Remote access to a Nancy Self Host - nancy

I am creating a Nancy Module that will eventually be hosted inside of a Windows Service. I am currently running it inside of a WPF test application. To start the Nancy hosting, I am using Nancy.Hosting.Self and calling:
nancyHost = new Nancy.Hosting.Self.NancyHost(new Uri("http://localhost:8080"));
On my local machine I am able to go to a web browser and access my module by entering http://localhost:8080 into the address bar.
If I go to another machine I am not able to access the service. My Windows Firewall is turned off.
If I start the hosting with anything other than localhost in the baseUri, I get an "access denied" exception upon calling nancyHost.Start();
Is there something that I am missing? Should I be able to access the Nancy module from any machine as long as I know the IP:Port to the machine doing the hosting? Is there any type of "host headering" that I need to be aware of?
Thanks for your help with this.

Windows will prevent you from listening on ports without permission. You can either run your process as administrator, or add permission using "netsh":
netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/app user=domain\user
The "+" is a wildcard so it can listen on any IP.
Normally you'd handle the latter during installation, so you may want to run as admin to debug, then make sure your installer sets the relevant permissions.

For local debugging, use
You can add any subdirectory you like, for example
and debug it at
without running your IDE (Visual Studio?) as Administrator.

Look this: Self-Hosting-Nancy
The Host Configuration: UrlReservations, add under code:
var configuration = new HostConfiguration
UrlReservations = new UrlReservations { CreateAutomatically = true }
OK, you can create your host!~


ColdFusion 2021 - how to browse pages in a browser

I have installed ColdFusion 2021 and can access the administrator at the following URL:
I have created a site and set up the datasource, but I can't preview it in a browser. I keep getting a 404 error — The page you are trying to access can not be displayed. Please try again or notify the administrator. When I look at my DSN settings, it's default to port 1433, not 8500. When I click 'verify' for the datasource, nothing happens. The status is blank. What am I overlooking?
This is the URL I'm using to test (folder name/file name): http://localhost:8500/mysite/addAgent.cfm
Thank you.
The port 8500 for the Coldfusion administrator has it's own webserver built in.
The CF admin will only serve it's own pages. You usually need a separate webserver that talks to Coldfusion with a handler. IIS, Apache, etc. Try removing the port for your own custom pages. Think of it as a separate site.
It looks like you are confusing at least 3 concepts.
You can get to the CF admin. That is a good thing.
Inside the CF admin is the DSN Settings. That is just a normal CF admin page. Port 1433 is how SQL Server communicates with systems external to it, like ColdFusion. Port 1433 is not a page.
ColdFusion has a built in server. Are you looking for the directory that ColdFusion uses for its built in server, cf_root/cfusion/wwwroot You can just add a subdirectory and file as needed.

Not able to access a port on ec2 instance for an Angular app

I am working on an angular app using the angular cli to set things up. Running the ng serve command spawns a server at this address <my_ec2_host_name>:4200. When I try to access the page on the browser it doesn't work (connection timed out error). I believe this is because of security reasons so I added the following rule to my security groups for the ec2 instance:
Port 4200 should now be accessible but I still can't get the page to load. Can someone think of how to get this to work?
Start angular with below command.
ng serve --host= --disable-host-check
it will disable host check and allow to access with IP
You can set up the host option like this:
ng serve -host
The steps you are doing are correct for opening a port via Security Groups in the EC2 console. Make sure you are modifying the correct security group, and make sure that your changes have been saved.
Your container may have additional firewalls in place, so you will want to check the OS documentation. For Example, RHEL uses iptables as a further security measure:
That looks correct. Are you sure that your server is running and listening for connections?
You should ssh to that server and verify that the page can be loaded locally. Eg:
curl http://<YOUR HOST IP ADDRESS>:4200
eg: curl
You should be careful to use the public ip address (eg: IPv4 Public IP when you're in the EC2 console). I've run into problems in the past where I've got a server listening on one IP address (often localhost) and not the public ip address.
Also maybe a problem: Is your host inside a VPC of some sort?

Failed to create an object instance for the specified ProgID (WIA.CommonDialog)

We are trying to allow users to scan documents using a Silverlight XAP running in-browser with elevated trust, from a remote server, and are getting the following error:
Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application Failed to create an object instance for the specified ProgID.
The failure is at the following line:
Dim CommonDialog = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("WIA.CommonDialog")
Application.Current.HasElevatedPermissions and AutomationFactory.IsAvailable both return True.
I can successfully create an instance of unsafe ActiveX controls, e.g. Scripting.FileSystemObject:
Dim fso = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
The code fails when running from the production environment on the remote server. When running from the ASP.NET Development server from localhost, the code succeeds, and the WIA scanning dialog is shown when calling CommonDialog.ShowAcquireImage().
How can I resolve this? (Is there perhaps something specific about WIA that prevents it from being used this way?) What steps can I take to try and debug this?
When I try to open the generated Silverlight test page (via the file protocol), I get the same error.
Update 2
Process Monitor shows that the AllowLaunchOfElevatedTrustApps and AllowElevatedTrustAppsInBrowser keys are being successfully queried.
Update 3
With Protected Mode turned off, the code works.
The MSDN reference states that to enable COM Interop inside the browser, you must
Set Registry Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Silverlight\ (or on x64 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Silverlight\) AllowElevatedTrustAppsInBrowser DWORD 0x0000001
Check your group policy has not disabled AllowInstallOfElevatedTrustApps and AllowLaunchOfElevatedTrustApps
Sign the .xap
Install cert to Trusted Application Store (see screenshots illustrating how)
Additionally, you must
configure as Out of Browser Application (even if you are not running Out of Browser)
before calling the ComAutomationFactory.CreateObject you should check for Application.Current.HasElevatedPermissions and AutomationFactory.IsAvailable
note that Elevated Permission testing from http://localhost and is not reliable test, as Silverlight runtime makes exception for these two URLs. Instead use file://.
Use ProcMon to verify that the AllowElevatedTrustAppsInBrowser registry key is being read
Attach Debugger to Silverlight (see screenshots)
MSIE Protected Mode settings can also adversely affect whether a Silverlight application can run with Elevated Permissions. Try running with different Protected Mode settings.

