Star-Schema Design [closed] - database

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is a Star-Schema design essential to a data warehouse? Or can you do data warehousing with another design pattern?

Using star schemas for a data warehouse system gets you several benefits and in most cases it is appropriate to use them for the top layer. You may also have an operational data store (ODS) - a normalised structure that holds 'current state' and facilitates operations such as data conformation. However there are reasonable situations where this is not desirable. I've had occasion to build systems with and without ODS layers, and had specific reasons for the choice of architecture in each case.
Without going into the subtlties of data warehouse architecture or starting a Kimball vs. Inmon flame war the main benefits of a star schema are:
Most database management systems
have facilities in the query optimiser
to do 'Star Transformations' that
use Bitmap Index structures or
Index Intersection for fast
predicate resolution. This means that selection from a star schema can be done without hitting the fact table (which is usually much bigger than the indexes) until the selection is resolved.
Partitioning a star schema is relatively straightforward as only the fact table needs to be partitioned (unless you have some biblically large dimensions). Partition elimination means that the query optimiser can ignore patitions that could not possibly participate in the query results, which saves on I/O.
Slowly changing dimensions are much easier to implement on a star schema than a snowflake.
The schema is easier to understand and tends to involve less joins than a snowflake or E-R schema. Your reporting team will love you for this
Star schemas are much easier to use and (more importantly) make perform well with ad-hoc query tools such as Business Objects or Report Builder. As a developer you have very little control over the SQL generated by these tools so you need to give the query optimiser as much help as possible. Star schemas give the query optimiser relatively little opportunity to get it wrong.
Typically your reporting layer would use star schemas unless you have a specific reason not to. If you have multiple source systems you may want to implement an Operational Data Store with a normalised or snowflake schema to accumulate the data. This is easier because an ODS typically does not do history. Historical state is tracked in star schemas where this is much easier to do than with normalised structures. A normalised or snowflaked Operational Data Store reflects 'current' state and does not hold a historical view over and above any that is inherent in the data.
ODS load processes are concerned with data scrubbing and conforming, which is easier to do with a normalised structure. Once you have clean data in an ODS, dimension and fact loads can track history (changes over time) with generic or relatively simple mechanisms relatively simply; this is much easier to do with a star schema, Many ETL tools (for example) provide built-in facilities for slowly changing dimensions and implementing a generic mechanism is relatively straightforward.
Layering the system in this way providies a separation of responsibilities - business and data cleansing logic is dealt with in the ODS and the star schema loads deal with historical state.

There is an ongoing debate in the datawarehousing litterature about where in the datawarehouse-architecture the Star-Schema design should be applied.
In short Kimball advocates very highly for using only the Star-Schema design in the datawarehouse, while Inmon first wants to build an Enterprise Datawarehouse using normalized 3NF design and later use the Star-Schema design in the datamarts.
In addition here to you could also say that Snowflake schema design is another approach.
A fourth design could be the Data Vault Modeling approach.

Star schemas are used to enable high speed access to large volumes of data. The high performance is enabled by reducing the amount of joins needed to satsify any query that may be made against the subject area. This is done by allowing data redundancy in dimension tables.
You have to remember that the star schema is a pattern for the top layer for the warehouse. All models also involve staging schemas at the bottom of the warehouse stack, and some also include a persistant transformed merged staging area where all source systems are merged into a 3NF modelled schema. The various subject areas sit above this.
Alternatives to star schemas at the top level include a variation, which is a snowflake schema. A new method that may bear out some investigation as well is Data Vault Modelling proposed by Dan Linstedt.

The thing about star schemas is they are a natural model for the kinds of things most people want to do with a data warehouse. For instance it is easy to produce reports with different levels of granularity (month or day or year for example). It is also efficient to insert typical business data into a star schema, again a common and important feature of a data warehouse.
You certainly can use any kind of database you want but unless you know your business domain very well it is likely that your reports will not run as efficiently as they could if you had used a star schema.

