integrate a jupyter lab editor in React.js - reactjs

im trying to create an online editor with react.js that looks like jupyter lab: i want to build the cells, the toolbar etc.
I dont need the functionalities (like running a ipynb file), just the UI
how can i use jupterlab editor as a component / how to integrate it?
are there any extentions that could be used / sample apps already made?


How to use image upload adapters as extra plugins with CKEditor 5 Classic Editor? Or, how to use CKEditor custom builder in React JS?

I was trying to integrate CKEditor5 in my MERN Stack Application. Its a kind of blog site which requires a fully functioned rich text editor. I integrated the editor and all other things are working fine except the file upload button.
I am using the predefined Classic Editor, which has all the basic functions. But when I click on the Image button to upload an image from local storage, it shows the error :
I tried to add Base64UploadAdapter plugin but then it shows the error :
Uncaught CKEditorError: ckeditor-duplicated-modules
Because of this error, I had to remove that plugin, but I still do not have the file upload function.
I also need some other buttons on my text editor, but I am always getting some kind of errors.
I also tried the CKEditor Custom build editor, but when I imported it to my page, it again gives me ckeditor-duplicated-modules error. I used the following code for importing:
import { CKEditor } from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-react';
import Editor from 'ckeditor5-custom-build/build/ckeditor';
And yes, I also added the custom builder's folder to my package.json before importing this.
I want all the features that I added in my Custom builder, but that's not working in my case. Can anyone please help me with this? Or else, if that is not possible, please give me a solution for file upload which I need for sure, even if I don't get other buttons except the predefined Classic Editor buttons.
But, if there is any way to fix this ckeditor-duplicated-modules error and use the Custom build only, that would be the best solution for me..!
Thanks in advance.

Can we create a fancy animated website using Salesforce?

I have created many websited using html, css, javascript and have used animation tools like gsap.
Recently I have switched to Salesforce platform. So can anyone tell me that if we create fancy animated Websites using Salesforce?

How to get Php Intellisense with Monaco Editor?

Im trying to make my own editor based on monaco like vscode, but with better intellisense for php. Right now it only suggests words that I already created. How do i do that? I think I need to spawn a php server, but how would I implement that? Im using Electron and React.

how to implement locale using ant design plugin in react application

I am trying to build application using ant design library. I have an application with home page and want to use localization so application uses locale from browser and displays accordingly.
I searched ant design supports it but could not find example to see how its implemented.
Any pointer or sample apps showing how its done will be really helpful.

Adding custom CKEditor to Angular app

Basically I want to build an angular app with a text editor which supports syntax highlighting for a Dockerfile.
I'm fairly new to Angular, I downloaded a custom highlight.js to serve my purpose.
I'm not sure if and how to add it to an editor (say CKEditor) to support the syntax highlighting part. And how to further add this editor to my angular app.
I have no idea how to work with it, nor could I find any reasonable tutorials.
