MVVM Light UniversalConverter bool to Visibility - wpf

I'm trying to make a pair of TextBlocks toggle (one Visible, the other Collapsed and vice-versa) on a bound boolean.
I could use BooleanToVisibilityConverter for one but can't do a ! for the other so I'm trying to use MVVM Light's UniversalConverter which takes a lambda in the ConverterParameter.
Trouble is, I can't find any examples of the use and my attempts fail.
I've declared it in the XAML resources:
<ex:UniversalConverter x:Key="UniversalConverter" />
and then added this to the TextBlock:
<TextBlock Visibility="{Binding Path=ShowA, Converter={StaticResource universalConverter}, ConverterParameter='b=>b?Visible:Collapsed'}">A</TextBlock>
<TextBlock Visibility="{Binding Path=ShowA, Converter={StaticResource universalConverter}, ConverterParameter='b=>b?Collapsed:Visible'}">B</TextBlock>
This throws an exception in the XAML design windows: Unknown identifier 'Visible'.
I've also tried b=>b?Visibility.Visible:Visibility.Collapsed which is an example in the UniversalConverter's Convert method comment; that throws Unknown identifier 'Visibility'.
How do I add the references needed to the UniversalConverter?

Honestly, I never used the UniversalConverter class from the excellent MVVM Light toolkit framework, so I can't answer your specific question "how to make it work".
But in order to solve your actual issue, you can create your own BooleanToVisibilityConverter that allows inverting the mapping between true/false and Visible/Collapsed. See How do I invert BooleanToVisibilityConverter? for examples.
Personally I really would avoid to use the UniversalConverter for many reasons:
undocumented as you now know
forces to write programming logic in the XAML, which is not the primary goal of the XAML...
... forces to write C# line of code that cannot be debugged (at least for VS2010 + .Net 4), which means this converter is a wrong approach IMHO

It seems UniversalConverter has been removed since year 2013
BL0023.004, Remove UniversalConverter


Why is StaticResource required?

First, I searched long and hard to try to find the answer to this. I resorted to here for expert help with this problem.
I am currently reading a book about programming for the Windows Phone 7. I am currently learning about Data Binding (and doing pretty good too). I have come across a question about the formatting of DataBinding in WPF, mostly about the function of StaticResource.
In the following code you are about to see, there is a slider and a text block. The text block is binded to the slider so that when the slider is moved, the text block's value changes. A class has been created, TruncationConverter, and has can be called in XAML with the keyword "truncate". It is declared in phone:ApplicationPage.Resources.
So, this is right
<TextBlock Name="txtblk"
Text="{Binding ElementName=slider,
Converter={StaticResource truncate}}"
And this is wrong
<TextBlock Name="txtblk"
Text="{Binding ElementName=slider,
The book never really went in to explaining why one must put StaticResource before the function.
So, the question is, why do you need to put StaticResource before the call? What does it do, what is its function? Why is there an error when you don't put StaticResource before truncate.
Thanks in advance!
The constructor for the Converter class uses a markup extension in order to work. The markup extension requires that the object be previously defined in the object graph, and this is was done when you assigned your converter class a key. When the Xaml parser sees StaticResource (or DynamicResource) it starts looking upward in the object graph until the value is found. At runtime, an instance of the class is created and used to do your conversions. Once an instance of your converter has been created, WPF uses it for the life time of your application, hence 'Static'.
The 'StaticResource' may seem extraneous or redundant because a converter cannot be a DynamicResource, but such are the syntax rules of Xaml.
Basically placing StaticResource is telling it to find the external property likely in a ResourceDictionary which holds the function of for example "truncate"
So like another example would be if I go and say create another control or converter or even a brush or other instance I wish to be made available throughout other elements of an application, it's created as an available resource that is only editable in one spot (a resource dictionary) but usable by all, eg; a StaticResource
Like when you placed your slider and your Textblock, it by default is calling a style for each found in your CoreStyles resource dictionary. If I wanted to change what they did or how they look for example I could copy the resource, edit it as necessary, rename it, and say call it by

