Package air 2.6 mobile application to native installer - mobile

I have an application which is built on flex mobile project. I want to package it as exe(for windows) and dmg(for mac). Right now, Flex builder 4.5.1 provides option to signed Air package for installation on desktop.
Any help would be appreciated.

For windows, I found one tool:
its pretty good!


AIDE - Android IDE - SQLiteOpenHelper - Database

Can anybody help me how to create database use sqlite on android app (AIDE), i have try any source code and when i running the project, the project always force close,
You have to have the newest version of AIDEpro. Then clone
It is passing the build on my android device with AIDE pro. There is also a tutorial you are looking for in the github project mentioned above.

Codename One - Eclipse Plugin

I get the following install error for the codename one eclips plugin.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this.
Make sure you are using a version of Eclipse for Java developers. It seems the Java editor functionality isn't available in your copy of eclipse.
I recommend using a recent version of JDK 1.8 and a Eclipse Neon 2 or newer (e.g. Oxygen etc.).

is there is any way to build hybrid app (Ionic, AngularJs, Cordova) in android studio

I am native android application developer working on java and android api's with android studio, recently i got a requirement to build a hybrid app with ionic, cordova and angularJs, i spent 5-6 hours and dig google to get some tutorail to setup a project structure of hybrid app in andorid studio, but haven't found anything.
I know how to use ionic, angular and cordova but don't know about the project structure and setup compiling and how to run.
so, i want you guys to post links of such tutorails (If you have any).
Have a look over cordova CLI mode. In this see specific for Android Platform for that you first need following pre-requirement to use:
Android Studio.
Android SDK.
Git Client
After installing Node.js Open it's terminal and follow command to create Cordova project with different platform. These steps are already mentioned in official documentation.
Once you have created executed cordova build androidcommand then browse to your project directory. In that you will find that there's a directory named platforms in that you will see Android, now open your Android Studio in that select Select Import Project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc). when you create a new project from there browse to Android directory. That's all you need to do for cordova
Official documentation and referrals links:
Hello try to reefer this articles on mcgivery blog.
I'm ionic dev and if you want to use good IDE use WebStorm :)
I'm using it on EAP version.
first of all you have to install 1)node.js 2)apache ANT 3) Java JDK &
JRE 4) Android SDk & Eclipse and then after all installation you have
to set this all software path into environmental- variable. and then
fire your npm install -g ionic. without this all software
installation and there path setup your ionic application will not
created. and still you have any confusion and any question related
software installation and there path setup then again tell me i will
help you.

How to Support Below IOS 4.3 in Xcode 4.5.2?

My iMac Version is 10.8.2,installed Xcode 4.5.2. Xcode project iOS Deployment target is 4.3, and Base SDK iOS 6.0. I am trying develop an application which can be run from 3G. Base SDK showing only IOS 6.0 but not listing any lower versions, also installed iPhone 5.0 simulator.
but no use.
Following are my questions
1) How Xcode will show Base SDK lower versions than IOS 6.0?
2) How we can can support Different IOS versions?
Please let me know the right direction,, Thanks in advance..
Have a look at this question.
It explains how to publish to older iOS targets.

App Engine Connected Android Project

I'm missing the App Engine Connected Android Project option when I go to File->New->Other->Android. I'm running Eclipse Helios on Win Xp.
Thank you
Have you already installed the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE)? What version? App Engine Connected Android Project is new in 2.4, which is still in beta. Instructions for installing the beta version (basically you just have to use a slightly different software site) are at
