SQL Server 2008, developer edition - sql-server

Where is the SQL Analyzer?
I did a full install, I don't see it anywhere in the menus. If for some reason is just doesn't exist any more, what are some viable alternatives?

SQL Analyzer or Query Analyzer was replace in Version 2005 with SQL Server Management Studio.
Here is the MSDN Link on Using SQL Server Management Studio


SQL Server Management studio vs other editions

What is the difference between SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Server Express edition and which is better? I can't understand the relationship between these two. Can anyone help me?
You are talking about 2 different things.
SQL Server Express is one edition (a variant) of SQL Server.
SQL Server Management Studio is a tool that you use to access SQL Server (any edition). You would use it, for instance, to access SQL Server Express, but not as a replacement of SQL Server Express.
Sql Server Management Studio:
It is the tool used to administering, configuring of sqlserver components by using script editors and graphical tools
sqlserver express is the express edition of sqlserver
You can find the list of sql server editions from following link
In simple words it(sqlserver management studio) is the interface to access sqlserver(database) of any edition(Express,Enterprise,Developer etc)
Management Studio is Management Studio. There are not various differences. THe DB has various capabilities, but management studio is management studio.

Can I use SQL Server 2008 management studio with SQL Server 2005?

I have management studio 2005 and 2008, can the 2008 version be setup to connect to 2005? I understand there are new features in 2008 that I wouldn't be able to use, but I mainly use the software to graphical create new tables and assign relationships.
Yes, Sql Server Management Studio 2008 works with Sql Server 2005. However, it does not work with Sql Server 2000.
I incorrectly stated that it doesn't work with Sql Server 2000, while in fact it does. However, having said that, it's probably not going to give you a whole lot usability options if you're connecting to Sql Server 2000.

SQL 2008 Express & Intellisense?

Does the SQL 2008 Express have intellisense?
If you mean SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express, then yes. It's context-based depending on the database you're currently in, and not always 100%, but it is there.
According to this post it was initially in there but later dropped:
SQL Server Management Studio 2008 Intellisense
SSMS 2008 has intellisense, but it works with SQL Server 2008 only.
If you need SQL autocomplete/formatting functionality for previous versions of SQL Server, take a look at dbForge SQL Complete - a free add-in for SQL Server Management Studio that replaces built-in intellisense.
In adding to our previous answer: recently we have released a new version of dbForge SQL Complete that offers a bunch of new features. All new features are available in shareware Standard Edition (30-days free trial, $49.95).
You still can get all basic functionality, similar to v. 1.0, with Express Edition.

I can't find the SQL Server 2005 Database Tuning Advisor

I can't find the SQL Server 2005 Database Tuning Advisor on my computer. Is it something I needed to specifically choose when I installed SQL Server 2005?
I looked in All Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and also in the C:Program Files Microsoft SQL Server directory and didn't see anything that could have been it.
Open SQL Management studio then go to the Tools menu up top. Its the second one from the top

How can I enable Full-Text indexing using SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2008 Express?

I did it using the commands as described here and it works but I want to do it using the SQL Management Studio.
SQL Server 2008 Books Online says this:
To create a full-text catalog:
In Object Explorer, expand the server,
expand Databases, and expand the
database in which you want to create
the full-text catalog.
Storage, and then right-click
Full Text Catalogs.
Select New Full-Text Catalog.
In the New Full-Text Catalog dialog
box, specify the information for the
catalog that you are re-creating. For
more information, see New Full-Text
Catalog (General Page).
Click OK.
There's no such option as Storage in my SQL Server Management Studio.
Am I missing something?
You need to install SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Services in order to be able to use Full Text search in 2008 Express.
Ok. It appears that SSMS-E does not support management of FullText catalogs.
There is a free add-in on CodePlex (http://www.codeplex.com/FulltextManager) that appears to add this functionality.
Alternately, you could purchase SQL2008 Developer edition (I believe the cost is still only $49US) which includes the full edition of SSMS, and can connect to a SSE installation.
You should install SQL Express 2008 service pack 1 ->
Are you using the full edition of SSMS or the Express edition?
Also, are you using the latest version of the SQL BooksOnline. either the August 2008 release, or the online version. The version of BOL that shipped at RTM was unfortunately written primarly around the February release, and there were a significant number of changes to SSMS between then and release.
You may also consider upgrading to SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Advanced, which does support fulltext search.
I guess using the CodePlex addin is the only way, because even with SSMS from Standard edition you are unable to manage Express fulltext catalogs.