difficulty understanding and using xaml markup extentions

I am learning on to the concepts of WPF such as data binding, commands, resources, element bindings, styles etc, which use markup extensions extensively, and i am having problem understanding the meaning behind the Markup classes, as they are being used beyond what i understand they should be used for. So here are a few points i need to clear:
(all code snippets are from Pro WPF in C# 2010 book)
What is the meaning and use of Static extension? It can be used to
declare static resources, which can be declared in as
, but this xaml confuses me:
<Button ... Foreground="{x:Static SystemColors.ActiveCaptionBrush}" >
In {x:Static SystemColors.ActiveCaptionBrush}, what is the role
of static here, and what will change if i use x:Dynamic here? The
book says this xaml is equivalent to this codebehind:
cmdAnswer.Foreground = SystemColors.ActiveCaptionBrush;
This means that if i have a class with static properties, i should
be able to use something like this:
<Button ... Foreground="{x:Static MyClass.SomeStaticProperty}" >
But it didn't work, despite i had created a class, i tried using
local:Static (referring to the local namespace) but VisualStudio
didn't allow me to use it. What is the proper method of achieving
What is the meaning of Binding (beyond obvious meaning, what is
happening when i am binding)? It is used for resource binding, or
data or element binding. I was able to understand element binding,
but binding to objects that are not elements caused problems. For
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={x:Static SystemFonts.IconFontFamily},
Here it is binding to the text to the SystemFonts.IconFontFamily
property, what is the use of x:static in this case, and how to bind
it to a property in a class that i have created? Also how to update
the text property of the textfield if the value of the binding
target changes? Due to binding, it should update by itself, is this
the case?
All the examples in the book make use of SystemFonts.IconFontFamily,
none that i have seen explains the use of such binding, and how to
do it for the classes that i create? Some help in this regard is
needed. I want to ask more about binding, but i will do so in a
separate question about binding only.
Finally, recommend a book or resource that explains what is
happening, instead of how to do this and that?
You said ...
... This means that if i have a class with static properties, i should be
able to use something like this:
<Button ... Foreground="{x:Static MyClass.SomeStaticProperty}" >
But it didn't work, despite i had created a class, i tried using
local:Static (referring to the local namespace) but VisualStudio
didn't allow me to use it. What is the proper method of achieving
Well your trial attempt was correct but it was incorrect to what term you have applied that namespace token to.... local namespace token applies to the class that is declared under it so...
<Button ... Foreground="{x:Static local:MyClass.SomeStaticProperty}" >
Should work just fine provided that SomeStaticProperty is a valid Brush.
In this example, the whole markup was internally equivalent to Binding as ...
Binding.Source = {x:Type local:MyClass}
Binding.Path = SomeStaticProperty.
You had an example...
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={x:Static SystemFonts.IconFontFamily},
So use the same equivalence from example 1 and apply it to this example...
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={x:Type SystemFonts},
I learned this whole thing from MSDN... I dont think we can have any other legitimate source than that.

