Run executive dashboard example in EXT-Js - extjs

I am trying to run EXT-JS 5 executive dashboard example on my local machine. I could see the code for executive dashboard in the folder "build/examples/executive-dashboard" . However this code is compressed and could not read.
The other location where I could locate the code for executive dashboard is in the examples folder. However I could not run this uncompressed code. At the same time I could see that there are no css files in examples/executive-dashboard folder.
Do I need to run any sencha command to get the code in examples folder running on server ? If so is there any way that I can run it without using sencha command ?
Please advise.

Is your HTTP server running? You cannot run this, neither many of other, example using file:// protocol but you have to use http:// protocol.
So your url should look similar to: http://localhost/ext-5.1.0/examples/executive-dashboard/


Spring Devtools triggers restart when changing excluded files

I have a Spring Boot Web Project that uses Joinfaces and Primefaces. The application extends from SpringBootServletInitializer and also generates a war file.
For development I start my Project (in Eclipse) using RunAs -> Spring Boot App. I've added the spring-boot-devtools dependency as described in the Developer Tools Docu. Everything seems to work, except that changes in a xhtml file also triggers the restart.
I've added the spring.devtools.restart.additional-exclude property in my application.yml to exclude also webapp/**. But this seems to have no effect, because a change still triggers the restart.
additional-exclude: webapp/**
My Project structure looks like:
- *.xhtml
But maybe I do not understand how to use the DevTools correct - Starting the application as Spring Boot App might not be the correct usage? Because if I place a file e.g. foo.txt under src/main/resources and update its content the application is also restarted (using the DevTools defaults (which should exclude /resources)).
Eclipse Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
Joinfaces 3.2.1 -> Spring Boot 2.0.2.RELEASE
The solution to my main problem might be relatively easy.
I've added the webapp folder as Source Folder in Eclipse. As soon as I've removed the folder from the list of source folders, the reload was no longer triggered when I changed something in the xhtml files.
This answer gave me the idea, that the source folder might be the problem.
My exclude also did not work. What I did as a workaround is slowing the reload down like this:
poll-interval: 6000
quiet-period: 5000

loading image using anglularjs and ibm bluemix

I developed an application using nodes and angularjs.
I have an html file that I should display an image.
when running the application on localhost, everything work perfectly and the application displays the image.
I used this code for displaying image:
<img ng-src="./app/images/{{idimage}}.jpeg" ></img>
when I do a push for this application to ibmbluemix, the console told me that there are a 404 not found error.
Any idea please for how displaying image using angulars in ibm bluemix.
Thanks for helps
A possible reason for this issue is if you are pushing the app from outside of the app folder by using the manifest path parameter, and when you run your app locally, you also run it from outside the app folder.
After pushing your app, use cf ssh (docs) to get inside your deployed app. You can then take a look around using linux tools like ls to see what folders have been deployed.

My images inside the images subfolder wont show in heroku but works ok in local

I have a Node.Js App using express and Angular. While developing and running a local server everything worked perfectly.
But once deployed in Heroku, images (vewed in the gallery page) inside sub folders (images/*) just wont load while in Heroku.
When I try to go directly to the image URL the ones directly in the images folder work well:
But the ones in subfolders wont, and show part of the page:
I think it might be that:
1. the sub folders are not available in server
2. some routing problem
The code is in
The Heroku app is in
Any help will be appreciated :)
You have the text case wrong in the link:
should be:
(Note: lowercase '2014hallel').
You should be able to login to your Heroku terminal via SSH. Poke around in there and see if the images are actually located where your app is looking for them as a first step.

Debug CakePhp Step by step

My client want the code I've did in a subfolder.
I've put everything inside but I have only a blank page.
When I try to use phpinfo in the index file, nothing appears.
On the app/core.php the same
I don't have access to root to test if it's an issue with the root .htaccess or with my script.
Which cakephp file should be called first if the subdomain setup is good?
Ok I know what's wrong. SetEnv PHP_VER 5_3 does not work on the shared
hosting where my client have his main website. The client does not
want to upgrade the php version and this directive in the .htaccess
seems to be ignored. What alternatives do I have ...?

Need help- iFrame app url index.php not work

I am trying to create simple Facebook app using the php sdk 3.0.
I followed the instruction from to create my own app. I added my appid, secret, baseurl as the documentation said. I upload all code to my free host.
Canvasurl is ""
canvas page is
The browser said that webpage not available but my index.php file still in the host. I upload another file to check version of php ( and it works.
I also tried changing index.php to index.html so the file is available but app still did not work.
What can the problem be?
I think your issue is that the framework requires the CURL PHP extension.
[message:protected] => Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.
Here's a tutorial on how to install the CURL PHP extension. (it's 2.5 years old...hope it still works for you)