Star schemas are a natural fit for the last layer of a data warehouse. How you get there is another question. As far as I know, there are two big camps, those of Bill Inmon and Ralph Kimball. You might want to look at the theories of these two guys if/when you decide to go with a star.
Also, some reporting tools really like the star schema setup. If you are locked into a specific reporting tool, that might drive what the reporting mart looks like in your warehouse.

Star schema is a logical data model for relational databases that fits the regular data warehousing needs; if the relational environment is given, a star or a snowflake schema will be a good design pattern, hard-wired in lots of DW design methodologies.
There are however other than relational database engines too, and they can be used for efficient data warehousing. Multidimensional storage engines might be very fast for OLAP tasks (TM1 eg.); we can not apply star schema design in this case. Other examples requiring special logical models include XML databases or column-oriented databases (eg. the experimental C-store)).

It's possible to do without. However, you will make life hard for yourself -- your organization will want to use standard tools that live on top of DWs, and those tools will expect a star schema -- a lot of effort will be spent fitting a square peg in a round hole.
A lot of database-level optimizations assume that you have a star schema; you will spend a lot of time optimizing and restructuring to get the DB to do "the right thing" with your not-quite-star layout.
Make sure that the pros outweigh the cons..
(Does it sound like I've been there before?)

There are three problems we need to solve.
1) How to get the data out of the operational source system without putting undue pressure on them by joining tables within and between them, cleaning data as we extract, creating derivations etc.
2) How to merge data from disparate sources - some legacy, some file based, from different departments into an integral, accurate, efficiently stored whole that models the business, and does not reflect the structures of the source systems. Remember, systems change / are replaced relatively quickly, but the basic model of the business changes slowly.
3) How to structure the data to meet specific analytical and reporting requirements for particular people/departments in the business as quickly and accurately as possible.
The solution to these three very different problems require different architectural layers to solve them
Staging Layer
We replicate the structures of the sources, but only changed data from the sources are loaded each night. once the data is taken from the staging layer into the next layer, the data is dropped. Queries are single table queries with a simple data_time filter. Very little effect on the source.
Enterprise Layer
This is a business oriented 3rd normal form database. Data is extracted (and afterward dropped) from the staging layer into the enterprise layer, where it is cleaned, integrated and normalised.
Presentation (Star Schema) Layer
Here, we model dimensionally to meet specific requirements. Data is deliberately de-normalise to reduce the number of joins. Hierarchies that may occupy several tables in the Enterprise Layer are collapsed into a single dimension tables, and multiple transactional tables may be merged into single fact tables.
You always face these three problems. If you choose to do away with the enterprise layer, you still have to solve the second problem, but you have to do it in the star schema layer, and in my view, this is the wrong place to do it.


Star schema vs Snowflake Schema

In Business Intelligence perspective this is a common question but I am looking for a statistical answer.
Can we take decision depending on relational database to go for one of these design? I mean, is there any mathematical ratio among data volume that suits one of the schema?
Star schema stores de-normalised data while snowflake stores normalised data.
Usually, snow flake retains the referential integrity in the relational database, meaning you will have many dimensions linked by primary/foreign keys. On the other hand, the star schema will have a flat structure that merges all of the linked tables into one dimension.
Star schema is less complex and has much better performance than the snow flake schema. In BI perspective, star schema should be the way the go. Snow flake should only be used when necessary.
Star Schema Vs SnowFlake Schema..What to choose:
well this entirely depends on the project requirement and scenarios.
If we want to dive more into Dimensional Analysis then SnowFlake will be a good choice because as suggested in above answer, it mains referential integrity, does not contain data redundancy because of it normalised behaviour. For eg: if we want to find out who are the customers that are attracted towards a particular scheme started by the Bank.!!
If the purpose is more into Metric Analysis, then Star is the best option. For eg: if we want to find how much amount did the customer spend in a particular scheme weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly much profit does the company made etc.
As suggested above, Star schema is less complex because of less no. of joins and runs much faster, query execution is much better as compared to snowflake.
But again, these are used according to the need of the project.
I hope this answer is helpful.
any suggestions, guidance is highly, deeply appreciated... :)
In relational databases there are fundamentally 2 types of schema (and i realise there are other edge cases): 3NF and Star schemas.
3NF are normally found in transactional systems and Star schemas in analytical schemas.
In a star schema it is possible to create snowflakes off a dimension but this is normally bad practice and should be avoided. If you have a very specific use case and you have the knowledge and experience to know that the only way to solve it is with a Snowflake then thats fine - however building Snowflakes because you don't know how to design a Star schema is not going to end well!
So a Star schema with a limited number of Snowflakes may be ok but a design that has a large number of Snowflakes is not a Snowflake schema - it's just a badly designed Star schema

