Can we add extra column to unigrid for default cms modules in kentico - sql-server

I want to add a "timezone" column to the grid shown above. The "Countries" module is under the "Configuration" section. How can I add the column? Is it possible?

The UniGrid definition for the Countries application is located here:
Your screenshot is showing the States tab, so the grid definition would be here:
You can add columns to the grid by editing the XML grid definition files, as per this reference.
It would be simple to display the column if you are going to add additional columns to the CMS.Country class.
However, timezones in Kentico are not tied to the CMS.Country class.
If your timezone data is stored in a different class/table, you would need to use a custom UniGrid transformation or custom extender to retrieve the data and display it.


Need to have a custom field in salesforce object that will combine two other fields

We have a requirement where we need to combine two separate fields into one in the salesforce object and then removed those separate fields from the page layout but when the edit option is enabled in the salesforce portal to edit the object the eliminated fields should be there for edit. If further clarification is required, I can also do that
Click here to see the screenshot
I have tried the formula custom field type where I have to write a formula of concatenating the two fields like this given below:Text(Rent_Start_Date_Actual__c) & ","& Text(Rent_Start_Date_Type__c). I have also removed these two separate fields from salesforce page layout but it also gets removed when object window is in edit mode and we do not want that.
Rather than potentially messing with the edit page, have you considered using a simple screen Flow and an action to achieve this? For example, an action to 'Edit Rent Details' added to the page header, and then when clicked it presents the individual fields on a screen flow for editing? Once saved, the page would refresh and update the formula field as required.

How to create multi row as header of Material UI Datatable

We are using Material UI and using <MUIDataTable> To display table.
We have multiple row as table header which is were we have to do colspan 2-3 columns also.
Looking for, How to customise table header column in a way that we can have multiple row as header.
I am new to React and Material UI, any hint or suggestions will also helpful.
Might help others...
Using customHeadRender we can customize table header column.
Here is example.
I used two div in on column and added line between these div.
Limitations: In my case sorting and searching on these(customized header) column are not required so no need to write logic for this but after customisation need to think about these functionality provide my MUi-datatable.

ExtJS grid-like custom control

I need to implement grid like control that utilizes some complex custom widgets for viewing and displaying rows. Just like this one:
The key point here is that controls in the right column depend on the value selected in the combobox from the left column.
Does anyone know what is the best way to implement it using ExtJS 5.0 components? Should I create my own widgets to display row data that will serve as both custom renderers and editors?
I would use a beforeedit function which changes the editor of the right column (setEditor) to the required widget type depending on what is set in the left column. If you use Editing (RowEdit) plugin instead of CellEditing, you would also have to setEditor in the left column's change or select event.
This is the easiest way, but it won't show all editors at once, of course.
To have all editors displayed at once, I would make a new field containing multiple fields. You can add multiple instances of these fields to a fieldset, container, panel or form at runtime.

How can I add calendar on edit mood for different row in DHTMLX Grid

I am working on DHTMLX grid where in my grid the different row have different type of data. And I have provided the facility for a each row to edit the values. There are two rows, one it name of the item another is value for that item. So there is different type of values like price[number], title[string], status [drop down option list], created[date] etc. so I see there is an option for defining the grid's row type for each. Everything is working properly but the calendar is not showing.
Can anyone help me on this?
I have used row type for calendar is "dhxCalendar" but getting error as after that no row is showing up and the design gone missing. Any kind of help will be appriciable.
a) be sure to include related files
b) be sure that format of date in you datasource (xml|json) is the default one (d/m/y), or you are using setDateFormat as
grid.setDateFormat("format to show", "format in datasource");

ExtJs 3.3.1 - Placing the name of the Group within the framework of the existing Grid

Is there some property or method in order to align the string with the name of the group (in my case the name of Merchant 1) according to the existing grid in the Grid?
To not have to prescribe everything in the property groupTextTpl (create table, etc.)
To edit the icon (which I highlighted in the picture) was exactly under the column of Edit.
Well, or there is some method that has been put kotroy separators between the values?
