Drupal Images Slideshow - drupal-7

I'm making a website in drupal 7 and need some help.
I created a content type called Itenary where user will upload information and five images.
The images I have taken as Image1, Image2.... Image5 as fields of type image pf the itenary content type.
Now I wish to show these images as something like this
So I go to the views module -> add new view
Now when I had tried this before, I had selected
Show content of type itenary
And it didn't work as I hoped.
So this time, I chose
Show File of type Image
I hope this is the right option for my need.
Then I went to create a block, gave it a name.
Now my dilema is how do I bring those fields of Image1 Image2 .. Image5 into this block ?
The fields it shows by default are related to files and not the field of my content type.

Make sure you have the following steps checked.
1- Try to download jQuery cycle plugin.
2- Create a folder a new folder sites/all/libraries/jquery.cycle and place jquery.cycle.all.js file inside it.
3- Go and test the results :).
Hope this works... Muhammad.


Lightbox 2 - more than one gallery on a one-pager

I wanted to know, how I can use more than one light boxes from Lightbox2 on a one-pager.
It works but its all in one Gallery.
How can I divide that galleries to be separated in a Lightbox?
Please help.
I am using the following within the html:
Initial symbol deleted at beginning to get it to get it to display!
a href="photos_2021/photo1.jpg" data-lightbox="member" data-title="Text to display">
.... and again!
img src="photos_2021/photo1.jpg" alt="Text to display"/>
As an aside, Note that the thumbnail photo is the same as the actual photo to be displayed - saves on having to produce 2 versions.
The word "member" defines which group of photos it is part of so you can add "member2","member3" etc. for different groups of photos within the same page.

drupal theme multiupload image field

I have one drupal content type. there is one image field, the configuration is:
content type field setting
It works fine. I can upload multi image to that content type. The only problem is that, the uploaded image is themed in table format.
uploaded results
How can i change the output format other than table? I have searched for the whole day, still can not find the answer :(
What I have seen from your given images, you have an image field in your content type. Also I am not sure that in which way you are showing all the images on the front end. This could be done in several ways. One of them is using 'Views'.
So if you are collecting all the images into a view creating a page or block, then you can easily change the showing format. Like you can use the table format and also list format. And on the front end you could be able have a non-tabular format.
Tpl files
On the other hand, if you are using special node tpl then you have to format the html properly so that they won't come in a tabular format.
I will personally suggest you to use the views to avoid unnecessary problems and also you can also specify the view specific tpl file.
Cheers :) keep Drupalizing :)

Drupal 7 alter node display

I have a content type with two image fields, banner and logo.
I am trying to implement logic which will allow one of the two to display depending on whether an editor elected to display just the banner or just the logo from radio button options.
I setup a small custom module implementing hook_node_view and tried to unset the image field from the node object but no joy. Code fragment below:
function mymodule_node_view($node, $view_mode, $langcode){
$node->field_main_picture = null;
None of those attempts worked.
I found the answer to my question.
The node object contains an array called content which is the renderable data Drupal will print to screen.
It's in that array that my unsets need to take place. I.E:
And the main picture image disappears.
I hardly suggest you to work with Devel module when you are programming like that. It allows you to display variables in your page and visualize the tree. For example, you can call dpm($node) function in your hook_node_view() to see what's in $node and how to access it.

how to override image in media library in WP7

I want to save image to media library in windows phone 7. I`m using this example http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff769549(v=VS.92).aspx . It works fine, the only problem that i have is that after image modification i call save procedure with the same file name, exactly like in example
MediaLibrary library = new MediaLibrary();
Picture pic = library.SavePicture("SavedPicture.jpg", myFileStream);
but modification is saved to another file, even thought i use the same file name when i call SavePicture (and i want to override the image file). What am i doing wrong?
Reading between the lines a little you are seeing a new picture appear in the phone saved pictures collection where you were expecting an existing one to be replaced?
You should note that the code you have referenced creates duplicate pictures. One is stored in the phones saved pictures collection and another is saved in isolated storage for the application.
Its not possible for an application to mutate an existing picture in the saved pictures collection even if that application is the original creator of the picture. When saved, a new picture is created in the saved pictures collection.
On the other hand the existing content of the file in the isolated storage is replaced with the new content.
You can't.
It's only possible to read and add images in/to the MediaLibrary.
It is not possible to edit or delete images.
This is by design.

Drupal Attachments (FileField) file path

What function in Drupal gets file attachment path?
Edit: the attachments provided by Upload module in system section. But since you mentioned there may be another way around it. Maybe I could achieve may goals using FileField module so if you could tell me how to get a direct link of a file uploaded by FileField module that may also be very helpful.
Edit 2:
Ok I will start from my main and final objective:
It is to get an image linking to a file which visibility I could be managed using CCK module.
I am doing this step by step. So now I have written a code which generates the needed image and I have added that image to one of content types teaser. I found a way to warp my image in a tag and I had dug up simple attachments url. So my next step is to advance from simple upload attachment to the one added by FileFields and from odd looking HTML pace in all PHP document into beautifully managed CCK field.
How to fetch file path of a file uploaded FileFields?
Some plain and at the same time rich tutorials for making custom fields for CCK module.
Assuming you know how to get the $node object for a node containing a file attachment, this is super easy:
Upload (core)
$file = upload_load($node);
echo $file[1]->filepath;
Where 1 is the index of the file. Upload can let you upload more than one file, so file 2 would have an index of 2 and so on. If there's only one file, it'll always be 1.
More info: upload_load() API reference.
echo $node->field_fieldname[0]['filepath'];
Where field_filename is the short name you've used for the field, and 0 is the index of the field. CCK fields let you have multiple values in one field, so 0 would be the first, 1 would be the second, etc. If you only have one value, it'll always be 0.
Note: if you want to get the rendered output of the FileField using its formatters, you can just use $field_fieldname in your node template, or if you want to store the rendered output, you can use:
echo content_format('field_fieldname', $node->field_fieldname[0]);
More info: content_format() API reference.
Upload is a sad little module, and has been completely replaced with a core implementation of FileField in Drupal 7. If you have the option to use FileField, you should.
Don't direct links of file attachments appear below the uploaded file for the core Upload module?
Since you are trying to use images, you should use http://drupal.org/project/imagefield CCK module in order to add images to specified content type. After that using the Display fields tab in Content type configuration you can specify how image would be presented (as a link, image, image with link to node...) both in teaser and body view.