SQL Server architecture guidance

We are designing a new version of our existing product on a new schema.
Its an internal web application with possibly 100 concurrent users (max)This will run on a SQL Server 2008 database.
On of the discussion items recently is whether we should have a single database of split the database for performance reasons across 2 separate databases.
The database could grow anywhere from 50-100GB over 5 years.
We are Developers and not DBAs so it would be nice to get some general guidance.
[I know the answer is not simple as it depends on the schema, archiving policy, amount of data etc. ]
Option 1 Single Main Database
[This is my preferred option].
The plan would be to have all the tables in a single database and possibly to use file groups and partitioning to separate the data if required across multiple disks. [Use schema if appropriate]. This should deal with the performance concerns
One of the comments wrt this was that the a single server instance would still be processing this data so there would still be a processing bottle neck.
For reporting we could have a separate reporting DB but this is still being discussed.
Option 2 Split the database into 2 separate databases
DB1 - Customers, Accounts, Customer resources etc
DB2 - This would contain the bulk of the data [i.e. Vehicle tracking data, financial transaction tables etc].
These tables would typically contain a lot of data. [It could reside on a separate server if required]
This plan would involve keeping the main data in a smaller database [DB1] and retaining the [mainly] read only transaction type data in a separate DB [DB2]. The UI would mainly read from DB1 and thus be more responsive.
[I'm aware that this option makes it harder for Referential Integrity to be enforced.]
Points for consideration
As we are at the design stage we can at least make proper use of indexes to deal performance issues so thats why option 1 to me is attractive and its more of a standard approach.
For both options we are considering implementing an archiving database.
Apologies for the long Question. In summary the question is 1 DB or 2?
Thanks in advance,
Option 1 in my opinion is the way to go.
CPU is very unlikely to be your bottleneck with 100 concurrent users providing your workload. You could acquire a single multi-socket server with additional CPU capacity available via hot swap technology to offer room to grow should you wish. Dependent on your availability requirements you could also consider using a Clustering solution to allow for swapping in more processing CPU resource by forced fail over to another node.
The performance of your disk subsystem is going to be your biggest concern. Your design decisions will be influenced by the storage solution you use, which I assume will be SAN technology.
As a minimum you will want to place your LOG(RAID 1) and DATA files(RAID 10 or 5 dependent on workload) on separate LUNS.
Dependent on your table access you may wish to consider placing different Filegroups on separate LUN's. Partitioning your table data could prove advantageous to you but only for large tables.
50 to 100GB and 100 users is a pretty small database by most standards today. Don't over engineer your solution by trying to solve problems that you haven't even seen yet. Splitting it into two databases, especially on two different servers will create a mountain of headaches that you're better off without. Concentrate your efforts on creating a useful product instead.
I agree to the other comments stating that between 50 and 100GB is small these days. I'd also agree that you shouldn't overengineer.
But, if there is a obvious (or not so obvious) logical separation between the entities you store (like you say, one being read-write and the other parts mainly read-only), I'd still split it in different dbs. At least I would design it in a way I could easily factor one piece out. Security would be one reason, management/backup/restore another, easier serviceability (because inherently the design will be better factored and parts better isolated from each other), and, in SQL Server, ability to scale out (or the lack thereof if it is a single database). Separating login and content databases for example often makes sense for bigger web applications.
And, if you really want a sound design, separate your entities in a single db, using different schemas, putting proper permissions on objects, you end up with almost the same effort in my eyes.
Microsoft products like SharePoint, TFS and BizTalk all use several different databases (Though I do not pretend to be aware of the reasons / probably just the outcome of the way they organize their teams).
Especially with regard to that you cannot scale out a single database instance on SQL Server (clustering needs multiple instances), I'd be tempted to split it.
#John: I would never use RAID5. Solves no purpose other than to hurt performance. I agree with the RAID10 approach.
Putting data in another database is not going to make the slightest difference to performance. Performance is a factor of other things entirely.
A reason to create a new database is for maintenance and administration reasons. For example if one set of data needs a different backup and recovery policy or has higher availability requirements.

