Using SOQL to move file from Private to Public library - salesforce

Is there a way I could use the SOQL language to move files from Private to Public library?
I've tried editing the ContentDocument object and changing the ParentId (which obviously doesn't work as ParentId seems to be read-only).
I also attempted to change the PublishStatus, however that seems to be pointless too as there's no way of determining which library will it then belong too. I tried looking into Salesforce documentation, however I can't find a way of connecting the ContentDocument/ContentVersion with a library object (except for the PublishStatus, however as mentioned before that does provide a way to link the Content with Library).
Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Ok, finally got it. For the anyone with similar problem, the solution is (once you know it) very obvious: you can create a link between a library and a content document using ContentWorkspaceDoc, which requires ContentDocumentId (id of the document) and ContentWorkspaceId (id of the library).


DMN Decision Table Output

I am new to decision table so please forgive me if I asked a very basic question. I am working on an angular web app that uses decision table.
Could we change the table header 'Output' to something else?
Unfortunately, I cannot find any such label neither in the HTML nor in the controller.
For future reference:
It cannot be done through CSS. therefore following is my solution.
Inspect the code that either the dmn table is using modeling module or some other bpmn table features. In my case, it is using modeling. I override the following module by inheriting from it, to make the Input header cell dynamic and output fixed or change the label as well.

How to handle Solutions, Projects and their contents in a VisualStudio extension

In short:
I'm new to VisualStudio Extensibility and my goal is to create an extension with a ToolWindow (which already works) showing different views for each context of a VisualStudio solution, i. e. a view for the solution, a view for a project etc.. The window should be opened by clicking on a context menu entry in the context menus of the Solution Explorer, Class View, Object Browser and (ideally) any other window showing contents like projects, namespaces, classes etc..
After searching I found a lot of information, but for some points I couldn't find very helpful information. How do I ...
... create a context menu item for the VisualStudio views?
... get the currently open solution as an instance in code?
... get the projects of the solution and their contens as instances in code?
... add/remove items to/from a solution/project/class/... in code?
... react to selection changes in the Solution Explorer?
What I've done, so far:
I read the docs for Starting to Develop Visual Studio Extensions and downloaded the VSSDK-Extensibility-Samples. Especially the WPF_Toolwindow example was interesting for my purposes, so I built and ran it, which was successful, so far. Another interesting sample would have been the WPFDesigner_XML, but it always throws a NullReferenceException, so I decided to stick with the former ToolWindow, which is completely fine, for now.
Furtermore, I tried to understand the example by having a close look at each file in the project, running it in the debugger and analyzing what happened. I'm confident I understood it, but am also open for corrections of my possibly misguided thoughts following.
Now, I have created a new project, based on the WPF_Toolwindow sample, renamed and adapted to my needs (basically, I created new GUIDs, renamed the namespaces and removed things I won't use). This extension still works in the debugger. I even uninstalled everything from the experimental instance and debugged the extension from scratch.
What I try to achieve:
Have the ToolWindow load a specific view/viewmodel, when the selection changes in the Solution Explorer (or any other VisualStudio view). Alternatively, there should be a context menu item for every node's context menu in the Solution Explorer tree (or any other VisualStudio view).
Get the currently open solution, the containing projects and basically everything from the Solution Explorer's content as instances processable in my viewmodel. I need to properly add/remove
classes/structs/enums to/from
a folder in a project
a namespace
properties/fields to/from a class/struct
Generate code based on information of the solution and add the file properly to a project.
Does anyone know of examples for something like this or can anyone give me some hints, where I can find further information? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
(1) The items already have a context menu and I want to add a new command to this menu.
if you want to add a sub menu to the context menu, the following link provide a complete sample
(3) Yes, basically adding a file to a project without manually manipulating the project file would be nice.
You can add the file to project via Project.ProjectItems.AddFromFile, and the following provide a sample for your reference.
I select a project and a similar event is fired. Are there such events I can subscribe to?
You could use IVsMonitorSelection to implement. here is the code which retrieve related project path for your reference.
IntPtr hierarchyPointer, selectionContainerPointer;
Object selectedObject = null;
IVsMultiItemSelect multiItemSelect;
uint projectItemId;
IVsMonitorSelection monitorSelection =
monitorSelection.GetCurrentSelection(out hierarchyPointer,
out projectItemId,
out multiItemSelect,
out selectionContainerPointer);
IVsHierarchy selectedHierarchy = Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(
typeof(IVsHierarchy)) as IVsHierarchy;
if (selectedHierarchy != null)
out selectedObject));
Project selectedProject = selectedObject as Project;
string projectPath = selectedProject.FullName;
For more information about the usage, please refer to:

How to list all datasets in CKAN (not only the active ones)