How to change the admin port using the Google App engine launcher?

It's easy to change the port of the application using the launcher. Go to Edit>>Application Settings (or alternatively Ctrl+i) and change the port. Since I was getting an error similar to the one given below, I changed the application port from 8080 to 48080. Unfortunately, I am not able to change the admin port from 8000 to 48000, because of which I am getting the following error. Unable to bind localhost:8000
I also tried the method illustrated in the following image (my reference being this link):
Regardless of what I try, my web-browsers (Chrome and Firefox) return a message similar to This webpage is not available. Any ideas are appreciated.
I have seen this before, when I had a crashed instance running on the port. You may have a frozen Python script running on that port. On a Mac, I can go to Activity Monitor and kill the process. Not sure if you can do that via task manager in Windows. You may need to restart machine.

Deployed silverlight enabled WCF Service Stops Working when development server is stopped

I have a silverlight business aplication that gets data from silverlight enabled webservice.
When I run the application in dev environment, it works fine.
when i deploy the application and the web development server is working, then to the application works fine.
But when I stop the development server, the application can't access a service.
My questions are:
When I deploy a silverlight business application, doesn't the service get deployed and get started.
The endpoint address in my ServiceReferences.Clientconfig file is endpoint address="http://localhost:9702/MyWebservice.scv. Do I need to change this?
The enpoint address in the web.config is blank.
Appreciate your help
Because the WCF client code is declared as a "partial" class, what I've been doing to this point is creating another c# partial class file to host a GetClient() method on it. You'll notice that the code is taking into account the port that the service is on... in a few of the environments that I've posted or will be posting to, as well as the development environment, the application is not always on port 80.
Namespace Project.Service
public partial class ServiceClient
public static ServiceClient GetClient()
return new ServiceClient("CustomBinding_Service",
new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(new Uri(string.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}/Services/Service.svc",
Application.Current.Host.Source.Scheme, Application.Current.Host.Source.Host, Application.Current.Host.Source.Port), UriKind.Absolute)));
Hope this helps someone!
Yes you are going to want to change your endpoint address. I recommend doing it in the silverlight code when creating the connection to the WCF service. The service itself lives on the web server, whereas the silverlight application lives on the clients computer. If the web server stops, the web service stops but the silverlight app can keep running.
To do this in code, as long as the path is always in the same domain as the app you can use do like so:
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None) //Use whatever security you need here
MaxReceivedMessageSize = int.MaxValue,
MaxBufferSize = int.MaxValue
Client client = new Client(binding, new EndpointAddress(new Uri(Application.Current.Host.Source, "../MyService.svc")));
Thanks so much for your help. I tried your approach to create the client code but that didn't work. And that's because the problem seems to be somewhere else.
So I installed fiddler to see the traffic.
Fiddler showed that the service was being accessed but the http response code was 302 showing that there was some redirection involved.
The address of my application is like this http:///Silverlightapp/(S(oirppxrwzhlf2a2vbia1ui45))/Default.aspx#/Home and it is hosted on IIS 6.
So I had to employ a workaround by installing the service on machine with IIS7 (and there was no session id involved like in the above url).I still kept the silverlight application hosted on IIS 6.
Anyway, in summary, to anyone who reads the thread, I did the following to troubleshoot and solve issue(temporarily)
Changed the end point address in the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file. When you add the service using discover option in VS, the endpoint address is of the localhost and this must be changed.
Registered the service model using ServiceModelReg -i command. (this solved my problem that my applicaiton was only working from development server and not IIS)
-Put the CrossDomain and ClientAccessPolicy files in c:]inetpub\wwwroot folders.
-Used fiddler to look at http response codes. I had to do no configuration in fiddler.
Changed the binarymessageEncoding to textMessageEncoding iin the web.config file of the silverlight web project that also hosted the ecf service. I did this becasue adding a silverlight enabled wcf service creates a custom binding configuration in the web.config file by default uses binary encoding. I needed text encoding to see errors in fidder. But this didn't help much becasue I only saw the name of the operation in the Inspector>xml tab in fiddler. This was the same even after my issues was resolved by workaround.
Thanks for the help
Don't do it in code. Otherwise you won't be able to change it later without recompiling the application (when the address will need to change, perhaps years down the road when you've lost the source code :)
Change the address in ServiceReferences.ClientConfig to where the service is actually hosted... e.g.
If later on you need to change the address without recompiling:
- Open the .xap file (it's just a zip file with a different extension)
- Find the .ClientConfig file and change the address
- Put it back together as a .zip file and rename to .xap
Also, I can't remember anymore whether the .ClientConfig supports relative addresses (e.g. just "MyWebService.svc"), but if it does it may be a good solution as well.