DataWarehouse - What is a good definition?

Could someone give me a good, practical definition of what a data warehouse is?
I'm surprised no one has posted Inmon's definition:
A warehouse is a subject-oriented,
integrated, time-variant and
non-volatile collection of data in
support of management's decision
making process
From the same page you can pick up Kimball's definition:
A copy of transaction data
specifically structured for query and
I think that, unfortunately, data warehousing is a wide-ranging field. There is a lot of variety with very few standard paradigms, specifically I'm thinking of Kimball's dimensional modelling. Inmon does not have as a specific a methodology as Kimball's and thus some 3NF models may or may not conform to his principles.
Because Inmon has broadened his scope for what warehousing is meant to accomplish, it can encompass unstructured data. However, analysis of unstructured data is very different than traditional analysis.
As applied to SQL Server, typically the largest Data Warehouses on SQL Server are modelled dimensionally, because this lends itself well to the non-distributed, non-massively parallel model. Massively parallel systems like Teradata generally perform a lot better with 3NF models. These are still table-based systems with the various tables connected with foreign key constraints (perhaps not enforced, but at least logical).
Of course, we are also seeing NoSQL data processing systems like Map/Reduce which are not really databases at all in the sense of normalized, denormalized or non/poorly-normalized relational databases which we have had for 40 years now.
i just started with Datawarehousing and Buisness Intelligence and looking around the web you can find some interesting links :
Get Start With Datawarehousing
I think this two links could help you to understand the concepts of datawarehousing.
sorry, im new i can post only one link ^^
we're sorry, but as a spam prevention mechanism, new users can only post a maximum of one hyperlink. Earn 10 reputation to post more hyperlinks.
A database optimized for retrieval, in general denormalized data, usually a star schema(but could be snowflake) and uses dimensional modeling (fact and dimension tables)
While this is not an academic definition, it might serve as a practical one. A data warehouse is a collection of datamarts and will combine datasets across the breadth of an organization.
A datamart will contain datasets specific to certain portions of the business. In the datamart you will find fact tables, measurable pieces of information, along with dimensions, attributes of your measurable pieces.
A true data warehouse will have conformed dimension tables that can be shared across datamarts.
An example...
Your company may build a datamart around sales. And another datamart around human resources. If the customer dimension table is shared across both these datamarts, it would be considered a conformed dimension. All three of these entities together would make up a data warehouse.
As someone else stated you can find more detailed information by searching for Ralph Kimball's Data Strategies.
Definition : Datawarehouse is a database used for analysis purpose rather than for transaction processing
Check the below link for more informaion on datawarehouse

Database alternatives?

