how to display a table in silverlight? - silverlight

i want to display a table (like a footbal table) in silverlight in a windows phone 7 app. i was reading a bunch of articles on the www, but couldn't really understood what's the best way to approch this issue.
i am new to silverlight, so some code would be really awsome. I keep the data i have to display in some Lists (List), but i could change this...
any advices? thank you in advance!

Due to the form factor [of almost all mobile devices] lists are much easier to read.
You will see this in the default templates for WP7.
There are various ways you can create a "table" in Silverlight. (I assume you are refering to a league table.) The easiest would probably be a grid or a templated list.
If you really must do this I would suggest having 2 different ways of displaying the data depending on screen orientation.
In the portrait orientation I would show a list with minimal statistics.
In the landscape orientation I would show a table layout which could include multiple statistics as there is more horizontal space.


Adaptive / Responsive Design for different table layout on mobile?

... I'm trying to figure out whether the following is possible switching from desktop to mobile:
Mobile to desktop- different table design
Basically on the desktop I'm planning on the item description appearing in the info box on mouseover, but on mobile I'd like the info to simply display in a table. My question is: is this possible using only CSS or is there some server-side shenanigans I'd need to employ when rendering the page in terms of different HTML includes?
The only thing I can think off the top of my head is some sort of complicated showing / hiding of elements using #media queries plus some fiddly placement, but I feel like there must be a straightforward way to achieve this?
If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd be!

How to build a modular grid?

A lot of the websites these days is built using grids, pre-made or custom ones. What I noticed is that most of these grids are based on rows, and usually work with the width of the columns, not taking the height of the elements (modules) into account.
I was wondering what the best way (or what the possibilities are) of building a modular grid is? By modular grid I understand such grid where the individual modules could be set in both width and height and be fluid in dependence on the screen. A grid where you'd know you have let's say 12 columns and 9 rows (the width / height of each would be given), and you'd be able to fill it with modules like a mosaic (that makes it sound almost too simple).
Here's an example picture of what I have in mind (picture borrowed from here):
I came upon a couple of examples, but most of them weren't responsive or were built using Flash. I believe there is a way to do it, just not sure myself how.
I know there might not be ONE correct way, but I'm curious about the possible techniques to go about it. Thank you!
This layout technique is commonly known as masonry, here are a couple of responsive masonry links to get you started:
good luck!
I would have to say your best option would be to build it using Bootstrap or Foundation, since they are set up to handle this kind of thing.They have classes that, assuming you use a 12 column grid to start, let you pick how many columns they can take up.

silverlight map application like showcase on

we want to make application like silverlight showcase Mapview
where we can search by different category on left hand side panel or people can select country or region on map. can anyone suggest some sample or guidelines to implement this?
Given the complexity and obvious expense, I would be really impressed if anything like that was released as a sample (Microsoft are you listening?). It requires a lot of data to drive it.
I have been involved in creating a Xaml World map from scratch (below) and that alone took nearly a day for a stylised polygon version (no fine detail)....
Quoting myself: "You import a map as a background image and use the pen tool to dot-to-dot trace around the country. Combine all those path segments into a single path. Then create a separate poly-path for each state (close them to allow for a fill)."
Once you create them you can name the individual country polygons and connect up mouse logic to make them all glow on mouse over or change colour on press etc.
Basically all the other stuff on that screen are user controls and custom controls. Work out the behaviour you want and create controls to suit your own needs.

Fixed Width, Large Data Problem

I'm currently designing a web application which may be viewed by people in all kinds of resolutions 1024..1920 or even larger resolutions.
I've opted for a fixed-width design (as many other popular websites are, e.g. StackOverflow, CNN, Mint, WSJ, BofA etc.) with the lowest common denominator fitting in, meaning 1024.
Now a problem is that on some pages in my application I have to display grid-based data. I think I'm really going to anger people with large screens if I restrict them to 1024 width compacted grid data while keeping most of their screen empty.
I thought about making different style sheets and so forth for different resolutions but that will increase much of the maintenance work, graphics work etc. above of what I can manage.
Do you have any ideas how to solve this is a graceful manner (I'm just thinking maybe I have a 'creative block' here right now :) ) without having to go fully to a fluid design, which brings a bunch of problems in itself?
1) Multiple hard-coded views of the same data: Brief, Detailed, Verbose
Quick links, or tabs to allow the user to view different numbers of columns. If they need more details, they can choose the view that has more detail. They want to know, and will not be annoyed by having to scroll vertically.
2) User-Controlled columns
Allow the users to control what they see, and what columns are included in their view. You can even store and remember the views they select. The default should be the view you think most people would want to see.
3) Combination of the previous two
Allow them to choose a default, and then customize columns on a one-by-one basis. This is how MS Project works with its views, and it's very nice to work with.
Size the columns so that a reasonable number fit onto 1024, and use a horizontal scrollbar for the rest. Since your app doesn't use the extra real estate on other pages, you might decide to just stop there.
Otherwise, let the elements resize to fill the full width of the page if there is extra room (either use a table, or use min-width on the divs and 100% on the parent.

Custom scroll layout with fisheye in WPF

I know Windows Forms quite good but I'm new to WPF.
I'd like to create application similar to RSS reader - in main window every note will be displayed in Post-it like frame and all notes should be chained and scrollable up and down. I also want to include kind of fisheye view - single note will be displayed full size in the centre of the screen and will shrink and rotate on the edge.
I know custom control, transformation and databinding concepts but I'm not sure how to handle displaying and scrolling notes in the main window. The questions are:
what is the suggested way to arrange, display and scroll ordered chain of notes?
should single note discover own position on the screen or it should be notified by it's container?
how in such solution provide feature which will open related notes as a "multiple popups" notes connected by a line with original one? (like traversing correlated results in Google Wonder Wheel, adobe flash there)
are there any standard solutions for displaying and manipulating (moving, attaching, collapsing) such popup-widgets?
If there are any similarities in your proposal to other GUI frameworks (Forms, Swing, SWT), comparison are welcome too.
Thanks in advance!
It seems to me you are describing a "carousel control" or "element flow" or "cover flow". I've put some links at this answer.
