Optimising Firebase's power consumption on mobiles - mobile

For Firebase-based mobile applications in which latencies of ~1 minute (or manual sync) are acceptable, will power consumption be optimal? Is it possible and does it make sense to adjust keep-alives, etc?

Firebase is optimized for real-time communication (meaning as low latency as possible). While I have no reason to suspect it'll be a power hog, we haven't (yet) optimized for power consumption or done any in-depth testing.
Feel free to email support#firebase.com if you do any testing on your own and want to share your findings.


Determining when to scale up my AWS RDS database?

I'm building a web service, consisting of many different components, all of which could conceivably be bottlenecks. I'm currently trying to figure out what metrics I should be looking for, when deciding whether or not my database (on AWS RDS) is the bottleneck in the chain.
Looking at AWS Cloudwatch, I see a number of RDS metrics given. Full list:
The key metrics that I think I should be paying attention to:
Read/Write Latency
Freeable Memory
With the latency metrics, I'm thinking that I should set up alerts if it exceeds >300ms (for fast website responsiveness), though I recognize that this is very much workload dependent.
With the CPU/memory-util, I have no idea what numbers to set these to. I'm thinking I should set an alert for 75% CPU-utilization, and 75% drop in Freeable Memory.
Am I on the right track with the metrics I've shortlisted above, and the thresholds I have guessed? Are there any other metrics I should be paying attention to?
The answer is totally dependent on your application. Some applications will require more CPU, some will need more RAM. There is no definitive answer.
The best thing is to monitor your database (with the metrics you list above). Then, when performance is below desired, take a look at which metrics are showing problems. These should be the first ones you track for scaling your database.
The key idea that if your customers are experiencing problems, it should be appearing in your metrics somewhere. If this isn't the case, then you're not collecting sufficient metrics.
I think you are on the right track - especially with the latency metrics; for a typical application with database back-end, the read/write latency is going to be what the user notices most if it degrades. Sure the memory or cpu usage may spike, but does any user care? No, not unless it then causes the latency to go up.
I'd start with the metrics you listed as the low-hanging fruit and adjust accordingly.

Most cost-effective GAE app settings?

A GAE python webapp I got splits its cost about evenly into 1) front instances and 2) data reads. What I can think of reducing the costs for data reads is store more items with memcache. But I don't know how to reduce costs for the front instances. I'm using the F1 setting, how do I know whether other setting increase or decrease the cost? What happens if I enable the PageSpeed service?
About PageSpeed Service cost:
At this time, the service is being offered to a limited set of webmasters free of charge.
Have a look for more information here. But on the other hand there is an article (Enabling PageSpeed Optimization Service) in docs that says this:
There is a small fee for using PageSpeed ($0.39 per gigabyte of bandwidth in addition to regular bandwidth charges)...
About lowering front end instance costs you could have a smaller number of idle Instances as that reduces costs.
Definitely use Memcache extensively and take care to keep cache in sync with Datastore.
Slightly increasing the Pending Latency makes AppEngine hold off spawning additional server instances for a short while. If your site throughput is low to medium, the impact on performance should be negligible. On the other hand, the cost savings might also be negligible. It will not hurt to give it a try.

Is app engine more expensive when it's slower?

There have been quite a few occasions recently when app engine appears to run slower. To some degree that's understandable with the architecture of their cloud platform. I'm not talking about new server instances - just requests to warm servers. I'm also just referring to CPU, not datastore API, but I do wonder about that as well.
It seems that during these slow periods I get a lot more yellow warnings on my requests - saying I am using a lot of CPU. Certainly they take longer to complete during this period. What concerns me is that during these slow periods, my billable CPU seems to go up.
So to be clear - when app engine is fast, a request might complete in 100ms. In a slow period, it might take more than 1s for the same request. Same URI, same caching, same processing path, same datastore, same indexes - much more CPU. The yellow warnings, as I understand it, are referring to billable CPU usage, and there's many more of them when app engine is slower.
This seems to set up a bizarre situation where my app costs more to run when app engine performance is worse. This means google makes more money the more poorly the platform performs (up to the point where it fails or customers leave). Maybe I've got the situation all wrong, and it doesn't work like that - but if it does work like that, then as a customer the pressures and balances there are all wrong. That's not intimating any wrong-doing on google's part - just that the relationships between those two things don't seem right.
It almost seems like google's algorithm goes something like - 'If I give a processing job to a CPU and start my watch, then stop it when the job returns I get the billable CPU figure.' i.e. it doesn't measure CPU work at all. Surely that time should be divided by the number of processing jobs being concurrently executed plus some extra to cover the additional context switching. I'm sure that stuff is hard to measure - perhaps that's the reason.
I guess you could argue it is fair that you pay more when app engine is in high demand, but that makes budgeting close to impossible - you can't generate stats like '100 users costs me $1 a day', because that could change for a whole host of reasons - including app engine onboarding more customers than the infrastructure can realistically handle. If google over-subscribes app engine then all customers pay more - it's another relationship that doesn't sound right. Surely google's costs should go down as they onboard more customers, and those customers use more resources - based on economies of scale.
Should I expect two identical requests in my app to cost me roughly the same amount each time they run - regardless of how much wall-time app engine takes to actually complete them? Have I misunderstood how this works? If I haven't, is there a reason why I shouldn't be worried about it in the long term? Is there some documentation which makes this situation clearer? Cheers,
It would be more complicated, but they could change the billing algorithm to be a function of load. Or perhaps they could normalize the CPU measurements based on the performance of similar calls in the past.
I agree that this presents problems for the developers.
Yes this is true. It is a bummer. It also takes them over a second to start up my Java application (which I was billed for) every time they decided my site was in low demand, and didn't need the resources.
I ended up using a cron to auto ping my site every minute to keep it warm.. doing all the wasted work made my bill cheaper, as it didn't have the startup time, instead it just had lots of 2ms pings...
This question appears old and I think the pricing scheme must have changed...
The Google App Engine charges for "instance hours" and the instances currently spawned are viewable in the GAE console. And Google provides adjustments so you can decide cost vs latency for your app.
I did noticed that if the front-end is bogged down hitting a common backend resource that GAE will spawn a bunch of instances to get latency down. And you will pay for those instance hours even though latency/throughput doesn't improve. The adjustments I mentioned seem to help with that.