Static verification of bindings

Or "how do you make sure all your bindings stay correct?"
(this is kinda lengthy, but bear with me, I tried to make it as short as I could)
Consider the following example:
<TextBox Name="tb" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Text.TheProp, ElementName=tb}" />
It is perfectly known at compile time that the binding is incorrect (i.e. the parser knows the type of element tb, and therefore, it knows the type of it's Text property, and therefore, it knows that TheProp doesn't exist).
Yet, this code will compile and run (although with a binding error message in debug output).
This behavior may come in very handy in some situations: no matter what exact type my data is, as long as it has appropriately named properties, I'm ok. Thus, we get sort of "declarative duck typing".
However, duck typing is not always a good thing.
Specifically, while using the MVVM pattern, I know (most of the time) the exact types of all my ViewModel objects. On the other hand, the models become more and more complex over time, which gets me worried about future refactoring: what if I decide to rename some properties, or, God forbid, put them in a separate aggregated object? What's going to happen with all my bindings then? Will I have to rake all XAML files by hand? And even without refactoring - what if I simply make a typo?
A similar problem is already solved in other places of XAML. If, for instance, you put an incorrect property name in Style/Setter/#Property, you get a compile time error.
TemplateBinding also provides such verification. Which is very handy.
So, ideally, I would love to see something like this:
public class ProductViewModel
public Name { get; set; }
public Price { get; set; }
<UserControl x:Class="Shopping.View.ProductView"
... >
<TextBox Text="{Binding Name}" /> <!-- OK -->
<TextBox Text="{Binding Price}" /> <!-- OK -->
<TextBox Text="{Binding ABC}" /> <!-- Compile time error: there is no property ABC in ProductViewModel -->
<UserControl x:Class="Shopping.View.ShoppingCartView"
... >
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Products}"
ItemType="vm:ProductViewModel" > <!-- Static check happens here
ShoppingCartViewModel.Products must
implement IEnumerable<ProductViewModel> -->
<DataTemplate DataType="vm:ProductViewModel">
<view:ProductView /> <!-- DataContext is known to be of correct type
because of DataTemplate.DataType property -->
But let's get back to reality. In reality, all that dreaming is just not going to happen in the near future.
However, I am sure I'm not the first person to have this problem.
So, finally, the question is: How do you make sure your bindings are correct? And that they stay that way?
How about static analysis of your Xaml performed as a post-build step?
As part of .Net 4, Microsoft released a new System.Xaml library to provide robust Xaml parsing and serialization support independent of WPF. They are now beginning to build all kinds of interesting things on top of it, some of which may help you out.
In the XamlToolkit, for example, you'll find the XamlDOM that enables you to do easy static analysis of Xaml files. And taking that a bit further, there's FxCop rules for XAML.
Of most interest is Rob Relyea's BindingFinder that has the explicit goal of type checking Bindings in Xaml. This requires that you have type hints in your Xaml, like the DataType attribute in a DataTemplate, or the the new d:DataContext attribute on your Views (which Blend uses to provide design-time data). It then uses the XamlDOM to check that everything matches up.
Update: Resharper 6 now provides intellisense for data bindings, and warnings if you get your property paths wrong.
As a practical matter, I've never found this to be a problem, at least when using the MVVM pattern. The view model only exists in support of the view. I'm not going to change one without changing the other. Refactoring the view model isn't going to break the bindings in the view because it makes no sense to refactor the view model for its own sake. You'll only refactor the view model when (and because) you're changing the design of the view.
The other reason that I don't have this problem is that I'm not developing the view model independently of Expression Blend. For all but the most trivial UIs, I build my view models using some kind of dependency injection so that I can create a test data source that's usable in Expression Blend. When I create bindings in Blend, I know right away whether or not I've done it right.
As with MVVM in general, doing this is an unbelieveable pain in the ass until you understand what you're doing and why. (This long blog post by Jonas Follesø gives a pretty good overview of how to use Ninject for this purpose, though there are no end of other frameworks you can use.) I'm sure that there are problems that I haven't uncovered yet with this methodology - above and beyond the problem that I've added DI frameworks and Expression Blend onto the heap of things that I need to understand to develop WPF applications.
Pablo Casals said that constant experimentation keeps the artist young. I don't feel young.

PropertyValueEditor and DependencyObject in Blend 3 - Silverlight DesignTime support

