How to add new Dimension Attributes to the existing dimension through BIDS - sql-server

I have a customer dimension. While creating cube and defining dimensions the default attributes will come along with the cube creation. I want to add some more attributes after creating the dimensions. How to do this. I tried with "Add Business Intelligence" option, but I failed. Is there any way to do like that. If we remove the dimension and add the dimension again, we can have a interface as "Select dimension attributes". But with out deleting the existing dimension, how to add the attributes to that dimension. Following screen illustrates adding dimension attributes. How to see this interface for existing dimension.
After clicking the dimension attribute tab and clicking on the "Edit datasource" option.. following screen is showing. Here where we can add the attributes?

Assuming that your DSV includes the columns that you want to add as attributes, and assuming that you have an existing dimension, you cannot open the Dimension Wizard again to add more attributes to your dimension. Instead, on the Dimension Structure page (as shown in Diego's screen shot), you have the Attributes pane on the far left where each attribute is listed and you have the Data Source View showing the diagram of your table. You drag a column from the diagram on the right to the Attributes pane on the left. That creates a new attribute.
The image above shows the cursor appearance as you drag the column into the Attributes pane. The image below shows the Attribute pane after you release the mouse button - the new attribute appears as shown.

you have to edit the DSV.
On the "Dimension Structure", "Data Source View" tab, right click any blank space and select "Edit Data Source View". It will bring you to the DSV. Do the changes you want on the DSV and they should be available to be picked as attributes once you get back to the "Dimension Structure"

The solution by #Stacia will work if the Dimension is based of a Named query.
If the dimension is based of the table then the "Data Source View" window is empty you cannot drag attributes.
The solution is to add the attributes manually. Click "View Attributes as List" and add the attributes manually. Please see the link below. This helped me.


How do you remove a dimension in a Google Data Studio report?

How do you remove an obsolete column from a GDS PostgreSQL-based report?
I updated my base SQL to remove some columns, but when I click the "Fields->" button to list all columns, it still lists the removed columns/dimensions. And for some reason that I can't determine, the "Remove" option is disabled so I can't even manually remove them
This is a huge problem/bug because if I then click "Create Report", it throws an error message, presumably because it's trying to access a column that no longer exists in my base SQL.
Am I missing something there, or is this just a buggy interface? How do I remove a dimension?
I can remove dimensions and metric by clicking in the right side of the green container, right next to the ellipsis.
Whenever you add/remove any column/field in the data source. You need to click Refresh Fields to refresh data source fields.
When you refresh data source fields:
Removed fields in the data set are removed from the data source.
For more details, visit Data Studio official documentation on Refresh data source fields.

Custom Filter control in data studio

This may be a simple answer , I have a report which has a table of data. One of the columns in the data set is a 'project'. I want to create filter that when clicked will remove any rows with an empty cell in the project column. I can create a filter for the project column but it gives me a list of all projects in data set to filter. I just want a simple Yes/No type filter or button to click to only show data where the project field is populated and then can click back to include all.
I dont want this be a page filter as I want the option for user to include or exclude.
Probably the easiest way is to create a custom dimension to include or exclude the empty projects
WHEN project IS NULL then "Blank Projects"
ELSE "Other Projects"
You could then use this as your filter by unticking the "Blank Projects" to exclude.

Can we add extra column to unigrid for default cms modules in kentico

I want to add a "timezone" column to the grid shown above. The "Countries" module is under the "Configuration" section. How can I add the column? Is it possible?
The UniGrid definition for the Countries application is located here:
Your screenshot is showing the States tab, so the grid definition would be here:
You can add columns to the grid by editing the XML grid definition files, as per this reference.
It would be simple to display the column if you are going to add additional columns to the CMS.Country class.
However, timezones in Kentico are not tied to the CMS.Country class.
If your timezone data is stored in a different class/table, you would need to use a custom UniGrid transformation or custom extender to retrieve the data and display it.

2sxc Dnn.. Add existing content items to module

I have a view of entities which are being displayed based on an entity type filter. I now need to reorder these and would like to use the built in 2sxc functionality to do this, so I have a created a new view of the data using the "module data source" so that the ordering will work.
But how do I now make all of the existing entities of the same type (definition) appear in this new view? The view now displays one item by default and I can replace that one item. But how do I add multiple existing items? I need the Entity ID's to remain the same for Query String usage and SEO.
Thanks, hope the question makes sense.
I believe that you are asking "how can I add many items to an instance (module) manually, so that I can also sort them manually" - is this correct?
If yes, then you must make sure your template supports lists (checkbox in the template settings). This then gives you a [+] button; but you don't want to use that, as it would be for typing in new data. There's another button called "add an empty demo entry" which you'll see as a round (+) after pressing the more ... button once. Pressing this will give you empty entries, into which you can then replace existing items.

SSRS : How to repeat header row of a table on each page that is embedded in a LIST?

I have a SSRS report that has a list which includes two embedded tables.
For these tables if I set the header rows to repeat on each page, I get an error "All tablix member elements in a TablixColumnHierarchy must have the RepeatOnNewPage Property set to false".
How do I fix this and make the headers repeat on each page?
Thank you.
In design mode while editing the rdl file, at bottom of the editor you will find Row Groups and Column Groups (left and right, respectively). Beside Column Groups you will find one arrow button ▼ (this arrow button is at the right side of the column groups portion). Click on this arrow button.
Check Advanced Mode
In the RowGroups section you will find '(Static)' and '(Details)'. click on/highlight (Static) and press F4 (to check its properties on the Properties window.)
Set Keep With Group to After
Set Repeat On New Page to True
Go back to table, right-click on the row header (the grey bar), and select to Tablix Properties.
Check on Repeat header columns on each page and repeat header column on each Row. (Edit as of VS2012 at least he might mean Repeat header rows on each page)
Its nothing but a property for the report named RepeatOnNewPage is false. If you click on the page header and go for page header properties
General --> Display header for this page -> Print on first page and print on last page(check all the boxes over here )and click ok
Run the report. This is done on report builder 3.0 .I am not sure which tool you are using.
Or you can follow this
Select the Tablix.
In the grouping pane, click on the small triangle and select "Advanced Mode" to show static members.
In the row group hierarchy, select the corresponding (static) item of the header row.
In the Properties grid:
set RepeatOnNewPage to True
