C: Nested Ifs or Gotos - c

What is the best way to manage resources for a C program. Should I use a nested if structure or should I use goto statements?
I am aware there is a lot of taboo about goto statements. However, I think it is justified for local resource clean up. I have supplied two samples. One compares a nested if structure and another uses goto statements. I personally find the goto statements make the code easier to read. For those who might argue that the nested if prompt better structure, imagine if the datatype was something other than a char*, like a Windows handle. I feel that the nested if structure would get out of hand with a series of CreateFile functions or any other function that takes large quantities of parameters.
This article demonstrates that local goto statements create RAII for C code. The code is neat an easy to follow. Imagine that as a series of nested if statements.
I understand that goto is taboo in many other languages because their exists other control mechanisms like try/catch etc, however, in C it seems appropriate.
#include <stdlib.h>
#define STRING_MAX 10
void gotoExample()
char *string1, *string2, *string3, *string4, *string5;
if ( !(string1 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char))) )
goto gotoExample_string1;
if ( !(string2 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char))) )
goto gotoExample_string2;
if ( !(string3 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char))) )
goto gotoExample_string3;
if ( !(string4 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char))) )
goto gotoExample_string4;
if ( !(string5 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char))) )
goto gotoExample_string5;
//important code goes here
void nestedIfExample()
char *string1, *string2, *string3, *string4, *string5;
if (string1 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char)))
if (string2 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char)))
if (string3 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char)))
if (string4 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char)))
if (string5 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char)))
//important code here
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 0;
I would also like to quote Linus Torvalds on goto statements inside the Linux Kernel.
And sometimes structure is bad, and
gets into the way, and using a "goto"
is just much clearer.
For example, it is quite common to
have conditionals THAT DO NOT NEST.
In which case you have two
use goto, and be happy, since it doesn't enforce nesting
This makes the code more readable,
since the code just does what the
algorithm says it should do.
duplicate the code, and rewrite it in a nesting form so that you can
use the structured jumps.
This often makes the code much LESS
readable, harder to maintain, and
The Pascal language is a prime example
of the latter problem. Because it
doesn't have a "break" statement,
loops in (traditional) Pascal end up
often looking like total shit, because
you have to add totally arbitrary
logic to say "I'm done now".
Is goto acceptable for resource management? Should I use nested if statements or is there a better way?
Update: Examples of Good Gotos In C

No doubt about it Dijkstra was a formidable personality in the programming world. His
Goto Considered Harmful paper
was way overblown. Yes GoTo may be used indiscriminately and can be harmfull but many think an outright ban on GoTo is
not warranted. Knuth provided a very well reasoned rebuttal to Dijkstra in:
Structured Programming with GO TOs
Read Knuth's paper, you will find that your GoTo pattern is one of the good uses
for GoTo.
BTW, Dijkstra is very quotable for a number of other things too. How about:
Object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could only have originated in California.
Dijkstra was a great mathematician and made huge contributions to computer science. However, I don't
think he had to deal with, or was interested in, the day to day type stuff that 99.99 percent of
our programs do.
Use GoTo only with reason and structure. Use them rarely. But do use them.

If by using goto you can avoid writing complex code, then use goto.
Your example could also be written like this (no gotos):
void anotherExample()
char *string1, *string2, *string3, *string4, *string5;
string1 = string2 = string3 = string4 = string5 = 0;
if ((string1 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char)))
&& (string2 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char)))
&& (string3 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char)))
&& (string4 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char)))
&& (string5 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char))))
//important code here

Cleanup using goto has the advantage that it's less error-prone. Having to free each and every resource allocated on each and every return point can lead to someone someday missing some cleanup when doing maintenance work.
That said, I'll quote Knuth's "Structured Programming with goto Statements":
I argue for the elimination of go to's in certain cases, and for their introduction in others.
and Knuth's quote of Dijkstra in that same paper:
"Please don't fall into the trap of believing that I am terribly dogmatical about [the go to statement]. I have the uncomfortable feeling that others are making a religion out of it, as if the conceptual problems of programming could be solved by a single trick, by a simple form of coding discipline!" [29].

Always use one goto in each program to annoy the purists
That's my philosophy.
Seriously, on some occasions a goto is reasonable, especially if it just does something obvious like jump to common return code at the bottom of a function.

Personally I have used goto in this manner in the past. People hate it because it reminds them of the spaghetti code they used to write/maintain, or because someone who wrote/maintaned such code beat the concept that gotos are evil into them.
You probably could write something decent without goto, sure. But it's not going to do any harm in this kind of circumstance.

From two of your alternatives, goto is naturally better and nicer. But there's a third and better alternative: Use recursion!