I'm working on a set of controls that has a number of DependencyProperties. The properties are themselves DependencyObjects and created during the get method of the properties. During the Get method, they are also set back to the propertybag using the SetValue() method, so they are in fact valid in Xaml and their properties can be storyboarded without having to explicitly created in the the visual tree.
These DependencyObjects has all its properties as DependencyProperties as well, for supporting DataBinding. They are as mentioned above possible to use in Storyboards.
At the same time I'm developing special designtime support for Blend 3 for these properties and have created an InlineEditorTemplate in the form of a Control. I create the template and set it for the PropertyValueEditor like this:
var vectorEditControl = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof (VectorEditorControl));
var dataTemplate = new DataTemplate {VisualTree = vectorEditControl};
InlineEditorTemplate = dataTemplate;
In the Control I have the following:
<Grid DataContext="{Binding Value}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=X, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Y, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Z, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
The editor shows up and I can edit the data. And even while debugging, I see that it actually sets the data back to the DependencyProperties on the DependencyObjects, but nothing happens to the Xaml. So the data is actually not persisted in any way in the Xaml and lost when I close the Xaml file and open it again.
Is there anything I need to do specifically for it to actually get into the Xaml? I was under the impression that this would happen automatically?
Excellent Question!
The core issue you're running into a misunderstanding as to what PropertyEditors in Blend/Cider end up databinding to.
Consider this object graph:
- MyControl
-- MyControl.MyProperty
--- FooClass
---- FooClass.BarProperty
Let's look at a scenario where we have a PropertyEditor (of any type: Inline, Dialog or Extended) to property MyControl.MyProperty.
When inside MyPropertyPropertyEditor you'd expect to get a fully settable copy of FooClass and be able to manipulate it's members.
That's a good assumption, but the wrong one.
The core issue is that Blend/Cider have elaborate data structures that represent your model at design time. There's about 3-5 levels of abstraction in how Blend/Cider interact with an actual control.
Creating those levels of abstraction allows Expression Blend / Visual Studio designers to be leveraged between framewroks (Silverlight / WPF) and support advanced scenarios (like Property transactions and property chaining).
So, the value you actually get to DataBind to is just one of those levels of abstraction.
Don't believe me? In your custom PropertyEditor, register for this.DataContextChanged event and checkout the type in this.DataContext. You'll end up getting the PropertyValue class (or one of it's friends).
Every single property change you want persisted to XAML (and shown on the design surface) should go through those abstraction layers.
the question you have to ask yourself is "Where do I get one of these absteaction classes for my PropertyValue.Value property instance?".
Well, what I'd do if I were you is create a ModelItem around MyControl.MyProperty and set that as your PropertyEditor.DataContext.
We've shipped an example of using ModelFactory.CreateItem in the Silverlight Toolkit as part of the Chart DefaultInitializer: Source Code, Ning Zhang (Awesome Design Time Dev) explains about ModelItem
If you've got follow-up questions I'd consider pinging PeteBl or UnniR through the Silverlight Insiders mailing list.
-- Justin
It partly solves my problem. I'm having a dialog with UnniR for a followup.
I couldn't see how I could use this together with the PropertyValueEditor, but for default values this is brilliant and something I'll implement ASAP.

WPF: CommandParameters for input bindings

One of the things I really like with WPF is the extent to which my views can be built declaratively, ie. using XAML rather than code-behind.
Now I'm really stumped by InputBindings, because their CommandParameters don't accept bindings. I imagine my case is pretty generic and straightforward, but I cannot see how I can do it without resorting to code-behind. Consider:
<ListBox Name="casingsListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Casings}" SelectedValuePath="Id">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Title}"/>
<!-- Doesn't work: -->
<MouseBinding Gesture="LeftDoubleClick"
CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self} Path=SelectedValue}"/>
This will not work, since the binding expression for the MouseBinding's CommandParameter is illegal.
I ask myself: what's the point of adding a mouse-click gesture to a listbox if I cannot get to the selected value?
This can be easily solved using a code-behind event handler, of course, or by having the command consumer extract the id from the command source, but there are several reasons why this is undesirable. Apart from the fact that droves of code-behind code defeats (some of) the purpose of WPF in the first place, it makes the UI designers working in Expression Blend less empowered. And dammit, my command parameter shall be an id, not some UI element!!
Subjective: Having browsed SO for a while, I'm struck by the amount of code I see in the WPF-related questions. I get the feeling we developers stick to our old habits and happily hack away in the code-behind file rather than trying to utilize the fresh take on UI building that WPF is supposed to represent. What do you think?
But most importantly: can anyone show me a code-free workaround for this seemingly trivial problem? Preferably without terrible hacks like this one.
I wrote a markup extension that allows an InputBinding's Command to be databound :
<KeyBinding Modifiers="Control" Key="E" Command="{input:CommandBinding EditCommand}"/>
Your situation is slightly different since you want to bind the CommandParameter, but you can probably adapt my code to fit your case. Note that this code uses private reflection, which only works in full-trust, and can be broken in later versions of WPF (actually it is broken in WPF 4.0... I can post a modified version if you need it).
Another option is to use the CommandReference class that can be found in the MVVM toolkit :
<c:CommandReference x:Key="EditCommandReference" Command="{Binding EditCommand}"/>
<KeyBinding Modifiers="Control" Key="E" Command="{StaticResource EditCommandReference}"/>
Again, this is for binding the Command property, but can probably be adapted to bind the CommandParameter...
The new way to solve this problem is by using Expression Triggers / Actions which allow you to set up keyboard shortcuts on arbitrary controls that do custom actions (like firing a Command).