I was wondering the trade-offs for using databases and what the other options were? Also, what problems are not well suited for databases?
I'm concerned with Relational Databases.
The concept of database is very broad. I will make some simplifications in what I present here.
For some tasks, the most common database is the relational database. It's a database based on the relational model. The relational model assumes that you describe your data in rows, belonging to tables where each table has a given and fixed number of columns. You submit data on a "per row" basis, meaning that you have to provide a row in a single shot containing the data relative to all columns of your table. Every submitted row normally gets an identifier which is unique at the table level, sometimes at the database level. You can create relationships between entities in the relational database, for example by saying that a given cell in your table must refer to another table's row, so to preserve the so called "referential integrity".
This model works fine, but it's not the only one out there. In some cases, data are better organized as a tree. The filesystem is a hierarchical database. starts at a root, and everything goes under this root, in a tree like structure. Another model is the key/value pair. Sleepycat BDB is basically a store of key/value entities.
LDAP is another database which has two advantages: stores rather generic data, it's distributed by design, and it's optimized for reading.
Graph databases and triplestores allow you to store a graph and perform isomorphism search. This is typically needed if you have a very generic dataset that can encompass a broad level of description of your entities, so broad that is basically unknown. This is in clear opposition to the relational model, where you create your tables with a very precise set of columns, and you know what each column is going to contain.
Some relational column-based databases exist as well. Instead of submitting data by row, you submit them by whole column.
So, to answer your question: a database is a method to store data. Technically, even a text file is a database, although not a particularly nice one. The choice of the model behind your database is mostly relative to what is the typical needs of your application.
Setting the answer as CW as I am probably saying something strictly not correct. Feel free to edit.
This is a rather broad question, but databases are well suited for managing relational data. Alternatives would almost always imply to design your own data storage and retrieval engine, which for most standard/small applications is not worth the effort.
A typical scenario that is not well suited for a database is the storage of large amounts of data which are organized as a relatively small amount of logical files, in this case a simple filesystem-like system can be enough.
Don't forget to take a look at NOSQL databases. It's pretty new technology and well suited for stuff that doesn't fit/scale in a relational database.
Use a database if you have data to store and query.
Technically, most things are suited for databases. Computers are made to process data and databases are made to store them.
The only thing to consider is cost. Cost of deployment, cost of maintenance, time investment, but it will usually be worth it.
If you only need to store very simple data, flat files would be an alternative (text files).
Note: you used the generic term 'database', but there are many many different types and implementations of these.
For search applications, full-text search engines (some of which are integrated to traditional DBMSes, but some of which are not), can be a good alternative, allowing both more features (various linguistic awareness, ability to have semi-structured data, ranking...) as well as better performance.
Also, I've seen applications where configuration data is stored in the database, and while this makes sense in some cases, using plain text files (or YAML, XML and such) and loading the underlying objects during initialization, may be preferable, due to the self-contained nature of such alternative, and to the ease of modifying and replicating such files.
A flat log file, can be a good alternative to logging to DBMS, depending on usage of course.
This said, in the last 10 years or so, the DBMS Systems, in general, have added many features, to help them handle different forms of data and different search capabilities (ex: FullText search a fore mentioned, XML, Smart storage/handling of BLOBs, powerful user-defined functions, etc.) which render them more versatile, and hence a fairly ubiquitous service. Their strength remain mainly with relational data however.