I'd structure the code differently than either one. Unless I had some outstanding reason to do otherwise, I'd probably write the code something like this:
char *strings[5] = {NULL};
int all_good = 1;
for (i=0; i<5 && all_good; i++) {
strings[i] = malloc(STRING_MAX);
all_good &= strings[i] != NULL;
if (all_good)
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)

One very big difference between the example in the article you link to and the code you're posting is that your gotos labels are <functionName>_<number> and their goto labels are cleanup_<thing_to_cleanup>.
You're be using goto line_1324 next, and the code will get edited so the line_1234 label is on line 47823 ...
Use it like the example, and be very careful to write code to be read.

If you know what you're doing, and the resulting code looks cleaner and more readable (I bet it does), then there's absolutely no problem with using goto's. Especially the 'graceful initialization failure recovery' example you showed is widely used.
BTW, when writing structured code that initializes 100 things, you'd need 100 levels of indentation...which is plain ugly.

In C, goto is often the only way to approximate cleanup code like C++ destructors or Java finally clauses. Since it's really the best tool you have for that purpose, I say use it. Yeah, it's easy to abuse, but so are a lot of programming constructs. For example, most Java programmers wouldn't hesitate to throw exceptions, but exceptions are also easy to abuse if they're used for something other than error reporting, such as flow control. But if you're using goto explicitly for the purpose of avoiding cleanup-code duplication, then it's safe to say you're probably not abusing it.
You can find many perfectly reasonable uses of goto in the Linux kernel, for example.

For me, I prefer this style of goto error handling. Taking Nick D's snippet one step further, it uses one general goto label for error handling.
void gotoExample()
char *string1, *string2, *string3, *string4, *string5;
string1 = string2 = string3 = string4 = string5 = NULL;
if ( !(string1 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char))) )
if ( !(string2 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char))) )
if ( !(string3 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char))) )
if ( !(string4 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char))) )
if ( !(string5 = (char*) calloc(STRING_MAX, sizeof(char))) )
//important code goes here
if (string5)
if (string4)
if (string3)
if (string2)
if (string1)


Is there a suggested way to deal with errors in C?