Combining cache methods - memcache/disk based

Here's the deal. We would have taken the complete static html road to solve performance issues, but since the site will be partially dynamic, this won't work out for us.
What we have thought of instead is using memcache + eAccelerator to speed up PHP and take care of caching for the most used data.
Here's our two approaches that we have thought of right now:
Using memcache on >>all<< major queries and leaving it alone to do what it does best.
Usinc memcache for most commonly retrieved data, and combining with a standard harddrive-stored cache for further usage.
The major advantage of only using memcache is of course the performance, but as users increases, the memory usage gets heavy. Combining the two sounds like a more natural approach to us, even though the theoretical compromize in performance.
Memcached appears to have some replication features available as well, which may come handy when it's time to increase the nodes.
What approach should we use?
- Is it stupid to compromize and combine the two methods? Should we insted be focusing on utilizing memcache and instead focusing on upgrading the memory as the load increases with the number of users?
Thanks a lot!
Compromize and combine this two method is a very clever way, I think.
The most obvious cache management rule is latency v.s. size rule, which is used in CPU cached also. In multi level caches each next level should have more size for compensating higher latency. We have higher latency but higher cache hit ratio. So, I didn't recommend you to place disk based cache in front of memcache. Сonversely it's should be place behind memcache. The only exception is if you cache directory mounted in memory (tmpfs). In this case file based cache could compensate high load on memcache, and also could have latency profits (because of data locality).
This two storages (file based, memcache) are not only storages that are convenient for cache. You also could use almost any KV database as they are very good at concurrency control.
Cache invalidation is separate question which can engage your attention. There are several tricks you could use to provide more subtle cache update on cache misses. One of them is dog pile effect prediction. If several concurrent threads got cache miss simultaneously all of them go to backend (database). Application should allow only one of them to proceed and rest of them should wait on cache. Second is background cache update. It's nice to update cache not in web request thread but in background. In background you can control concurrency level and update timeouts more gracefully.
Actually there is one cool method which allows you to do tag based cache tracking (memcached-tag for example). It's very simple under the hood. With every cache entry you save a vector of tags versions which it is belongs to (for example: {directory#5: 1, user#8: 2}). When you reading cache line you also read all actual vector numbers from memcached (this could be effectively performed with multiget). If at least one actual tag version is greater than tag version saved in cache line then cache is invalidated. And when you change objects (for example directory) appropriate tag version should be incremented. It's very simple and powerful method, but have it's own disadvantages, though. In this scheme you couldn't perform efficient cache invalidation. Memcached could easily drop out live entries and keep old entries.
And of course you should remember: "There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things" - Phil Karlton.
Memcached is quite a scalable system. For instance, you can replicate cache to decrease access time for certain key buckets or implement Ketama algorithm that enables you to add/remove Memcached instances from pool without remap of all keys. In this way, you can easily add new machines dedicated to Memcached when you happen to have extra memory. Furthermore, as its instance can be run with different sizes, you can throw up one instance by adding more RAM to an old machine. Generally, this approach is more economic and to some extent does not inferior to the first one, especially for multiget() requests. Regarding a performance drop with data growth, the runtime of the algorithms used in Memcached does not vary with the size of the data, and therefore the access time depend only on number of simultaneous requests. Finally, if you want to tune your memory/performance priorities you can set expire time and available memory configuration values which will strict RAM usage or increase cache hits.
At the same time, when you use a hard-disk the file system can become a bottleneck of your application. Besides general I/O latency, such things as fragmentation and huge directories can noticeably affect your overall request speed. Also, beware that default Linux hard disk settings are tuned more for compatibility than for speed, so it is advisable to configure it properly before usage (for instance, you can try hdparm utility).
Thus, before adding one more integrating point, I think you should tune the existent system. Usually, properly designed database, configured PHP, Memcached and handling of static data should be enough even for a high-load web site.
I would suggest that you first use memcache for all major queries. Then, test to find queries that are least used or data that is rarely changed and then provide a cache for this.
If you can isolate common data from rarely used data, then you can focus on improving performance on the more commonly used data.
Memcached is something that you use when you're sure you need to. You don't worry about it being heavy on memory, because when you evaluate it, you include the cost of the dedicated boxes that you're going to deploy it on.
In most cases putting memcached on a shared machine is a waste of time, as its memory would be better used caching whatever else it does instead.
The benefit of memcached is that you can use it as a shared cache between many machines, which increases the hit rate. Moreover, you can have the cache size and performance higher than a single box can give, as you can (and normally would) deploy several boxes (per geographical location).
Also the way memcached is normally used is dependent on a low latency link from your app servers; so you wouldn't normally use the same memcached cluster in different geographical locations within your infrastructure (each DC would have its own cluster)
The process is:
Identify performance problems
Decide how much performance improvement is enough
Reproduce problems in your test lab, on production-grade hardware with necessary driver machines - this is nontrivial and you may need a lot of dedicated (even specialised) hardware to drive your app hard enough.
Test a proposed solution
If it works, release it to production, if not, try more options and start again.
You should not
Cache "everything"
Do things without measuring their actual impact.
As your performance test environment will never be perfect, you should have sufficient instrumentation / monitoring that you can measure performance and profile your app IN PRODUCTION.
This also means that every single thing that you cache should have a cache hit/miss counter on it. You can use this to determine when the cache is being wasted. If a cache has a low hit rate (< 90%, say), then it is probably not worthwhile.
It may also be worth having the individual caches switchable in production.
Remember: OPTIMISATIONS INTRODUCE FUNCTIONAL BUGS. Do as few optimisations as possible, and be sure that they are necessary AND effective.
You can delegate the combination of disk/memory cache to the OS (if your OS is smart enough).
For Solaris, you can actually even add SSD layer in the middle; this technology is called L2ARC.
I'd recommend you to read this for a start: http://blogs.oracle.com/brendan/entry/test.