I am working on a project based on CKAN, and I am required to list in a page all the datasets that have the state "active" and "draft". When you go to the datasets page, you can only see the ones that have the state marked as "active", but not "draft".
If I use the API (call the package_list() method) or REST calls (http://localhost/api/3/action/package_list), CKAN only returns "active" datasets, but not "drafts". I double and triple checked the documentation, and apparently one cannot lists the datasets by their state.
Does anybody have a clue on how to do this? Has anybody done this already?
If nothing else, you could write an extension to do this. The database call itself will be pretty simple:
SELECT id,title,name FROM package WHERE state='active' OR state='draft';
I managed to modify CKAN core to list the datasets that do not have the state "draft" or "deleted", and it works, but I do no want to touch CKAN's core, I want to do this using a plugin, so the normal thing to do is to implement plugins.IActions and override the package_list method with a custom one. I have already written my own extension to try to modify CKAN behavior on method package_list(), but I can't seem to figure it out how to make it work.
Here is my code:
def package_list_custom(context, data_dict=None):
datasets = []
dataset_q = (model.Session.query(model.Package)
for dataset in dataset_q:
if dataset.state != 'draft' and dataset.state != 'deleted':
return [ for dataset in datasets]
class Cnaf_WorkflowPlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin):
def get_actions(self):
return {
'package_list' : package_list_custom
If I modify CKAN core it works very well, but the problem is that I am not to touch it, so I am obliged to do it via an extension.
EDIT: Ok, I managed to make it work, you need to decorate the method with #side_effect_free. I modified my code, and now it works.
The package_search API is capable of this, by searching for state:draft and setting the include_drafts=True flag. Something like this:
You should be able to access this from a plugin with something like: ckan.plugins.toolkit.get_action('package_search')(context=context, data_dict={'q': 'state:draft', 'include_drafts': True}) (you'll need to assemble the context yourself, containing a 'user' key for the current username and a 'userobj' key for the current user object).
Then make a page from the results.

Dynamic in xaml Data Template selector

Ok I found this wonderful idea on code project.
The idea is great add all your data templates to collection in your list box. Tell each one what to look for (a type) and what data template to use when it runs into that type. The problem is that the included source code is different from the on page code and I can't seen to get any combination of it to work. Even adding the missing quotation marks and changing the type to a local class instead of the non-accessible string and int32 classes.
So the question is. What am I doing wrong?
Should be totally redundant when you have DataTemplate.DataType.

At design time pack uri is valid, but not at runtime?

I'm setting a Button's content to an Image. It looks something like this:
<Image Source="pack://application:,,,/NavigationImages/nav_up_left.png" />
In my project I have a subfolder named NavigationImages and within that folder is the image file nav_up_left.png.
When I view the Designer the image appears, however during runtime I get an IOException error saying it cannot locate the resource.
The Build Action is set to Resource.
Actually, this worked fine in one project. But when I copied it over the another project it fails. This seems like an incredibly simple problem, but I find myself stumped and ready to start pulling out hair. #_#
Your thoughts and suggestions will be much appreciated!
Whelp, I figured it out...kinda.
I copied that xaml code from one project where the output type is Windows Application, to another project where the output type is Class Library.
I didn't think of it at the time, but apparently when the output type is a Class Library the pack URI needs to change.
So instead of "pack://application:,,,/NavigationImages/nav_up_left.png" I changed it to "/ProjectName;component/NavigationImages/nav_up_left.png" and now it's working just fine.
I'm not 100% clear why this is works and not the former. I've read through the MSDN documentation on pack URIs in WPF but perhaps I misinterpreted something.
I'll leave this answer unchecked in the event someone can give me a good explanation why what I previously had doesn't work in a project with output type Class Library.
I'm probably missing something really simple. #_#
I just struggled with this same problem for quite a while, and I think that part of what was going wrong in the original was the missing word "component". I, for instance, had
myBitmapImage.UriSource = new Uri(#"pack://application:,,,/MyApp;images/mona2.jpg");
but should have had
... = new Uri(#"pack://application:,,,/MyApp;component/images/mona2.jpg");
The word "component" is not part of the pathname, despite its appearance -- it's a string literal that has to be there. Why? Someone thought it'd be a good idea, I guess.
And for those struggling with another part of the thing, what about "MyApp"? That's the name of the Assembly. Right-click on your project name, select "Properties...", and under the "Application" tab you'll see the "Assembly name:" field.
If you don't feel like searching for that (or worry that it might change, breaking your code), you can do this:
String appUri = #"pack://application:,,,/" +
System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name + ";";
String path = appUri + "component/images/mona2.jpg";
myBitmapImage.UriSource = new Uri(path);
Not very pretty code, I admit -- it can clearly be shortened -- but it'll gets you where you need to go, I hope. Remember to set the "Build" property on your image file to "Resource"!
Just to shine a light on what was happening in your situation. The second pack uri. The one that worked. Is meant for resources located in an assembly other than the host application. By the sounds of it, the host application was loading this resource from the Class Library in question?
You can see the differences in the pack uri schemes here:
MSDN Pack URI Scheme
The uri changes slightly when referencing a resource from the main assembly, and referencing one from another assembly.
Also, the pack://application:,,, includes what is referred to as the "authority", to omit it would basically make it a relative path, both are valid in most cases where the application authority is assumed.
EDIT: basically because /Subfolder/Resource.xaml(.jpg etc.) and /Assembly;component/Resource.xaml are very similar, the latter tells the parser/loader that it's looking in a referenced assembly, not in the main application's assembly. (I imagine this helps speed up the search).
One other solution to getting this right:
Once your image Build Action is set to 'Resource' and you have rebuilt, navigate to the properties of your <Image /> object. The properties window will provide a ... file resource browser, whereupon selecting your image the Source="..." attribute of your <Image /> will be correctly filled in.