There are two main ways,which is better?
Deal with error right now.
int func(){
rv = process_1();
// deal with error_1
return -1;
rv = process_2();
// deal with error_1
// deal with error_2
return -1;
return 0;
Deal with errors at go-to. I found a lot of this style of code in the Linux kernel code.
int func(){
rv = process_1();
goto err_1
rv = process_2();
goto err_2;
return 0;
// deal with error_2
// deal with error_1
return -1;
This is really prone to become a flame war, but here my opinion :
A lot of people will say that goto is inherently evil, that you should never use it.
While I can agree to a certain degree, I also can say that when it come to clean multiple variable (like by using fclose / free / etc etc), I find goto to be the cleanest (or more readable, at least) way of doing it.
To be clear, I advise to always use the simplest way for error handling, not using always goto.
For exemple,
bool MyFunction(void)
char *logPathfile = NULL;
FILE *logFile = NULL;
char *msg = NULL;
bool returnValue = false;
logPathfile = malloc(...);
if (!logPathfile) {
// Error message (use possibly perror (3) / strerror (3))
sprintf(logPathfile, "%s", "/home/user/exemple.txt");
logFile = fopen(logPathfile, "w");
if (!logFile) {
// Error message (use possibly perror (3) / strerror (3))
msg = malloc(...);
if (!msg) {
// Error message (use possibly perror (3) / strerror (3))
/* ... other code, with possibly other failure test that end with goto */
// Function's end
returnValue = true;
if (logFile) {
return returnValue;
By using goto to handle the error, you now really reduce the risk to do memory leak.
And if in the futur you have to add another variable that need cleaning, you can add the memory management really simply.
Or if you have to add another test (let's say for example that the filename should not begin by "/root/"), then you reduce the risk to forgetting to free the memory because the goto whill handle it.
Like you said it, you can also use this flow structure to add rollback action.
Depending the situation, you maybe don't need to have multiple goto label thougth.
Let's say that in the previous code, if there is an error, we have to delete the created file.
Simply add
/* rollback action */
if (!returnValue) {
if (logPathfile) {
rigth after the goto label, and you're done :)
edit :
The complexity added by using goto are, as far as I know, the following :
every variable that will be cleaned or use to use clean have to be intialized.
That should not be problematic since setting pointer to a valid value (NULL or other) should always be done when declaring the variable.
for example
void MyFunction(int nbFile)
FILE *array = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
array = malloc(nbFile * sizeof(*array));
if (!array) {
// Error message (use possibly perror (3) / strerror (3))
for (int i = 0; i < nbFile; ++i) {
array[i] = fopen("/some/path", "w");
if (!array[i]) {
// Error message (use possibly perror (3) / strerror (3))
/* ... other code, with possibly other failure test that end with goto */
/* We need size to fclose array[i], so size should be initialized */
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
(yeah, I know that If I had use calloc instead of malloc, I could have tested if array[i] != NULL to know if I need to fclose, but it's for the sake of the explanation ...)
You probably have to add another variable for the function return value.
I usually set this variable to indicate failure at the beginning (like setting false) and give it's success value just before the goto.
Sometime, in some situation, this can seem weird, but it's, in my opinion, still understandable (just add a comment :) )
I'd recommend you to read thoroughly the examples you have found (more if they are in the kernel code of an operating system.) The situation you describe corresponds to an algorithm that should make decisions at each stage of the execution, and those stages require to undo the previous steps.
You first allocate some resource #1, and continue.
then you allocate another resource (say resource #2) if that fails, then you have to free resource #1, as it is not longer valid.
finally you allocate resource #N, if that fails you must free resources #1 to #N-1.
The figure you show allows you to write in one line, a set of resource allocations, between which you have to decide if you continue.
In this scenario a policy like this is recommended (for novice C programmers, as it avoids the use of goto but becomes less readable (as it nests as things happen)
if ((res_1 = some_allocation(blablah)) != ERROR_CODE) {
if ((res_2 = some_other_allocation(blablatwo)) != ANOTHER_ERROR_CODE) {
if ((res_N = some_N_allocation(blablaN)) != NTH_ERROR_CODE) {
return_resource_N(res_N); /* free resN */
} else {
do_action_corresponding_to_failed_N(); /* error for failing N */
return_resource_N_minus_one(resN_1); /* free resN_1 */
} else {
do_action_corresponding_to_failed_2(); /* error for failing #2 */
return_resource_1(res1); /* free #1. (A): (see below) */
} else {
do_acttion_corresponding_to_failed_1(); /* error for failing #1 */
