Need help- iFrame app url index.php not work - url-routing

I am trying to create simple Facebook app using the php sdk 3.0.
I followed the instruction from to create my own app. I added my appid, secret, baseurl as the documentation said. I upload all code to my free host.
Canvasurl is ""
canvas page is
The browser said that webpage not available but my index.php file still in the host. I upload another file to check version of php ( and it works.
I also tried changing index.php to index.html so the file is available but app still did not work.
What can the problem be?

I think your issue is that the framework requires the CURL PHP extension.
[message:protected] => Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.
Here's a tutorial on how to install the CURL PHP extension. (it's 2.5 years old...hope it still works for you)


angular js path returns 404 error when https is used

Please keep in mind, I have not worked with angular JS, nor did I write the code that is causing the error.
I am getting an 404 error on this path:
but not this path:
It was noticed that when a user views a certain page in https, the drop down does not load options. Angular Js makes a call to the path mention above which is not an actually file but is used by a php file that based on this path, has a switch that fills in the drop down.
Any ideas on how to get the https version to work? This is on a joomla site and I do have access to the htaccess file if needed. I really just need it to work for a few months while I work on building a new site.
Angularjs is not the issue. Your webserver (Apache/2.2.15 (SuSE) Server at Port 443) states the file can not be found. So it looks like something is misconfigured with your apache site.

AngularJS 1.2 Not allowed to load local resource

I know it would be great if the file wouldn't link to local resource, but using phonegap/steroids framework, FILE_URI returns "file:///Users/" path which I can use for uploading to S3 or else, but Angular won't show it in the template.
Is there a possible solution? I tried adding config to my app
.config(function ($compileProvider){
but it seems that doesn't have impact on the error.
I can base64 encode my images (then works), but I would like to avoid this if possible.
See the Camera example in the Steroids Kitchensink app, where the Cordova File API is used to move the picture from the tmp folder to the Steroids app's User Files folder. Since Steroids's localhost looks for assets both in the App folder and User Files folder, you can use an absolute path, e.g. src="/my_image.png". See also the App Structure on Device guide for more information on the App and User Files folder.

Angular JS + Laravel 4: How to compile for production mode?

So i have watched the 5 part youtube videos by David Mosher about Angular JS (vids great by the way). In the part 2 (, it has a practical mysql database usage which I almost wanted.
I'm going to use AngularJS along with Laravel 4, but I had no idea which files I'm going to upload for the web hosting later. I'm trying to run the web app under "/public" folder in my root on localhost (localhost/public/) but the css and js points to the wrong directory (points to the root: '/css/style.css').
Another method I have tried is by copying all the files to the root and moved all files inside "public" to root. Then I navigate to "localhost/public/". All works fine in script paths, except that it doesn't seemed to do any connection to the database (either the laravel or angular failed).
Is there any proper way to do this for practical use (without using php artisan serve or grunt run or lineman run on the server)? Which files I should upload later?
EDIT: the reason is my web hosting doesn't allow me to install nginx or run code remotely using putty, so I need a manual way to do this. Thanks.
First install latest laravel in your localhost. See doc.
Assuming you have completed composer install command.
Then move your all public folder contents to the project root.
Next change the line 21 in index.php from,
require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
require __DIR__.'/bootstrap/autoload.php';
and line 35 content
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/start.php';
Now you can access project without public folder.
Place your css, js and other assets folder in root like http://localhost/laravel/css
Note that the laravel blade and angular also using {{ syntax for compilation.So you need to change the laravel blade syntax to {= and =}.Otherwise you will get conflict.
To do this open vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Compilers/BladeCompiler.php file and change line 45 to this
protected $contentTags = array('{=', '=}');
and line 52 to this
protected $escapedTags = array('{={', '}=}');
Now you can use {{ for angular and {= for blade.
For linking your assets, use HTMLBuilder functions, see doc here.
Now use these in blade,
{= HTML::style('css/style.css') =} // links localhost/project/css/style.css
{= HTML::script('js/jquery.js') =}
Use migrations and db seeds in localhost and make an exported copy of db for online hosting
After completing project, copy entire project content to online server and change db configuration and import database.
Directory Structure for Online
There will be a public directory for your file hosting, where you put your files in web root.
That may be htdocs or public_html and now it's your project public root.Now the directory structure will be,
-- app
-- bootstrap
-- css
-- images
-- js
-- vendor

URL rewriting is not properly configured on your server

I tried upgrading my cakephp version from 1.3 to 2.5 but encountered an url rewriting problem. Another cakephp app runs on the same version so I'm sure the mod_rewrite works.
Although when I go to I get following error:
URL rewriting is not properly configured on your server. 1) Help me configure it 2) I don't / can't use URL rewriting
When I go to my normal home page and I want to click on a home link I get following url :
And it is the same for other urls. becomes
When I go to the site works as it should...
Any ideas where I've gone wrong?
I would suggest accessing your account and re-uploading your .htaccess files from and to the following locations respectivelly.
Some FTPs do not upload those files automatically until you force it to.
If that does not work, check if you have your php.ini file in your public_html folder of this application.

NetworkError: 404 Not Found on firefox

We have a gwt app deployed on gae for java. The app runs fine in google chrome but fails with below exception on ie and firefox
NetworkError: 404 Not Found -
based on Setup a GWT Project correctly with SVN and Eclipse we have excluded the files in adminmodule directory to upload to app engine.
Please advise what is reason for it to fail and how to make it working.
The ignored patterns are:
You will get 404. HORROR!!!!
Currently only /deploy/ folder can be ignored and not war/gwtmodule.
All the gwt generated scripts are in war/gwtmodule and you need to upload them per compilation into appengine.
These are generated every build in compilation phase and hence are not checked into svn.
They need to be in deployment folder for APP Engine.
I suggest you go through the GWT teams excellent document for App Engine with GWT
Edit -
<modulename>.nocache.js loads <longnumeric>.cache.html based on browser * language permutation. GWT compiles your java code to create the <modulename>.nocache.js and the relevant cache.html files. cache and nocache indicates whether browser is supposed to cache or not cache the file.
You will have the .nocache.js script reference in your html file for the gwtapp.
It's normal for the GWT compiler to build different javascript files for each permutation. A permutation is for a specific user-agent (browser, eg ie9 gecko (ff), webkit (chrome/safari)) and language (English, French). So you've correctly uploaded all the output files for the chrome browser, presumably in English. It would seem, as you say, that you're filtering out other files from uploading, and that some of those files are requested when using a different permutation for Firefox in English. You should try not to filter those files.
