Setting Path on do file - file

I am new to Stata, and I am trying to set the path to the file location. However, it kept giving me error
I tried to fix it by changing the backward/forward slash, but it still gives me this error. Does anyone know where I am wrong?


Simple Move Files in AppleScript

I poked around and did find code that works but I can't figure out why my simple version didn't work and the more complicated did:
This code does not work, results in error
"Can’t get entire contents of "Macintosh HD:Users:Andrew:Downloads"."
tell application "Finder"
move entire contents of DownloadsFolderAddress to StatementFolderAddress
end tell
But this code DOES work??
tell application "Finder"
set AllStatementsList to get every item of (entire contents of folder DownloadsFolderAddress)
move AllStatementsList to StatementFolderAddress
end tell
Very curious why the second example works and not the first
The error is clear: You cannot get the contents of a literal string.
The second example works because you specified a folder.
Sometimes the Finder can infer the type but it's good practice to specify it always.
Assuming StatementFolderAddress is also the HFS path to a folder
tell application "Finder"
move entire contents of folder DownloadsFolderAddress to folder StatementFolderAddress
end tell

QDK file not found error in LiH Simulation

I am on MacOS. While "dotnet run" on unmodified version of "LithiumHydrideGUI" I am getting the following unhandled exception as
File Not Found for
I do see that the file is very much present in the directory one level up that is at "Chemistry" folder. Please let me know how to fix this.
You need to switch the direction of the slashes from "\" to "/". You will find the line for this in the "Program" file.

using output from first line of code for input to 2nd line of code

I am getting a "File not found" error with trying to run Outlook in batch. Most likely due to an error in the way I am formatting the code. The script takes the contents of clipboard provided by 'getclip' as %1, zips it to, uses && to pass to ipmnote which attaches it to a pre-loaded Outlook email
My original layout (which works) uses more lines of code and includes a mid-step of creating a file to be compressed. In trying to simplify the routine, I am getting errors saying Outlook cannot be found.
Outlook.exe is already in my System Path and I normally call it in using only the exe name. But I get the same "can't be located" error even when adding full path the file as shown here.
getclip>7z.exe a %1 -y && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.exe" /c ipm.note /m "email&"
Thanks for the quick reply. But the problem was the attachment. The error shown is somewhat open to interpretation since it implies that the issue is that Outlook cannot be found. In fact, what it could not find was the "" file needed to attach it. Once i added the path to find the attachment, it works perfectly.
Sometimes, it helps to write in and ask the question. By following testing the sequence for each step of the outlook command, i found the issue was only there when i added the attachment with the /a at the end. By giving the full path to find '', all errors are gone and the email is perfect.
The broken line in the code was created by posting the code using the "Code" button. I added characters as needed to force it to display properly
I am sure there is a better way and I started to mention this but i figured most people would know that the proper path to Outlook especially being in quotes and all would not have a carriage return in the middle"

Error when moving a file in SSIS,

"The specified path, file name, or both are too long.
The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters,
and the directory name must be less than 248 characters"
That is the error whenever I try to move a file from one folder to other.
The same file is getting loaded into a table but when I try to move, its throwing the error.
I am using a file system task to move the file from one folder to another. The file system task is throwing out that error.
Did anyone encounter the same error? How did you overcome? Please help me solve this error..
There is a tool to address just this. Can be found at
Alternately you can use expressions to rename and move the file using a File System task.

set APPDATA=whatever does not work?

Got a exe that saves it's data in AppData.
I want it to save in my own folder eg, /data
I have this:
set APPDATA=%cd%\data
Not working for some reason :(
Anyone know why?
Thank you.
The application will be getting hold of the APPDATA path via one of the system APIs, e.g. SHGetFolderPath, rather than reading the environment variable. There's nothing simple that you can do to change its behaviour.