/* there's nothing to undo here, as we have returned the first resource in (A) above. */
nothing to say about this code, but that it has no gotos, but is incredible far less readable (it's a mess of nested things in which, when you fail for resource N, then you have to return up to N-1 resources.) you can messup the resources deallocated by putting them in the wrong position and it's error prone. But on the other side, it allocates and deallocates the things in just one place and is as compact as the code with gotos.
writing this code with gotos gives this:
if ((res_1 = some_allocation(blablah)) == ERROR_CODE) {
do_acttion_corresponding_to_failed_1(); /* error for failing #1 */
goto end;
if ((res_2 = some_other_allocation(blablatwo)) == ANOTHER_ERROR_CODE) {
do_action_corresponding_to_failed_2(); /* error for failing #2 */
goto res1;
if ((res_N = some_N_allocation(blablaN)) == NTH_ERROR_CODE) {
do_action_corresponding_to_failed_N(); /* error for failing #N */
goto resN1;
return_resource_N(res_N); /* free resN */
resN1: return_resource_N_minus_one(resN_1); /* free resN_1 */
res1: return_resource_1(res1); /* free #1. (A): (see below) */
end: /* there's nothing to undo here, as we have returned the first resource in (A) above. */
There's only thing that can be said about the first code that will make it perform better in some architectures. Dealing with goto is a pain for the compiler, as normally it has to make assumptions about all the possible resulting blocks that will end jumping to the same label, and this makes things far more difficult to optimice, resulting in not so optimiced code. (this is clear when you use structured blocks, and only implies one or two places you can come from), and you will get worse performance code (not much worse, but somewhat slower code)
You will agree with me that the equivalent code you post in your code is more readable, probably exactly the same level of correctness.
Other required use of goto constructs is when you have several nested loops and you have to exit more than the closest loop to exit.
for(...) {
for(...) {
for (...) {
goto out;
this is also C specific, as other languages allow you to label the construct you want to exit from and specify it in the break statement.
E.g. in Java:
external_loop: for(...) {
for(...) {
for (...) {
break external_loop;
In this case you don't need to jump, as the break knows how many loops we need to exit.
One last thing to say. With just the while() construct, all other language constructs can be simulated, by introducing state variables to allow you to do things (e.g. stepping out of each loop by checking some variable used precisely for that). And even less.... if we allow for recursive function call, even the while() loop can be simulated, and optimicers are capable of guessing a faster implementation without recursion for the simulated block. Why in the schools nobody says never use if sentences, they are evil? This is because there's a frequent fact that newbies tend to learn one struct better than others and then, they get the vice of using it everywhere. This happens frequently with goto and not with others, more difficult to understand but easier to use, once they have been understood.
The use of goto for everything (this is the legacy of languages like assembler and early fortran) and maintaining that code normally ends in what is called spaghetti programming. A programmer just selects at random a place to write his/her code in the main code of a program, opens an editor and inserts it's code there:
Let's say that we have to do several steps, named A to F:
and later, some steps, named G and H have to be added to be executed at the end. Spaghetti programming can make the code end being something like this:
code_for_C(); /* programmer opened the editor in this place */
goto A;-------.
code_for_G(); | | /* the code is added in the middle of the file */
code_for_H(); | |
goto C;-------+-+--.
| | |
A:<---------------' | |
code_for_D(); | |
code_for_E(); | |
code_for_F(); | |
goto B; --------' |
While this code is correct (it executes steps A to H in sequence), it will take a programmer some time to guess how the code flows from A to H, by following back and forward the gotos.
For an alternate open that can sometimes be used to "hide" the gotos, one of our programmers got us using what he calls "do once" loops. They look like this:
failed = true; // default to failure
do // once
if( fail == func1(parm1) )
{ // emit error
failed = false; // we only succeed if we get all the way through
// do common cleanup
// additional failure handling and/or return success/fail result
Obviously, the if block inside the 'do once' would be repeated. For example, we like this structure for setting up a network connection because there are many steps that have the possibility of failure. This structure can get tricky to use if you need a switch or another loop embedded within, but it has proven to be a surprisingly handy way to deal with error detection and common cleanup for us.
If you hate it, don't use it. (smile) We like it.

