ExtJs 3.3.1 - Placing the name of the Group within the framework of the existing Grid - extjs

Is there some property or method in order to align the string with the name of the group (in my case the name of Merchant 1) according to the existing grid in the Grid?
To not have to prescribe everything in the property groupTextTpl (create table, etc.)
To edit the icon (which I highlighted in the picture) was exactly under the column of Edit.
Well, or there is some method that has been put kotroy separators between the values?


Can we add extra column to unigrid for default cms modules in kentico

I want to add a "timezone" column to the grid shown above. The "Countries" module is under the "Configuration" section. How can I add the column? Is it possible?
The UniGrid definition for the Countries application is located here:
Your screenshot is showing the States tab, so the grid definition would be here:
You can add columns to the grid by editing the XML grid definition files, as per this reference.
It would be simple to display the column if you are going to add additional columns to the CMS.Country class.
However, timezones in Kentico are not tied to the CMS.Country class.
If your timezone data is stored in a different class/table, you would need to use a custom UniGrid transformation or custom extender to retrieve the data and display it.

Using where clause in SSRS expression

I have a data set with multiple rows. The columns are name and plot; plot is a binary image file. If I want to display the plot whose name is secondPlot, for example, how would I do this? I can display just the first plot with =First(Fields!plot.Value, "DataSet1") but haven't had any luck with retrieving a plot with a certain name value.
I found if IIf function but am unsure on its usage or whether it's actually what I'm looking for anyway. =First(IIF(Fields!name.Value = "secondPlot", Fields.plot.Value, Nothing)) gives the error "The definition of the report '/MainReport' is invalid", for example.
For clarification, I'm typing this in Insert>Image>Database source.
Add a tablix component to your report, then assign your dataset to your tablix in the DataSetName property.
Delete columns and rows leaving only a textbox. Right click in the tablix and select Tablix properties... go to filter tab and add a new filter.
For Expression select Name, operator = and value use ="secondPlot".
The tablix will filter the row that contain secondPlot name and you can show the image in the tablix textbox by configuring background image property in the Fill tab.
Right click the textbox and select Textbox properties / Fill tab, in background image pane use settings like this.
If your image is PNG, BMP, JPEG, GIF or X-PNG you can select the proper MIME Type.
Also if your image is encoded in Base64 you can try:
In the Use this field: expression.
Don't use any expression for the textbox. Just use the image field as textbox background.
Let me know if you need further help.

Data Values not visible in the DevExpress grid

I am using DevExpress Winforms for representing my Grid Structure.
What is happening is that i'm using DevExpress in an already developed application.
I am assigning the DataSet table to DataSource in the grid layout view.
I am using XtraGrid and Column Header is in camelcase.
What is happening is that Column Headings are being displayed, it is showing that 30 entries are loaded but nothing is being displayed. As in no data value is visible.We found the issue field name is case sensitive.
How do we handle this ?
Any helps/ leads will be appreciated.
If you have visible columns and you can see rows with empty cells I'll bet the field names (GridColumn.FieldName) do not match with column names of your DataTable.
The field names have nothing to do with the header captions (GridColumn.Caption) but the caption is automatically determined out of the fieldname if it is not set to another string.

ExtJS grid-like custom control

I need to implement grid like control that utilizes some complex custom widgets for viewing and displaying rows. Just like this one:
The key point here is that controls in the right column depend on the value selected in the combobox from the left column.
Does anyone know what is the best way to implement it using ExtJS 5.0 components? Should I create my own widgets to display row data that will serve as both custom renderers and editors?
I would use a beforeedit function which changes the editor of the right column (setEditor) to the required widget type depending on what is set in the left column. If you use Editing (RowEdit) plugin instead of CellEditing, you would also have to setEditor in the left column's change or select event.
This is the easiest way, but it won't show all editors at once, of course.
To have all editors displayed at once, I would make a new field containing multiple fields. You can add multiple instances of these fields to a fieldset, container, panel or form at runtime.

ExtJs Combobox with multiple values in one selection

I m new to ExtJs. I was wondering if there's some way wherein i can display multi-line combo-box in ExtJS in a way that for eg : when i select one item, that item may contain 2 values i.e ID and Name., and both the items are considered as one selection, and not with Ctrl+Select way.
Sure there is. Look at the tpl config option of ExtJS ComboBox. You can define a custom template where you may utilize any fields from the Store of the ComboBox as you wish. (See the example included for the tpl config option from ExtJS API documentation that I linked.)
