolchain.lib.release for element type ToolChain
This is the first time i get in touch with eclipse.
Can someone explain what this means and how to get rid of it?
I'm using Eclipse Photon and tried the installation through marketplace and manual installation of versions 4.4.1 and 4.3.3 but I'm still experiencing the same issue than you.
The solution was to uninstall Eclipse Photon and install Eclipse Oxygen 3a. Now the project creation works properly.
I had the same experience for my first eclipse project. After checking the installation of plugins in the Eclipse IDE, I found there are two versions of GNU MCU C/C++ (...) installed. The problem solved by uninstalling one of them. Hopes that could help someone later. I spend the whole day to solve the problem! lol
Uninstalling GNU MCU does the trick and soled the issue.

Drupal error "CKEditor is already installed" when trying to install

I installed CKEditor, but for some reason, when I opened the configuration, Drupal says: "CKEditor not installed."
I deleted the folder from sites\modules\ckeditor, then tried to install a different version. On trying to install, it still said "CKEditor is already installed", even though I'd deleted it (and checked it was no longer in the list of modules).
I guess there might be some trouble with the database.
How do I solve this?
Im idiot. Cause I opened by mistake a different FTP, user and was looking at different folder all/sites/ this folder I deleted everything, but of course the web I was working on had different module folder :-(. So it kept telling me CKEDITOR was installed why I couldn see it... I ll shoot myself soon. Sorry.

Eclipse Juno 4.2 Google Plugin not installing: Cannot complete install because one or more required items could not be found

This is the error message I get:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google App Engine Tools for Android 3.1.0.v201208080121-rel-r42 ( 3.1.0.v201208080121-rel-r42)
I've tried numerous things including manually downloading the file from here and also I snooped around StackOverflow and I tried just moving all the plugins from the manual download into the plugins folder of my Eclipse. That didn't help me though because my perspective did not update with the plugins and I couldn't find the "Create New Web Application" option. I've also read some things about the XML file being wrong but I can't find it and those were for other Eclipse versions so I don't know if it applies to me.
I also tried excluding Google App Engine Tools for Android 3.1.0 but then it just says the next one in the list can't be found.
I'll be more than happy to provide anymore information. I am running Eclipse Juno 4.2 and Java 1.7 (I also have 1.6 installed though). I am using a Windows 7 PC. Thank you guys so much! I just want to code :[
I did not work for me with this URL:
It worked with this one:
I just changed 4.2 to 3.8.
I faced a similar problem I was downloading with 120 kb/s every time the download breaks down
when I moved to another place and downloaded the plugin with highest speed 400 kb/s It successfully downloaded and no problems found
You might think that issue is out of logic but that what I reached so far
Hope that Helps
I know this is a very old question but recently I found a solution to my problem so I am going to personally update the answer. For some reason, Eclipse Classic 4.2.2 Juno does not come with some of the required packages. After talking to some people, they recommended simply downloading Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers which simply comes with most of the packages necessary. From there, it just worked!
My friend also mentioned you could try to manually download the packages on Eclipse Classic but that is far more of a hassle.
Hope this helps!