Best practices for non-local exit with cleanup in C?

What is considered best practice for aborting on errors in C?
In our code base we currently have a pattern using
#define CHECKERROR(code) if(code) { return code; }
but this leads to resources not being closed in code of the form
/* not actual code due to non-disclosure restrictions */
int somefunction() {
handle_t res1, res2;
int errorcode;
res1 = getResource();
res2 = getResource();
errorcode = action1(res1, res2);
errorcode = action2(res1, res2);
return errorcode;
I came across the pattern
/* initialize resources */
do {
/* ... */
errorcode = action();
if(errorcode) break;
/* ... */
} while(0);
/* cleanup resources */
return errorcode;
before in articles, but couldn't find any source discussing it now.
What is a good practice, that would be considered idiomatic to C? Does the do { } while(0); pattern qualify? Is there an idiomatic way to make it more clear, that it is not intended to be a loop, but a block with non-local exit?
What is considered best practice for aborting on errors in C?
What is a good practice, that would be considered idiomatic to C?
Really, nothing. There is no best-practice. Best is to tailor a specific solution to the specific case you are handling. For sure - concentrate on writing readable code.
Let's mention some documents. MISRA 2008 has the following. The rule is strict - single exit point. So you have to assign variables and jump to a single return statement
Rule 6–6–5 (Required) A function shall have a single point of exit at
the end of the function.
Error handling is the only place where using goto is actually encouraged. Linux Kernel Coding style presents and encourages using goto to "keep all exit points close". The style is not enforced - not all kernel functions use this. See Linux kernel coding style # Centralized exiting of functions.
The kernel recommendation of goto was adopted by SEI-C: MEM12-C. Consider using a goto chain when leaving a function on error when using and releasing resources.
Does the do { } while(0); pattern qualify?
Sure, why not. If you do not allocate any more resources inside the do { .. here .. }while(0) block, you might as well write a separate function and then call return from it.
There are also expansions on the idea. Even implementations of exceptions in C using longjmp. I know of ThrowTheSwitch/CException.
Overall, error handling in C is not easy. Handling errors from multiple libraries becomes extremely hard and is an art of its own. See MBed OS error-handling, mbed_error.h, even a site that explains MBed OS error codes.
Strongly prefer single return point from your functions - as you found out, using your CHECK(errorcode); will leak resources. Multiple return places are confusing. Consider using gotos:
int somefunction() {
int errorcode = 0;
handle_t res1 = getResource();
if (!res1) {
errorcode = somethnig;
goto res1_fail;
handle_t res2 = getResource();
if (!res2) {
errorcode = somethnig_else;
goto res2_fail;
errorcode = action1(res1, res2);
if (!errorcode) {
goto actions_fail;
errorcode = action2(res1, res2);
if (!errorcode) {
goto actions_fail;
return errorcode;
First of all, mysterious macros such as your CHECKERROR which hide away flow control are widely considered very bad practice. Don't do that - creating secret macro languages that no other C programmer understands is a much more serious quality concern than code repetition. Code repetition isn't good but it shouldn't be solved by creating a much worse problem. Assume that the reader knows C well, but don't assume that they know or want to know your secret macro language local to this project.
In idiomatic C there are two acceptable ways to write this code. Either with explicit return or with the "on error goto" pattern à la BASIC. I would generally recommend the return version since it saves you from having that old tiresome "goto considered harmful" debate yet again. But goto to a clean-up at the end of the function is acceptable too, as long as you only jump downwards.
(Your do-while(0) with break is just a goto in disguise. It isn't better or worse.)
The single point of return from functions is also debated, especially in the context of MISRA-C (see this). Multiple returns from a function is however fine as long as it doesn't make the code harder to read. In practice this means that you should avoid return (or goto) from inside deeply nested loops or statements. Generally keep the "cyclomatic complexity" (the number of possible execution paths in a function) as low as possible.
In case you need to free up resources, I personally prefer return over goto. For return you need to make a wrapper function, which also serves the purpose of separating resource allocation from the algorithm. I would have rewritten your code like this:
typedef enum // use an actual enum not sloppy int
OK, // keeping code 0 for no error is the most common practice
} err_t;
static err_t the_actual_algorithm (handle_t res1, handle_t res2) // likely inlined
err_t errorcode;
errorcode = action1(res1, res2);
if(errorcode != OK) { return errorcode; }
errorcode = action2(res1, res2);
if(errorcode != OK) { return errorcode; }
return OK;
err_t somefunction (void) // note void, not empty parenthesis which is obsolete style
handle_t res1, res2;
err_t errorcode;
res1 = getResource();
res2 = getResource();
errorcode = the_actual_algorithm(res1, res2);
return errorcode;

