Does Tabris iOS client development require a Mac? - mobile

Does Tabris iOS client development require a Mac? For example - If the pre-built client is used, do we still need Macs for iOS clients?

You only need a Mac for development, if you want to build your own iOS App from the sources.
If you don't have a Mac, you can request a precompiled Tabris iOS App, custom built for your iOS Device, Branding and Server URL.
So, like you said - you don't need a Mac for iOS development with Tabris.


Is there a way to build android apk to support x64 and other architectures with gluonfx maven plugin?

I have packaged my javafx project into Android application with the support of "gluonfx-maven-plugin".But there is just aarch64 architecture supported. And the converted project can be open in Anroid studio without error.Is there any extra plugins to build the project into all other Android architectures?
I want to build the app for pc's and other devices with Android OS.
Thanks for your time!

Codename one generated.ipa not installed on iPhone devices

After successfully generated .ipa and trying to install in selected UDID devices, it's not being installed
It throws the error -- Unable to Download App "appname" could not be installed at this time.
We are trying install on iPhone 5s devices.
Your issue may be related to this ios-debug-build-install-fails.
In addition to above, ensure that:
You are installing the app through itms:services by clicking Install on device on your iPhone 5s and click install on the new page.
you are installing the debug build and not the store build.
the UDID is accurate, copy N paste it instead of typing.
you are not behind any firewall that prevents downloading and your internet connection is good.
Most developers experienced this due to testing on 32bit devices. Don't forget this blog.
If you are using any device older than iPhone 6, add the build hint ios.debug.archs=armv7.

Project Centennial Apps in Hololens Emulator

I have successfully converted my WPF based .net applications to UWP using Project Centennial. When i upload that project to Hololens Emulator using Emulator portal i get the following error.
My UWP app is compiled for x86 and the emulator version is 10.0.14393.0
Failure reason: Failed to start deployment.
Failure text: A Prerequisite for an install could not be satisfied.(0x80073cfd)
HoloLens doesn't support Win32. Your app is Win32 just packed in .appx. It works on PC only and not on other device families. You may add an UWP app to the same package that will serve non-PC devices.

Is Android Installer (.apk file) supported in Tizen Os?

Is .apk file based installation supported on Tizen Os ?
The native applications of both are entirely different, .apk for android coded in Java and .tpk for Tizen coded in C++. So its impossible to directly instal .apk files in Tizen.
But OpenMobile has created an application named ACL for Tizen which will run almost any android applications in Tizen platform.
First you will have to install the application in the Tizen device and you have to load the apk within the ACL application.
No it is not supported directly, although there are some third-party emulators.
Tizen supports its own format .tpk for native and .wgt(which uses and extends W3C specifications) for Web Apps. Android uses adb for deployment, Tizen uses sdb for deployment.
Not directly, but there is one compatibility layer for that.
Since android app is written by java, and Tizen OS is base on C/C++. it's not supported.

App Engine Connected Android Project

I'm missing the App Engine Connected Android Project option when I go to File->New->Other->Android. I'm running Eclipse Helios on Win Xp.
Thank you
Have you already installed the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE)? What version? App Engine Connected Android Project is new in 2.4, which is still in beta. Instructions for installing the beta version (basically you just have to use a slightly different software site) are at