Data Warehouse Considerations: When and Why? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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A little background here:
I know what a data warehouse is, more or less. I've read several dozen guides on data warehousing, I've played with SSAS, I know what a star schema and a dimension table and a fact table is, I know what ETL is and how to do it. This is not a "how" question or a request for tutorials.
My issue is that all of the material I've read on data warehousing seems to gloss over the rationale for building a data warehouse. They all figuratively, or in some cases literally start with the phrase "so you've decided to build a data warehouse..." Except I haven't made that decision yet.
So I'm hoping that SO members can point me to, or help come up with, some kind of semi-objective test. Something that I can adapt to a particular system and end up with either "yep, we need a data warehouse" or "no, the payoff today would be too small." I think that the specific questions I should be able to answer are:
At what point is building a data warehouse an option worth considering? In other words, what telltale signs, metrics, or other criteria should I be looking out for that might indicate that a standard transactional environment is no longer sufficient?
What are the alternatives to a full-on data warehouse? Denormalization in the transactional database and the bog-standard replicated "report server" are two that come to mind; are there any others I should explore before committing to the DW?
Why is a data warehouse better than said alternatives? If the answer is, "it depends", then what does it depend on?
When shouldn't I attempt to build a data warehouse? I'm skeptical of anything declared as a "best practice" irrespective of context. Surely there must be some scenarios where a DW is the wrong choice - what are they?
Are there any practical examples I could look at of systems that were improved by introducing a data warehouse? Something that would explain to me, end-to-end, what sorts of decisions or analysis they needed the warehouse for, how they decided what to put in it, and how the warehouse ended up fitting into the larger environment? I don't want a contrived "let's make a cube out of the AdventureWorks database" - the implementation is irrelevant to me, I'm interested in the specifications and designs and overall thought process that were involved.
I generally try not to ask multi-parters but I think that these are all very closely-related. I'm willing to accept any answer that addresses at least the first 4 questions, although the last would really help to crystallize this in my mind. Links are fine if somebody's already written about this, as long as they're reasonably concise and specific (link to Ralph Kimball's home page = not helpful).
Hope I've made the question clear - thanks in advance for your answers!
I'll see if I can do my best to answer your questions succinctly.
1.At what point is building a data warehouse an option worth considering?
In other words, what telltale signs,
metrics, or other criteria should I be
looking out for that might indicate
that a standard transactional
environment is no longer sufficient?
a. If you find that reporting and monitoring are impairing the performance of your production system and/or an offline data store.
b. If you find that getting answers to your business questions requires building a lot of complex SQL each time.
c. If you find that every time you make a change to your transactional schema, you have to go back and rework all of your reporting queries.
d. If you want to bring together data from multiple sources.
2.What are the alternatives to a full-on data warehouse?
Denormalization in the transactional
database and the bog-standard
replicated "report server" are two
that come to mind; are there any
others I should explore before
committing to the DW?
3.Why is a data warehouse better than said alternatives? If the answer is,
"it depends", then what does it depend
I'll answer these together. I wouldn't think of a data warehouse as an all or nothing venture. It's simply a concise phrase that means "storing your data in a way that allows you to more easily and quickly answer business questions."
Transactional databases are designed to efficiently interface with applications. Data warehouses, data marts, operational data stores and reporting tables are built to efficiently interface with people, if that makes sense.
4.When shouldn't I attempt to build a data warehouse? I'm skeptical of
anything declared as a "best practice"
irrespective of context. Surely there
must be some scenarios where a DW is
the wrong choice - what are they?
Good question. If your transactional system provides you with sufficient insight into your business, you probably do not have a need for warehousing.
If you only have one source of data and performance is not a problem, you can probably gain insight from creation of simple reporting tables.
5.Are there any practical examples I could look at of systems that were
improved by introducing a data
warehouse? Something that would
explain to me, end-to-end, what sorts
of decisions or analysis they needed
the warehouse for, how they decided
what to put in it, and how the
warehouse ended up fitting into the
larger environment? I don't want a
contrived "let's make a cube out of
the AdventureWorks database" - the
implementation is irrelevant to me,
I'm interested in the specifications
and designs and overall thought
process that were involved.
That's a big question that would take far more space than I'm allotted here.
On this one, I can point you to a few places that might provide the insight you seek.
"Implementing A Data Warehouse: A Methodology that worked" by Bruce Ullrey is a book documenting one man's journey to building a data warehouse. It's not highly polished, which gives it more realism. It reads like a journal with lots of models and other visuals that illustrate his efforts pretty well.
"Business Intelligence Roadmap" by Larissa Moss. Standard fare. Walks you through the process of building a BI practice at a high level.
"The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence" by Steve Williams gives a number of case studies that show the value of building data warehouses.
The main purpose of a DW is to speed-up (simplify) reporting and analytic. It enables slicing and dicing of data in any way a business user can think of.
For a first step DW, you can simply implement a Kimball star schema and run SQL queries against it. If this proves to be still too slow, start thinking about pre-calculated aggregations (cubes).