How can I goto the value of a String in C?

I am programming a robot in C, and I have run into a problem I can't seem to figure out.
The only way to solve this problem would be to use a lot of goto statements.
I am trying to figure out a way to save myself writing over 100 goto points and statements and if statements, etc. and am wondering if there is a way to goto the value of a string. for example-
string Next = "beginning";
goto Next;
Is there any way to goto the value of Next, or to substitute in the value of Next into the goto statement?
If there is a way to do this, then I will be able to just change the value of Next for each driving command, and then goto whatever the value of the string Next is.
In other words, just converting the string to a goto identifier, or substituting it in place of one.
Thanks for the help!
A lot of you guys are suggesting the use of switch statements. I am not sure this would work because of how i have it programmed. The structure of the program is here--
by the way this code only includes a little of what i actually have, my real code is over 500 lines so far. Also, the driving commands are majorly simplified. but the basic concept is here, easier to understand than what i wouldve had.
task main()
//integer list
int forwardDrivingSelector = 0;
int backwardDrivingSelector = 0;
int rightRotatingSelector = 0;
string nextCommand;
int waitTime = 0;
int countup = 0;
//driving commands
while(forwardDrivingSelector == 1)
motor[leftMotor] = 127;
motor[rightMotor] = 127;
if(countup == waitTime)
countup = 0;
goto nextCommand;
while(backwardDrivingSelector == 1)
motor[leftMotor] = -127;
motor[rightMotor] = 127;
if(countup == waitTime)
countup = 0;
goto nextCommand;
while(rightRotatingSelector == 1)
motor[leftMotor] = 127;
motor[rightMotor] = -127;
if(countup == waitTime)
countup = 0;
goto nextCommand;
//autonomous driving code
//first command, drive forward for 1000 milliseconds
forwardDrivingSelector = 1;
nextCommand = "secondCommand";
waitTime = 1000;
goto driveForward;
forwardDrivingSelector = 0;
//second command, rotate right for 600 milliseconds
rightRotatingSelector = 1;
nextCommand = "thirdCommand";
waitTime = 600;
goto rightRotate;
rightRotatingSelector = 0;
//third command, drive backwards for 750 milliseconds
backwardDrivingSelector = 1;
nextCommand = "end";
waitTime = 750;
goto driveBackward;
backwardDrivingSelector = 0;
so. how this works.
i have a list of integers, including driving command selectors, the countup and waitTime integers, and the string that i was talking about, nextCommand.
next comes the driving commands. in my real code, i have about 30 commands, and they are all hooked up to a remote control and its over 400 lines for just the driving commands.
next comes the autonomous code. the reason i set it up like this is so that the autonomous code part would be, short, simple, and to the point. pretty much to add a command to the driving code, you turn on the selector, tell the nextCommand string what the next command is, set the waitTime (which is how long it does the command, in milliseconds), then you make the code goto the driving command which you are putting in. the driving command drives for the amount of time you put in, then does goto nextCommand;
This would all theoretically work if there was a way to make the goto statement 'interpret' the string as an identifier so it can be changed.
There are about 4 simple ways i can think of right now that could get past this easily, but they would make the code really really long and cluttered.
Now that you have a better understanding of my question, any more input? :)
btw - i am using a program called robotC, and i am programming a vex robot. so i HAVE to use plain, basic, C, and i cant use any addons or anything... which is another reason this is complicated because i cant have multiple classes and stuff like that...
As an extension to the C language, GCC provides a feature called computed gotos, which allow you to goto a label computed at runtime. However, I strongly recommend you reconsider your design.
Instead of using gotos with over a hundred labels (which will easily lead to unmaintainable spaghetti code), consider instead using function pointers. The code will be much more structured and maintainable.
Instead of goto's, I'd call one of 100 functions. While C won't handle the conversion from string to function for you, it's pretty easy to use a sorted array of structs:
struct fn {
char name[whatever];
void (*func)(void);
Then do (for example) a binary search through the array to find the function that matches a string.
Also note that many real systems provide things like GetProcAddress (Windows) or dlsym (Unix/Linux) to handle some of the work for you.
You're thinking about this the wrong way. Each of the actions you need to call should be a function, then you can choose which function should be called next by inspecting a "next" variable.
This could be a string as you've mentioned, but you might be best using a enumerated type to make readable, but more efficient code.
The alternative, though probably overkill, would be to ensure your functions all use the same parameters and return types, and then use a function pointer to track which piece of code should be executed next.
Small tip: If you ever think you need more than 1 goto statement to achieve a certain goal you're probably not looking at the best solution.
You need to step back and consider other solutions for the problem you are trying to solve. One of them might look like this:
void DoSomething() {
void DoSomethingElse() {
printf("Something else\n");
void (*nextStep)(void) = NULL;
nextStep = DoSomething;
nextStep = DoSomethingElse;
See it in action.
How about a switch? Either use an int/enum/whatever or inspect the value of the string (loop over it and strcmp, for instance) to figure out the destination.
const char *dsts[n_dsts] = {"beginning","middle",...};
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n_dsts; i++) if(strcmp(dsts[i]) == 0) break;
switch(i) {
case 0: // whatever
case 1: // whatever
default: // Error, dest not found
Firstly, let me preface this by agreeing with everyone else: this is probably not the right way to go about what you're trying to do. In particular, I think you probably want a finite-state machine, and I recommend this article for guidelines on how to do that.
That said . . . you can more or less do this by using a switch statement. For example:
goto HelperLabel;
case ENDING:
Next = ENDING;
goto HelperLabel;
(Note that a switch statement requires integers or integer-like values rather than strings, but you can use an enum to create those integers in a straightforward way.)
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff's_device for the original, canonical example of using switch/case as a goto.
#define GOTO_HELPER(str, label) \
if (strcmp(str, #label) == 0) goto label;
#define GOTO(str) do { \
GOTO_HELPER(str, beginning) \
GOTO_HELPER(str, end) \
} while (0)
int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
return 1;
return 0;

