how to manage millions/billions of small values in a "database" - database

I have an application that will generate millions of date/type/value entries. we don't need to do complex queries, only for example get the average value per day of type X between date A and B.
I'm sure a normal db like mysql isn't the best to handle these sort of things, is there a better system that like these sort of data.
EDIT: The goal is not to say that relational database cannot handle my problem but to know if another type of database like key/value database, nosql, document oriented, ... can be more adapted to what i want to do.

If you are dealing with a simple table as such:
[DATE] datetime,
[TYPE] varchar(255),
[VALUE] varchar(255)
Creating an index probably on TYPE,DATE,VALUE - in that order - will give you good performance on the query you've described. Use explain plan or whatever equivalent on the database you're working with to review the performance metrics. And, setup a scheduled task to defragment that index regularly - frequency will depend on how often insert, delete and update occurs.
As far as an alternative persistence store (i.e. NoSQL) you don't gain anything. NoSQL shines when you want schema-less storage. In other words you don't know the entity definitions head of time. But from what you've described, you have a very clear picture of what you want to store, which lends itself well to a relational database.
Now possibilities for scaling over time include partitioning and each TYPE record into a separate table. The partitioning piece could be done by type and/or date. Really would depend on the nature of the queries you're dealing with, if you typically query for values within the same year for instance, and what your database offers in that regard.

MS SQL Server and Oracle offer concept of Partitioned Tables and Indexes.
In short: you could group your rows by some value, i.e. by year and month. Each group could be accessible as separate table with own index. So you can list, summarize and edit February 2011 sales without accessing all rows. Partitioned Tables complicate the database, but in case of extremely long tables it could lead to significantly better performance.

Based upon the costs you can choose either MySQL or SQL Server, in this case you have to be clear that what do you want to achieve with the database just for storage then any RDBMS can handle.

You could store the data as fixed length records in a file.
Do binary search on the file opened for random access to find your start and end records then sum the appropriate field for the given condition of all records between your start index and end index into the file.


SQL Server table design with non fixed column

I need your help in designing one table.
I have some groups tables and we need to load data in that group tables from xml files that contain column names and data.
The column name is actually index of some main column like activity_col1, activity_col2 and so on and not fixed every time, there is possibility that same table file contains 1000 columns sometimes and 10 column values some time also there is maximum limit is also defined so no file will contain more than
2000 column per group.
So I need to design a table that is the best possible solution for this also I need to do the aggregation of column values. The files contain min level data and I need to store this data in min table and after that this min data need to be aggregated in an hour, day, week and month.
If I create max columns in all tables but data will not come every time in all columns so this design seems not good because most of the values will be null.
If I insert column name as rows in column_name column and values against each column value in values column then aggregation will be a tedious task for me
and it will impact performance.
Please suggest.
One option would be EAV, but it's more complicated to build, to query and to insert, and readability is very low.
You require a schema-less design, Allowing an unlimited number of columns,
your best bet is probably to use a NoSQL solution. Even though the weaknesses of EAV relative to relational databases also apply to NoSQL alternatives.
Also take a look at here :
Benefits of NoSQL
Recommendations (as priority):
Choice EAV, If you are using a relational-database and this is
where you turn either the whole table or a portion (in another
table) on its side. This is a good choice if you already have a
relational-database in-house that you can't move away from easily.
Choice NoSQL, If does not matter kind of DBMS for you It is very
flexible and fast and not all of the report writers out there
support this style of storage. There are many example database
implementations of NoSQL. The one that seems to be most popular
right now, is MongoDB.
and the last option that I don't recommend you to use it:
Choice Standard tables with XML columns, If the you don't need to
query them, and you just want to be stored and retrieved as plain
text for using some extra usage.
I hope to be helpful for you:)

