How can I implement or develop my own twitter authentication provider? - dotnetnuke

I want to allow my users to log in with their Twitter accounts.
What do I need to implement this? I want to know all the processes that DNN follows for user authentication.
I'm using DotNetNuke 6.2, Visual studio 2008, SqlServer 2008
Any answer will be welcome, including links to pages to learn about it, online tutorials, etc. Excuse my English but I speak spanish!

Best place to learn how to create new authentication provider is to review existing authentication providers. You can download source code from
Here is a link from Joe Brinkman's post which is 2-3 year old but still usefull since nothing has changed much in terms of implementing authentication provider.
Let me know if you need more help.


How to Host my ASP .NET MVC Application with database?

I really need help or any kind of explanation about my problem.
I have a project built in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. Its a ASP.NET MVC Application, and I have another project which enables me to create a database in my ("localDb")/ProjectsV13.
My approach was "Database-First", and created Model.espx automatically, and everything works fine (Used Entity Framework).
But now when I'm done making it, I need to PUBLISH It or HOST it. I don't understand the difference between that 2 terms.
I've been searching for solution for a quite a while, and still no solution.
I need to post in on CPanel.
How can someone use my app online?
How can someone see the same data as me?. Because I use localDb.
For example, I have login page for admin (just want someone to login with username:"Admin" and pw: "admin") and use my app.
I published it using FileSystem and managed to start my app with localhost. But that's not what I need
Thank you in advance!

User authentication through Office365

We're are about to build a new intranet system for our company, leaving SharePoint behind. The system will be built using Ruby on Rails. Since we're using Office365 for mail, calendar etc., we would like to authenticate our intranet users through Office365.
I'm aware of Microsoft Graph API, but I have a hard time figuring out of there is a possibility to authenticate users from a third-party application. Moreover, we would like to retrieve general information about the user, like profile picture and calendar information.
Is anybody knowledgeable about Microsoft Graph API and know if it's possible to achieve our goals using the API?
You're on the right track. You would authenticate with Azure AD, which is in the 365 ecosystem.
I wrote (and answered) a detailed guide here:
How to get the JWT (using OpenIdConnect) from HttpContext, and pass to Azure AD Graph API
Note that this is the OpenIdConnect flow. I think the Saml2 flow is somewhat different.
Don't take my advice on storing the authentication codes or try to acquire the token silently - it ended up causing issues in production that weren't seen in test. Rather, just use the user object id as your key attribute.
The microsoft documentation on the topic is a little cerebral and abstract, so it'll take a little head scratching, but have a look at the samples mentioned in the post I linked above, they'll get you started.
Yes, using Microsoft Graph is the right way to go about achieving the stated goals here.
There are quiet a few samples and tutorials provided on the Microsoft identity platform code samples page that will teach how to build an app that calls Microsoft Graph.

Map core 2.0 Identity to existing DB schema

I have built a small web application with core 2.0 MVC. In this web application, I did not implement any authentication methods so far.
Right now I have an MSSQL database running in the background and I can add/view/edit/delete users from the database.
I adapted this tutorial and followed it pretty closely. However I also added some functionality like localization and stuff, and everything is running pretty smoothly.
My next goal is to enable authentication and authorization. The authentication part shall be straightforward. The goal is that the application will be running as an intranet solution. This means the authentication method just shall check if the Windows User is existing in the previously mentioned database. I don't want to create a separate login. However, it might be that there is a Windows user in the active directory, which is not part of the database. This User should just be able to see a default error page.
I made quite a huge research and I also tried a lot of different stuff, however, I do absolutely not find any "database first" tutorial for this part or any other documentation which explains what to do.
I actually "just" want to teach the core 2.0 identity framework that it shall look into my user-table and check if the current windows user is existent and if not to forward him to the error page.
A second step would be to load all the roles which this user is assigned to from the mapping table.
Any kind of help would be highly appreciated.
Dosc Microsoft has a lot of posts regarding authentication for ASP.NET Core. Here are some of the links to get you started:
ASP.NET Core Authentication
ASP.NET Core Authentication Identity
and a lot more.

Joomla! 2.5 use login data from another database

I have a hard question. I'd like the joomla login does not use its own database for users/password but I want to use my database users with my table fields, my passwords etc..
I don't know from where start, I thought I could edit database request for login to my db or create a little script to automatically add the users on joomla database.
I tried to see components/com_users/views/login/tmpl/default_login.php but it seems that there is nothing.
Can someone help me figure out what to change?
Maybe the simple thing is import my database users into database user joomla, is there any plugin or something else that you know?
p.s. I use Clarion theme build on Gantry framework, Joomla! 2.5.6 Stable, PHP 5.2.17
I would suggest that you find or create an authentication plugin that does this for you. Joomla can support multiple authentication systems.
Have a look at creating an Authentication Plugin for Joomla 1.5. The basic idea is described there.

Cleanly integrate login from Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. into CakePHP?

Summary of the question:
I would like to create a CakePHP based registration and login system offering multiple different gateways such as OpenID, Facebook, Twitter, and so forth. I would like the system to allow a user to associate multiple forms of identification with their account.
After much searching, I am turning up a blank on anything that would allow more than one method of authorization. Cake's authorization system does complicate the matter, so using a tutorial for general PHP is not really effective. Does anyone have a solution, or somewhere I can start from?
To give a simple example, looking at the StackExchange network: you can login/register using a stack exchange account, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, or OpenID. Once logged in, you can add more of these methods to your account so that you are recognized a multitude of ways. I realize StackExchange probably isn't written in Cake, but it serves as an example.
Thank you!
Original Question
Here's the scoop: I'd like to integrate a simple registration/login system for each of the main services that offer oauth/openid in CakePHP.
Basically, I'd like my users to be able to register the old fashion way (including validation e-mail) or using an existing service to verify themselves. I'd like them to be able to login afterwards using that service, or with a username and password.
Now, I have found extremely in depth plugins for full facebook integration and the like, but the bottom line is that I want to just use this for registration and login at this point, and I would like the experience to be the same regardless of which service they choose (plus, I'd like to understand how it works... because this is all about learning CakePHP after all).
I'd also like them to be able to link other services once the account is created if they so desire. In a nut shell, they're account should be able to be linked to any number of login services, or none at all.
How on earth do I go about this?
Thank you,
Looks like there is now a third-party library available using Opauth as detailed on this bakery thread
Here is the CakePHP version's github page:
Great question - our CakePHP development studio may be looking at this in the coming months also. I suspect you'll have more luck researching this as a general PHP question and then how you can port that solution into Cake. Definitely post back with anything you discover.
You might find this thread a helpful starting point, although it was posted back in 2010:
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers?