Is there any other method to handle many 'malloc' failures?

I'm trying to write a function in C to solve a math problem. In that function, there are several steps, and each step needs to allocate some memory with the size depending on the calculation results in previous steps (so I can't allocate them all at the beginning of the function). The pseudo code looks like:
int func(){
int *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4;
p1 = malloc(...);
return -1; //fail in step 1
p2 = malloc(...);
return -2; //fail in step 2
p3 = malloc(...);
return -3; //fail in step 3
p4 = malloc(...);
free(p3); /* I have to write too many "free"s here! */
return -4; //fail in step 4
return 0; //normal exit
The above way to handle malloc failures is so ugly. Thus, I do it in the following way:
int func(){
int *p1=NULL, *p2=NULL, *p3=NULL, *p4=NULL;
int retCode=0;
/* other "malloc"s and "if" blocks here */
p3 = malloc(...);
retCode = -3; //fail in step 3
p4 = malloc(...);
retCode = -4; //fail in step 4
return retCode; //normal exit
Although I believe it's more brief, clear, and beautiful now, my team mate is still strongly against the use of 'goto'. And he suggested the following method:
int func(){
int *p1=NULL, *p2=NULL, *p3=NULL, *p4=NULL;
int retCode=0;
/* other "malloc"s and "if" blocks here */
p4 = malloc(...);
retCode = -4; //fail in step 4
return retCode; //normal exit
Hmmm, it seems a way to avoid the use of 'goto', but this way increases indents, which makes the code ugly.
So my question is, is there any other method to handle many 'malloc' failures in a good code style? Thank you all.
goto in this case is legitimate. I see no particular advantage to the do{}while(0) block as its less obvious what pattern it is following.
First of all, there's nothing wrong with goto—this is a perfectly legitimate use of goto. The do { ... } while(0) with break statements are just gotos in disguise, and it only serves to obfuscate the code. Gotos are really the best solution in this case.
Another option is to put a wrapper around malloc (e.g. call it xmalloc) which kills the program if malloc fails. For example:
void *xmalloc(size_t size)
void *mem = malloc(size);
if(mem == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory trying to malloc %zu bytes!\n", size);
return mem;
Then use xmalloc everywhere in place of malloc, and you no longer need to check the return value, since it will return a valid pointer if it returns at all. But of course, this is only usable if you want allocation failures to be an unrecoverable failure. If you want to be able to recover, then you really do need to check the result of every allocation (though honestly, you'll probably have another failure very soon after).
Ask your teammate how he would re-write this sort of code:
if (!grabResource1()) goto res1failed;
if (!grabResource2()) goto res2failed;
if (!grabResource3()) goto res3failed;
(do stuff)
And ask how he would generalize it to n resources. (Here, "grabbing a resource" could mean locking a mutex, opening a file, allocating memory, etc. The "free on NULL is OK" hack does not solve everything...)
Here, the alternative to goto is to create a chain of nested functions: Grab a resource, call a function that grabs another resource and calls another function that grabs a resource and calls another function... When a function fails, its caller can free its resource and return failure, so the releasing happens as the stack unwinds. But do you really think this is easier to read than the gotos?
(Aside: C++ has constructors, destructors, and the RAII idiom to handle this sort of thing. But in C, this is the one case where goto is clearly the right answer, IMO.)
There's nothing wrong with goto in error handling and there's actually no code difference between using a do { ... } while(0); with breaks; instead of goto (since they're both jmp instructions). I would say that seems normal. One thing you could do that is shorter is create an array of int * types and iterate through while calling malloc. If one fails free the ones that are non-null and return an error code. This is the cleanest way I can think of so something like
int *arr[4];
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
if (!(arr[i] = malloc(sizeof(int))) {
retCode = -(i + 1); //or w/e error
if (errorCode)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (arr[i])
or something along those lines (used brain compiler for this so I might be wrong)
Not only does this shorten your code but also avoids goto's (which I don't see anything wrong with) so you and your teammate can both be happy :D
David Hanson wrote the book C Interfaces and Implementations: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software. His Mem interface provides functions that are "similar to those in the standard C library, but they don't accept zero sizes and never return null pointers." The source code includes a production implementation and a checking implementation.
He also implements an Arena interface. The Arena interface releases you from the obligation to call free() for every malloc(). Instead, there's just a single call to free the entire arena.
CII source code
If an allocation fails, simply assign the error code as normal. conditionalize each malloc like so:
if (retCode < 0) malloc...
and then at the end of your code, add this:
int * p_array[] = { p1, p2, p3, p4};
for (int x = -retCode + 1; x >= 0; x-- )