SQLite performance advice for .net

I am using SQLite in my application. The scenario is that I have stock market data and each company is a database with 1 table. That table stores records which can range from couple thousand to half a million.
Currently when I update the data in real time I - open connection, check if that particular data exists or not. If not, I then insert it and close the connection. This is then done in a loop and each database (representing a company) is updated. The number of records inserted is low and is not the problem. But is the process okay?
An alternate way is to have 1 database with many tables (each company can be a table) and each table can have a lot of records. Is this better or not?
You can expect at around 500 companies. I am coding in VS 2010. The language is VB.NET.
The optimal organization for your data is to make it properly normalized, i.e., put all data into a single table with a company column.
This is better for performance because the table- and database-related overhead is reduced.
Queries can be sped up with indexes, but what indexes you need depends on the actual queries.
I did something similar, with similar sized data in another field. It depends a lot on your indexes. Ultimately, separating each large table was best (1 table per file, representing a cohesive unit, in you case one company). Plus you gain the advantage of each company table being the same name, versus having x tables of different names that have the same scheme (and no sanitizing of company names to make new tables required).
Internally, other DBMSs often keep at least one file per table in their internal structure, SQL is thus just a layer of abstraction above that. SQLite (despite its conceptors' boasting) is meant for small projects and querying larger data models will get more finicky in order to make it work well.

Handling large datasets with SQL Server

I'm looking to manage a large dataset of log files. There is an average of 1.5 million new events per month that I'm trying to keep. I've used access in the past, though it's clearly not meant for this, and managing the dataset is a nightmare, because I'm having to split the datasets into months.
For the most part, I just need to filter event types and count the number. But before I do a bunch of work on the data import side of things, I wanted to see if anyone can verify that this SQL Server is a good choice for this. Is there an entry limit I should avoid and archive entries? Is there a way of archiving entries?
The other part is that I'm entering logs from multiple sources, with this amount of entries, is it wise to put them all into the same table, or should each source have their own table, to make queries faster?
There would be no joins, and about 10 columns. Data would be filtered through a view, and I'm interested to see if the results from a select query that filter based on one or more columns would have a reasonable response time? Does creating a set of views speed things up for frequent queries?
In my experience, SQL Server is a fine choice for this, and you can definitely expect better performance from SQL Server than MS-Access, with generally more optimization methods at your disposal.
I would probably go ahead and put this stuff into SQL Server Express as you've said, hopefully installed on the best machine you can use (though you did mention only 2GB of RAM). Use one table so long as it only represents one thing (I would think a pilot's flight log and a software error log wouldn't be in the same "log" table, as an absurdly contrived example). Check your performance. If it's an issue, move forward with any number of optimization techniques available to your edition of SQL Server.
Here's how I would probably do it initially:
Create your table with a non-clustered primary key, if you use a PK on your log table -- I normally use an identity column to give me a guaranteed order of events (unlike duplicate datetimes) and show possible log insert failures (missing identities). Set a clustered index on the main datetime column (you mentioned that your're already splitting into separate tables by month, so I assume you'll query this way, too). If you have a few queries that you run on this table routinely, by all means make views of them but don't expect a speedup by simply doing so. You'll more than likely want to look at indexing your table based upon the where clauses in those queries. This is where you'll be giving SQL server the information it needs to run those queries efficiently.
If you're unable to get your desired performance through optimizing your queries, indexes, using the smallest possible datatypes (especially on your indexed columns) and running on decent hardware, it may be time to try partitioned views (which require some form of ongoing maintenance) or partitioning your table. Unfortunately, SQL Server Express may limit you on what you can do with partitioning, and you'll have to decide if you need to move to a more feature-filled edition of SQL Server. You could always test partitioning with the Enterprise evaluation or Developer editions.
For the most part, I just need to filter event types and count the number.
Since past logs don't change (sort of like past sales data), storing the past aggregate numbers is an often-used strategy in this scenario. You can create a table which simply stores your counts for each month and insert new counts once a month (or week, day, etc.) with a scheduled job of some sort. Using the clustered index on your datetime column, SQL Server could much more easily aggregate the current month's numbers from the live table and add them to the stored aggregates for displaying the current values of total counts and such.
Sounds like one table to me, that would need indexes on exactly the sets of columns you will filter. Restricting access through views is generally a good idea and ensures your indexes will actually get used.
Putting each source into their own table will require UNION in your queries later, and SQL-Server is not very good optimizing UNION-queries.
"Archiving" entries can of course be done manually, by moving entries in a date-range to another table (that can live on another disk or database), or by using "partitioning", which means you can put parts of a table (e.g. defined by date-ranges) on different disks. You have to plan for the partitions when you plan your SQL-Server installation.
Be aware that Express edition is limited to 4GB, so at 1.5 million rows per month this could be a problem.
I have a table like yours with 20M rows and little problems querying and even joining, if the indexes are used.