The slicing and dicing of information against a DW is way simpler, than against a normalized DB. Replicated report server will improve performance, but will not simplify slicing and dicing. Also keep in mind that the DW belongs to business users, so it is up to them to come up with various slice/dice ideas at any time -- IT people should simply provide environment in which something like this is possible.
If you just run few reports from time-to-time on your operational system and are satisfied with performance, there is no need for DW.
All my experience is with systems where business users endlessly complain about slow reports and inability to write "complicated queries", while production people complain that the database gets bogged down due to reporting. In all cases a simple Kimball star and a report server with cache and snapshots were good enough.
You should consider building a data warehouse, when two of the following criteria match:
Huge amount of data
Many big complex selects (possibly compared to few inserts, updates, and deletes) that just take too long to execute (and are complicated to write)
Data from different systems needs to get combined
It's really the question what you consider a data warehouse. In many cases you can move gradually from OLTPs Systems with some reports to a full blown data warehouse, as long as you can stick to a relational database management system. First could be to build a first fact table, and keep using the normalized tables for dimension. Then adding more facts, more fact tables or dedicated dimension tables to the game. First in the same database (or one of the databases of the involved systems), possibly moving to a separate database later.
A full data warehouse (separate database, star schema) offers the best options for tuning select statements, apart from going to a specialized system. It is also cleanly decoupled from the OLTP system(s). Think schema design, but also resources like CPU, I/O and memory and organizational, like scheduling of new releases. Of course it is a lot of work which you possibly don't need.
It's in the answers above: just because you have a handfull of complex queries, doesn't mean you should build a DWH, same holds for the other criteria, if they come in isolation.
Can't offer much here, but the advice: go agile. The requirements for a DWH depend extremly on the possibilities the users see. There for requirements are likely to change. Automating tests with databases is a pain, but fooling around in a production system with no proper tests is worse.
At what point is building a data warehouse an option worth considering? In other words, what telltale signs, metrics, or other criteria should I be looking out for that might indicate that a standard transactional environment is no longer sufficient?
I'd recommend a data warehouse when you observed that performing reporting and analysis activities on the in the transactional data store was harmful to both.
What are the alternatives to a full-on data warehouse? Denormalization in the transactional database and the bog-standard replicated "report server" are two that come to mind; are there any others I should explore before committing to the DW?
I have nothing to offer here. I'd say that keeping the transactional and reporting databases seems sensible to me, regardless of whether you call it a warehouse or not. Data mining can be a very CPU intensive activity.
Why is a data warehouse better than said alternatives? If the answer is, "it depends", then what does it depend on?
I have nothing to offer here.
When shouldn't I attempt to build a data warehouse? I'm skeptical of anything declared as a "best practice" irrespective of context. Surely there must be some scenarios where a DW is the wrong choice - what are they?
I'd say that if you don't need to keep long history, aren't doing intensive analysis of the data, and your reporting needs are limited to an ad hoc query from time to time, then perhaps a data warehouse isn't necessary.
Are there any practical examples I could look at of systems that were improved by introducing a data warehouse? Something that would explain to me, end-to-end, what sorts of decisions or analysis they needed the warehouse for, how they decided what to put in it, and how the warehouse ended up fitting into the larger environment? I don't want a contrived "let's make a cube out of the AdventureWorks database" - the implementation is irrelevant to me, I'm interested in the specifications and designs and overall thought process that were involved.
My employers have all used data warehouses for many years prior to my arrival, so I can't speak to what things were like before I arrived.
From my experience, the first sign for starting to think about data warehousing is when you have (or are developing) a transactional database and the users start adding lots of reporting and data history requirements. Which is pretty much always. It's always easier to have a separate data warehouse or reporting database than to try to design a transactional system that handles the reporting needs that end users always have. Storing history (for business entities) in a transactional system adds complexity and bloats a database that should be as responsive as possible.
On the flip side, I've been in large companies where many groups created data warehouses because data of interest was spread across many systems and was therefore difficult to query. The problem was that each group created their own data warehouse because all the existing warehouses in the company did not have the right subset of information, or had a data model that was regarded as non-optimal or incorrect. This made the situation worse by creating even more disparate data systems that were hard to compare.
DW could be considered if, one is using a ‘Transactional System’ from a long period. Later, they realize that they need to perform some data mining, to determine different data patterns of the business. And finally, with the help of the determined data patterns, one wants to help the top management to take further decisions in the benefit of the company.
Following steps needs to be taken up for building up a data ware house:
An ETL platform and database needs to be decided for the database.
A reporting tool like SSRS, Tableau, etc. needs to be chosen for the visualization.
One may opt for the Data Analytical language like R, for further use.
Finally, all this will help in developing the data ware house and reporting tool. 
"I think that why do some projects fail?"
There are five primary reasons:
lack of partnership between the IT department and business users;
incorrect data warehouse architecture;
not enough experienced people;
improper planning, such as failure to use a proven methodology and a plan to ensure that no details are omitted;
and depending on bleeding-edge technology.