Flow controlling macros with 'goto'

Yes, two hated constructs combined. Is it as bad as it sounds or can it be seen as a good way to control usage of goto and also provide a reasonable cleanup strategy?
At work we had a discussion about whether or not to allow goto in our coding standard. In general nobody wanted to allow free usage of goto but some were positive about using it for cleanup jumps. As in this code:
void func()
char* p1 = malloc(16);
if( !p1 )
goto cleanup;
char* p2 = malloc(16);
if( !p2 )
goto cleanup;
goto norm_cleanup;
if( p1 )
if( p2 )
The abovious benefit of such use is that you don't have to end up with this code:
void func()
char* p1 = malloc(16);
if( !p1 ){
char* p2 = malloc(16);
if( !p2 ){
char* p3 = malloc(16);
if( !p3 ){
Especially in constructor-like functions with many allocations this can sometimes grow very bad, not the least when someone has to insert something in the middle.
So, in order to be able to use goto, but still clearly isolate it from being used freely, a set of flow controlling macros was created for handling the task. Looks something like this (simplified):
#define FAIL_SECTION_BEGIN int exit_code[GUID] = 0;
#define FAIL_SECTION_DO_EXIT_IF( cond, exitcode ) if(cond){exit_code[GUID] = exitcode; goto exit_label[GUID];}
#define FAIL_SECTION_ERROR_EXIT(code) exit_label[GUID]: if(exit_code[GUID]) int code = exit_code[GUID];else goto end_label[GUID]
#define FAIL_SECTION_END end_label[GUID]:
We can use this as follows:
int func()
char* p1 = NULL;
char* p2 = NULL;
char* p3 = NULL;
p1 = malloc(16);
p2 = malloc(16);
p3 = malloc(16);
if( p3 )
if( p2 )
if( p1 )
return code;
return 0;
It looks nice, and comes with many benefits, BUT, are there any drawbacks we should be thinking about before rolling this out into development? It is after all very flow controlling and goto:ish. Both are discouraged. What are the arguments for discouraging them in this case?
Error handling is one of the rare situations when goto is not so bad.
But if I had to maintain that code I would be very upset that goto are hidden by macros.
So in this case goto is OK for me but not macros.
Using goto to go to a common error handler/cleanup/exit sequence is absolutely fine.
This code:
void func()
char* p1 = malloc(16);
if( !p1 )
goto cleanup;
char* p2 = malloc(16);
if( !p2 )
goto cleanup;
if( p1 )
if( p2 )
can be legally written as:
void func()
char* p1 = malloc(16);
char* p2 = malloc(16);
whether or not the memory allocations succeed.
This works because free() does nothing if passed a NULL pointer. You can use the same idiom when designing your own APIs to allocate and free other resources:
// return handle to new Foo resource, or 0 if allocation failed
FOO_HANDLE AllocFoo();
// release Foo indicated by handle, - do nothing if handle is 0
void ReleaseFoo( FOO_HANDLE h );
Designing APIs like this can considerably simplify resource management.
Cleanup with goto is a common C idiom and is used in Linux kernel*.
**Perhaps Linus' opinion is not the best example of a good argument, but it does show goto being used in a relatively large scale project.*
If the first malloc fails you then cleanup both p1 and p2. Due to the goto, p2 is not initialised and may point to anything. I ran this quickly with gcc to check and attempting to free(p2) would indeed cause a seg fault.
In your last example the variables are scoped inside the braces (i.e. they only exist in the FAIL_SECTION_BEGIN block).
Assuming the code works without the braces you'd still have to initialise all the pointers to NULL before FAIL_SECTION_BEGIN to avoid seg faulting.
I have nothing against goto and macros but I prefer Neil Butterworth's idea..
void func(void)
void *p1 = malloc(16);
void *p2 = malloc(16);
void *p3 = malloc(16);
if (!p1 || !p2 || !p3) goto cleanup;
/* ... */
if (p1) free(p1);
if (p2) free(p2);
if (p3) free(p3);
Or if it's more appropriate..
void func(void)
void *p1 = NULL;
void *p2 = NULL;
void *p3 = NULL;
p1 = malloc(16);
if (!p1) goto cleanup;
p2 = malloc(16);
if (!p2) goto cleanup;
p3 = malloc(16);
if (!p3) goto cleanup;
/* ... */
if (p1) free(p1);
if (p2) free(p2);
if (p3) free(p3);
The term "Structured Programming" which we all know as the anti-goto thing originally started and developed as a bunch of coding patterns with goto's (or JMP's). Those patterns were called the while and if patterns, amongst others.
So, if you are using goto's, use them in a structured way. That limits the damage. And those macro's seem a reasonable approach.
The original code would benefit from using multiple return statements - there is no need to hop around the error return clean up code. Plus, you normally need the allocated space released on an ordinary return too - otherwise you are leaking memory. And you can rewrite the example without goto if you are careful. This is a case where you can usefully declare variables before otherwise necessary:
void func()
char *p1 = 0;
char *p2 = 0;
char *p3 = 0;
if ((p1 = malloc(16)) != 0 &&
(p2 = malloc(16)) != 0 &&
(p3 = malloc(16)) != 0)
// Use p1, p2, p3 ...
When there are non-trivial amounts of work after each allocation operation, then you can use a label before the first of the free() operations, and a goto is OK - error handling is the main reason for using goto these days, and anything much else is somewhat dubious.
I look after some code which does have macros with embedded goto statements. It is confusing on first encounter to see a label that is 'unreferenced' by the visible code, yet that cannot be removed. I prefer to avoid such practices. Macros are OK when I don't need to know what they do - they just do it. Macros are not so OK when you have to know what they expand to to use them accurately. If they don't hide information from me, they are more of a nuisance than a help.
Illustration - names disguised to protect the guilty:
#define rerrcheck if (currval != &localval && globvar->currtub && \
globvar->currtub->te_flags & TE_ABORT) \
{ if (globvar->currtub->te_state) \
globvar->currtub->te_state->ts_flags |= TS_FAILED;\
else \
delete_tub_name(globvar->currtub->te_name); \
goto failure; \
#define rgetunsigned(b) {if (_iincnt>=2) \
{_iinptr+=2;_iincnt-=2;b = ldunsigned(_iinptr-2);} \
else {b = _igetunsigned(); rerrcheck}}
There are several dozen variants on rgetunsigned() that are somewhat similar - different sizes and different loader functions.
One place where these are used contains this loop - in a larger block of code in a single case of a large switch with some small and some big blocks of code (not particularly well structured):
for (i = 0 ; i < no_of_rows; i++)
row_t *tmprow = &val->v_coll.cl_typeinfo->clt_rows[i];
rgetpbuf(tmprow->fieldname, IDENTSIZE);
rgetpbuf(tmprow->xtype_name, IDENTSIZE);
rgetpbuf(tmprow->xtype_owner_name, IDENTSIZE);
It isn't obvious that the code there is laced with goto statements! And clearly, a full exegesis of the sins of the code it comes from would take all day - they are many and varied.
The first example looks much more readable to me than the macroised version.
And mouviciel said it much better than I did
#define malloc_or_die(size) if(malloc(size) == NULL) exit(1)
It's not like you can really recover from failed malloc's unless you have software worth writing a transaction system for, if you do, add roll back code to malloc_or_die.
For a real example of good use of goto, check out parsing dispatch code that use computed goto.