Database which increasea every month, which design strategy should I use?

I have a database that increases every month. The schema remains the same, so I think I use one of these two methods:
Use only one table, new data will be appended to this table, and will be identified by a date column. The increasing data every month is about 20,000 rows, but in long term, I think this should be problem to search and analyze this data
create dynamically one table per month, the table name will indicate which data it contains (for example, Usage-20101125), this will force us to use dynamic SQL, but in long term, it seems fine.
I must confess that I have no experiences about designing this kind of database. Which one should I use in real world?
Thank you so much
20 000 rows per month is not a lot. Go with your first option. You didn't mention which database you'll be using, but SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase and PostgreSQL, to name just a few, can handle millions of rows comfortably.
You will need to investigate a proper maintenance plan, including indexing and statistics, but that will come with lots of reading and experience.
Look into partitioning your table.
That way you can physically store the data on different disks for performance while logically it would be one table so your database stays well designed.

Is it possible to partition more than one way at a time in SQL Server?

I'm considering various ways to partition my data in SQL Server. One approach I'm looking at is to partition a particular huge table into 8 partitions, then within each of these partitions to partition on a different partition column. Is this even possible in SQL Server, or am I limited to definining one parition column+function+scheme per table?
I'm interested in the more general answer, but this strategy is one I'm considering for Distributed Partitioned View, where I'd partition the data under the first scheme using DPV to distribute the huge amount of data over 8 machines, and then on each machine partition that portion of the full table on another parition key in order to be able to drop (for example) sub-paritions as required.
You are incorrect that the partitioning key cannot be computed. Use a computed, persisted column for the key:
ALTER TABLE MYTABLE ADD PartitionID AS ISNULL(Column1 * Column2,0) persisted
I do it all the time, very simple.
The DPV across a set of Partitioned Tables is your only clean option to achieve this, something like a DPV across tblSales2007, tblSales2008, tblSales2009, and then each of the respective sales tables are partitioned again, but they could then be partitioned by a different key. There are some very good benefits in doing this in terms of operational resiliance (one partitioned table going offline does not take the DPV down - it can satisfy queries for the other timelines still)
The hack option is to create an arbitary hash of 2 columns and store this per record, and partition by it. You would have to generate this hash for every query / insertion etc since the partition key can not be computed, it must be a stored value. It's a hack and I suspect would lose more performance than you would gain.
You do have to be thinking of specific management issues / DR over data quantities though, if the data volumes are very large and you are accessing it in a primarily read mechanism then you should look into SQL 'Madison' which will scale enormously in both number of rows as well as overall size of data. But it really only suits the 99.9% read type data warehouse, it is not suitable for an OLTP.
I have production data sets sitting in the 'billions' bracket, and they reside on partitioned table systems and provide very good performance - although much of this is based on the hardware underlying a system, not the database itself. Scalaing up to this level is not an issue and I know of other's who have gone well beyond those quantities as well.
The max partitions per table remains at 1000, from what I remember of a conversation about this, it was a figure set by the testing performed - not a figure in place due to a technical limitation.