How should I estimate hardware requirements for SQL Server 2005 database?

We're being asked to spec out production database hardware for an ASP.NET web application that hasn't been built yet.
The specs we need to determine are:
Database CPU
Database I/O
Database RAM
Here are the metrics I'm currently looking at:
Estimated number of future hits to
website - based on current IIS logs.
Estimated worst-case peak loads to
Estimated number of DB queries per
page, on average.
Number of servers in web farm that
will be hitting database.
Cache polling traffic from database
(using SqlCacheDependency).
Estimated data cache misses.
Estimated number of daily database transactions.
Maximum acceptable page render time.
Any other metrics we should be taking into account?
Also, once we have all those metrics in place, how do they translate into hardware requirements?
What I have been doing lately for server planning is using some free tools that HP provides, which are collectively referred to as the "server sizers". These are great tools because they figure out the optimal type of RAID to use, and the correct number of disk spindles to handle the load (very important when planning for a good DB server) and memory processor etc. I've provided the link below I hope this helps.
What I am missing is a measure for the needed / required / defined level of reliability.
While you could probably spec out a big honking machine to handle all the load, depending on your reliabiltiy requirements, you might rather want to invest in smaller, but multiple machines, and into safer disk subsystems (RAID 5).
In my opinion, estimating hardware for an application that hasn't been built and designed yet is more of a political issue than a scientific issue. By the time you finish the project, current hardware capability and their price, functional requirements, expected number of concurrent users, external systems and all other things will change and this change is beyond your control.
However this question comes up very often since you need to put numbers in a proposal or provide a report to your manager. If it is a proposal, what you are trying to accomplish is to come up with a spec that can support the proposed sofware system. The only trick is to propose a system that will not increase your cost for competiteveness while not puting yourself at the risk of a low performance system.
If you can characterize your current workload in terms of hits to pages, then you can then:
1) calculate the typical type of query that will be done for each page
2) using the above 2 pieces of information, estimate the workload on the database server
You also need to determine your performance requirements - what is the max and average response time you want for your website?
Given the workload, and performance requirements, you can then calculate capacity. The best way to make this estimate is to use some existing hardware, run a simulated database workload on a database on that hardware, and then extrapolate your hardware requirements based on your data from the first steps.
